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Student Programs

The National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), offers a variety of internship programs to students, starting in high school. There are summer positions as well as part-time, year-round internships that provide high-school students and college undergraduates with the opportunity to work in an NCI research lab. Visit the links below to learn more about specific programs and awards and how to apply.

Cancer Research Training Award (CRTA)

The CRTA is the NCI’s universal, umbrella fellowship program for domestic fellows (non-US citizens must have a permanent resident card to be eligible for this program). The CRTA program is intended to provide high-quality scientific training for high school, university, graduate, law, and medical school students and graduates. This web page provides a listing of NCI-Frederick principal investigators/laboratories who participate in CRTA program (participation is dependent on budget/space resources at time of application. For more information, click here.

College Internships

The Undergraduate Internship Program at the NCI-Frederick is currently under development.  As information becomes available, it will be posted on this web site.

Werner H. Kirsten Student Intern Program (SIP)

This program, located at NCI-Frederick, is designed to expose Frederick or Washington County Public School Systems, St. John's Catholic Prep (Frederick, MD), Frederick Christian Academy (Frederick, MD) and Jefferson High School (Jefferson County, West Virginia), and Home Schooled seniors to research through "hands-on" laboratory training. Students work full-time (40 hours per week) for 9 consecutive weeks during the summer and continue during the school year (3 hours per day) as a student volunteer for high school graduation credit. During the summer, each student in this program receives a stipend of approximately $3,000. For more details, click here.

2008 Summer Student Seminar Series

The Summer Student Seminar Series allows summer interns to meet one another and hear about the broad range of research being carried out on the Frederick campus. The NCI-Frederick and USAMRIID Summer Student Seminar Series was initiated in 1997. Approximately 50-80 students attend the seminars. Free Pizza is provided to all students. For more details, click here.