Laboratory Animal Sciences Program
Center for Cancer Research NCI-Frederick

NCI-Frederick ACUC - Download Primary Reviewer's Summary and Recommendation

The ACUC Download Primary Reviewer's Summary and Recommendation is now available as a Microsoft Word Template. This template can be easily used to create the Primary Reviewer's Summary and Recommendation used by the NCI-Frederick ACUC. And since the proposals you create will be Microsoft Word documents, the proposal can also be saved, edited, printed, faxed, or even e-mailed at any time. To download and use the Microsoft Word Primary Reviewer's Summary and Recommendation template, simply follow the instructions below.

  1. Click the following link to download the template:
  2. When prompted by your web browser, open the file.
  3. Complete the form, and save the file as Word document.

You can also download this template to your computer by choosing to save the file when prompted by your web browser. Save it in the Microsoft Office Template Directory on your computer (usually in the Microsoft Office/Templates folder). To start a new proposal, start Microsoft Word. If you are using a newer version of Microsoft Word, choose General Templates from the New from template section of the New Document menu on the right side of your screen. If you are using an older version of Microsoft Word, select File, New... from the menus at the top. Select as the document template.

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