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Follow this link to FirstGov's Interagency Graphics and Photos page. FirstGov's page will lead you to photos and graphics that are in the public domain. These images can be used or reproduced without permission or fee.

Image Library

Below are an assortment of logos for use in web design.
IHS Logo
size: 1910 x 1914
type: gif image
IHS Logo (aliased)
IHS Logo (anti-aliased)
Older Web Site icon
size: 75 x 68
type: gif image
Older Web Site Icon
HHS Logo
size: 2099 x 1906
type: gif image
HHS Logo (aliased)
HHS Logo (anti-aliased)
PHS Logo
size: 283 x 283
type: gif image
PHS Logo (aliased)

The images above should prove useful in your web design work. Information about the size and type of each image is given as well as whether or not the image is anti-aliased. Anti-aliased images smooth out the "jagged" curves of computer graphics by approximating intermediate colors between edges. Anti-aliased images have a significantly larger file size than aliased images. Aliased images may prove easier for a novice to use in a graphic editing package particularly if you will be using the Select tool to choose parts of the image to alter. Clicking on the image title will take you to the graphic. Once the graphic is loaded, right click on the graphic with your mouse and choose "Save Picture As" to save it locally on your computer.

The largest images available have been provided above, so downloading might take some time, and you might not see all of the image all at once in your browser window. You can set your browser to automatically re-size images to fit in your browser window by going to "Tools" > "Internet Options" > "Advanced" and then selecting "Enable Automatic Image Resizing" under the "Multimedia" heading. When working with the image in a graphic editing program either shrink it to the size you want or view it at a smaller percentage of its actual size. If you wish to recolor the graphic, it is best to download the aliased image. Then, in your graphics program, choose the equivalent of the paint bucket tool. Choose the color you want and then "paint" the graphic with that color. Do this before you attempt to resize the graphic.

Please e-mail comments to Mike Durkin (

This file last modified: Tuesday May 15, 2007  11:05 AM