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SAMHSA News - November/December 2004, Volume 12, Number 6

SAMHSA News in Print
2004 Index E–M

This index includes entries for all six issues of SAMHSA News for 2004. Each issue is numbered:

  • January/February (1)
  • March/April (2)
  • May/June (3)
  • July/August (4)
  • September/ October (5)
  • November/December (6).

Specific pages follow. Entries in boldface type are SAMHSA’s Matrix of Priority Programs described in detail on SAMHSA’s homepage at www.samhsa.gov. Entries in italics are publications.

ecstasy (4) 10; (5) 21; (6) 12, 14
emergency room visits (5) 21
employment programs for homeless people who have mental illnesses (5) 19, 20
ethnic disparities in treatment (5) 13
evidence-based interventions for adolescents using marijuana (3) 5, 7
evidence-based practices
 child traumatic stress (2) 11
 co-occurring disorders (3) 16; (5) 11, 13, 14
 homeless people (1) 12
 mental and substance use disorders (3) 4
 older adults (4) 1, 2, 4
 substance abuse treatment (1) 11
evidence-based prevention programs (4) 8
evidence-based treatment models (5) 7

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faith-based programs (3) 8; (5) 23
families (See children and families)
family preparedness (2) 11
Family Services Research Center (5) 7
Family Support Network for Adolescent Cannabis Users (3) 7
family therapy (5) 7; (6) 11
Federal Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records (1) 5
Federal Emergency Management Agency (6) 17
Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health (1) 8, 10
foreign-born youth, substance abuse among (1) 2
four-quadrant model (5) 10, 11

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gaps in health care quality (5) 12
Get Connected! Linking Older Adults with Medication, Alcohol, and Mental Health Resources (3) 14; (4) 4
GHB abuse (5) 21
Government Performance and Results Act (2) 9
Graduated Driver Licensing and Drinking among Young Drivers (4) 12
 announcement process (1) 6, 7; (2) 9; (4) 19
 awards (6) 14, 15
 funding opportunities (3) 16; (6) 14

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hallucinogens and youth (2) 10, 11
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act—HIPAA (1) 3-5; (4) 9
Health Resources and Services Administration (2) 4
HealthierUS Initiative (4) 8
heroin (2) 1, 10, 11; (4) 15
HIV/AIDS & hepatitis
 and substance abuse (2) 4; (5) 10, 13
 and rapid testing (6) 1-3, 10
Hmong refugees (4) 2, 3
 and housing and treatment programs (5) 15
 and mental illness (1) 12, 13
 and people with co-occurring disorders (5) 15
 and substance abuse services (1) 12, 13
 employment programs (5) 19, 20
 grants (2) 9; (3) 16; (6) 15
housing (1) 12, 13
How Youths Obtain Marijuana (3) 9
hurricane assistance (6) 16, 17

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illicit drug use/abuse (1) 15; (2) 10, 11; (3) 12; (4) 17; (5) 5; (6) 12, 13
infrastructure grants (1) 7
inhalant use prevention (1) 11
integrated treatment (1) 12; (5) 9-16
International Classification of Diseases (1) 3, 4
International Conference on Pain and Chemical Dependency (2) 12
Introducing Office-Based Treatment for Opioid Addiction (2) 2
Iraq, rebuilding health care system in (3) 1-4

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Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (2) 12
juvenile justice system (5) 6, 7

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ketamine (5) 21

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Lakeside Treatment and Learning Center (1) 1, 8, 9
Leadership To Keep Children Alcohol Free (3) 13
Lewistown, PA, buprenorphine program (2) 7
long-term care (6) 7
LSD (2) 10, 11; (6) 12

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 abuse (4) 6, 17; (5) 5; (6) 12
 treatment (3) 5-7; (4) 15
 use by teens/youth (2) 10, 11; (3) 9; (4) 12; (6) 12, 13
matrix for treating co-occurring disorders (5) 10
Medicaid Managed Behavioral Health Care Benchmarking Project (1) 11
 checklist (4) 5
 misuse (3) 14
 safety tips (4) 6
Medicine Wheel and 12 Steps (5) 4
mental health
 and older adults (3) 14; (4) 1-4
 budget (2) 8, 9
 consumers (5) 23
 discrimination (4) 7
 disorders and substance abuse (5) 9-16
 services (2) 8, 9; (3) 15; (5) 23; (6) 5-7
 statistics (5) 23
 treatment facilities (1) 1, 8, 9
Mental Health: It’s Part of All Our Lives (4) 7
Mental Health Statistics Improvement Program (1) 11
mental health system transformation (1) 1, 8-10, 12, 13; (2) 8, 9; (3) 2-4; (4) 1-4
Mental Health, United States, 2002 (5) 23; (6) 5
mental illness
 and employment (5) 19, 20
 and substance abuse (5) 6, 7
 discrimination and stigma of (4) 7
 serious (5) 5-7, 16
medication-assisted treatment (2) 1-7, 12; (4) 14, 15; (6) 9, 10
Methadone-Associated Mortality, Report of a National Assessment (2) 12
methadone treatment programs (2) 12
methadone use, illicit (2) 12
methamphetamine abuse treatment admissions (4) 15
Methodist Home for Children and Youth (1) 9
Minority AIDS Initiative (6) 10
Minority Fellowship Program (6) 6, 7, 15
Missouri Department of Mental Health, Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse (2) 12
Model Programs (2) 7
mothers, drug-abusing (3) 16, 17; (4) 16; (6) 15
motivational enhancement therapy (3) 5-7
Motivational Enhancement Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescent Cannabis Users (3) 5-7
Multidimensional Family Therapy for Adolescent Cannabis Users (3) 7
Multisystemic Therapy (5) 7

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Inside This Issue

SAMHSA Launches Rapid HIV Testing Initiative
Related Content:
From the Administrator: HIV/AIDS: A New Effort Offers Hope
Facts About Rapid HIV Testing

21 States, 2 Territories Awarded Strategic Prevention Framework Grants
SAMHSA Announces Grant Awards
First Funding Opportunities for 2005

The Workforce Crisis: SAMHSA's Response
Related Content:
Related Resources

Special Web Article
Policy Academy Strives To Improve Services for Older Adults

SAMHSA Heads Drug-Free Communities Program

Buprenorphine Update: Mentoring Program Supports Physicians Treating Opioid Addiction

TIP 39: Integrating Substance Abuse Treatment and Family Therapy

2003 Survey: Marijuana Use Drops Among Youth, Risk Perceptions Climb
Related Content:
  • Chart—New Marijuana Users
  • Chart—Past-Year Perceived Need

    Helping State Agencies Weather '04 Hurricane Season

    In Brief…
    Preventive Services Publication Released
    New Treatment Booklet

    SAMHSA News in Print 2004 Index
  • Index A–D
  • Index E–M
  • Index N–R
  • Index S–Y

    SAMHSA News

    SAMHSA News - November/December 2004, Volume 12, Number 6

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