Fall 2008  Youth Library Events Fall 2008
Kinder Science @ Tempe Public Library
Ages 5-6 years
These story-hour and activity based programs will introduce the world of science to your child through play, exploration, and picture books. Class participants will receive a free book on the featured topic during class. Registration is required and includes both classes. Sponsored by Target. Please register at http://pkreconline.tempe.gov Location: YLMR Fee: None. Code: 13643
Toys That Fly October 7 Tuesday 4-5 pm
Magnet Tricks November 4 Tuesday 4-5 pm
Nature Detective Book Club
Ages 7-9 years
Become a Nature detective and examine the clues of a different animal each month. Detectives will participate in an interesting book discussion followed by interactive games and activities. A scientific craft will end the hour of investigation. Participants receive a free book on the featured animal. Registration is required and includes both sessions. Please register at http://pkreconline.tempe.gov Location: YLMR Fee: None. Code: 13644
Birds October 21 Tuesday 4-5 pm
Spiders November 18 Tuesday 4-5 pm
Saturday Science at the Library
Ages 9-12 years
Come join us as we journey into the fascinating world of science! Program will include interactive games, activities, and a real scientific experiment. Registration is required and includes both sessions. Please register at http://pkreconline.tempe.gov     Location: YLMR Fee: None. Code: 13645
Weather Wonders October 11 Saturday 10:30am-12 noon
Shocking Static Electricity November 15 Saturday 10:30am-12 noon
Fire and Ice
All Ages
Children will be dazzled and entertained as they interact with professional Mad Scientists! This spectacular show will thrill audiences with impressive science experiments including foggy dry ice storms, floating giant beach balls, shivering scissors, and bubbly showers. Volunteers from the audience can taste a Mad Science "burp" potion. No registration is required. Location: LIBR. Fee: None.
October 25 Saturday 1-2pm
Princess Academy
Ages: 7 years and younger
Calling all Princesses! - open enrollment for Princess Academy has begun! Join us for Princess books, songs, fun and crafts. Princesses will be asked to complete royal tasks and polish their skills. Princess outfits are encouraged. Princes are also invited to join the fun. Program is geared toward children 7 years and younger. No registration is required. Location: LIBR Fee: None.
November 18 Saturday 10-12pm
Exploring History @ Tempe Public Library      
Ages 8-12 years      
Would you like to experience a taste of what life was like in days long ago? Join us at the library as we explore history with games, activities, crafts and snacks. Registration is required and includes both sessions. Location: YLMR Fee: None. Code: 13658
Oregon Trail October 1 Wednesday 4-5pm
Middle Ages November 12 Wednesday 4-5pm
Anime Club @ Tempe Public Library      
Ages 11-18 years
Share your interest in Japanese anime and manga with your fellow teens. The anime club gathers every two weeks on Wednesdays, to review and discuss anime, manga, and other related subjects. No registration is required. Location: YLMR Fee: None.
Meets on 9/10, 9/24, 10/8, 10/22, 11/5   Wednesdays 4-5:15pm
Game On! @ Tempe Public Library    
Ages 12-18 years      
Relax with your fellow teens for an hour of after school gaming fun! Teens meet at the library every Thursday afternoon from 4-5pm to play games and socialize. There is a wide selection of games to choose from. Teens are welcome to bring in their own games as well. No registration is required.   Location YLMR. Fee: None.  
September 11 - November 20   Thursdays 4-5pm