*STTR Project:  Silicon Nanowire Solar Cell-- Illuminex Corporation, 1064 New Holland Ave., Lancaster, PA 17601; 717‑295‑3746

Dr. Youssef M Habib, Principal Investigator; joe.habib@illuminex.biz

Dr. Youssef M Habib, Business Official, job.habib@illuminex.biz

DOE Grant No. DE‑FG02‑07ER86313

Amount:  $100,000


Research Institution

Penn State University

University Park, PA


There is a tremendous need to develop alternative energy sources to alleviate the economic, political, and environmental burdens created by our continuing reliance on fossil fuel.  Photovoltaic generation of electricity from the sun is an elegant and practical alternative source of usable energy.  This project will research the use of silicon nanowires to develop and commercialize a high efficiency, low cost solar cell. 


Commercial Applications and other Benefits as described by the awardee:   The use of nanotechnology in solar cell development should lead to the implementation of photovoltaic devices that are cost competitive with other energy sources.  The technology not only should compete in the solar energy market but also should open new markets for the integration of solar cells in portable consumer electronic devices, such as cell phones and lap top computers.