Corporation for National and Community Service


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Contact: Scott VanDeman
Volunteer Florida
Phone: (850) 414-2974
Cell: (850) 251-2834


National AmeriCorps Week Service Project and Closing Ceremony to be Held in Miami

A “green” service project, the restoration of Virginia KeyBeach Park, and a rally at Bayfront Park will close the second annual national celebration of service through AmeriCorps


  • The Governor’s Commission on Volunteerism (Volunteer Florida)
  • The City of Miami
  • The Corporation for National and Community Service


  • National AmeriCorps Week Service Project/Closing Ceremony


  • Sunday, May 18, 2008


  • Virginia Key Beach Park, beginning at 9 a.m. Eastern Time
    Bayfront Park, beginning at 12:30 p.m. Eastern Time


  • To highlight opportunities for service to communities through the federal AmeriCorps program, and to inspire volunteers and the general public to a lifetime of service.

Miami has been chosen as the national site for the closing ceremony of National AmeriCorps Week. Hundreds of AmeriCorps and National Service members will participate in an exciting “green” service project with the City of Miami on May 18, and will hear nationally renowned speakers at the largest National Service Rally in Florida’s history!

“The AmeriCorps slogan is ‘Getting things done for America,’” said Governor’s Commission on Volunteerism CEO Wendy Spencer. “I look forward to AmeriCorps making history as we help to restore the environment at Virginia Key Beach Park and celebrate the spirit of service throughout our great nation. What better way to inspire AmeriCorps members to a lifetime of service than to engage them in a service project of historical significance.”


Restoring Historic Virginia Key Beach Park

Virginia Key Beach Park, dedicated in 1945, remained segregated through the 1950s until civil rights laws opened public beaches to all. In 1982, Virginia Key Beach was closed, citing high maintenance and operational costs.

In August 2002, Virginia Key Beach was placed on the National Register of Historic Places and given a Florida Historical Marker. In February 2008, the park reopened.

In partnership with the City of Miami and EcoZone, National Service members will join with city officials to plant 1,000 trees and thousands of sea oats simultaneously, restoring Virginia Key Beach Park to its former glory and leaving a legacy that will impact Miami, our state and our nation for years to come!

Miami’s EcoZone Program has accomplished meaningful environmental initiatives such as the City Hall Energy Efficiency Project, the installation of filters into storm drains to protect rivers lakes and streams, the funding of Miami “Green Lab” and the Miami BayWash Program.

AmeriCorps Week Finale Rally

There’s no better way to celebrate National Service throughout America than to have the AmeriCorps Week closing ceremony at Bayfront Park in downtown Miami. The AmeriCorps Week Finale Rally features celebrity speakers and national figures including David Eisner, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service; Henry Lozano, Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of USA Freedom Corps; and Kelly Perdew, winner of Donald Trump’s “The Apprentice.” The Finale Rally also features a special Recommitment Ceremony and live entertainment. The “Finale Service Fair” will provide an opportunity for AmeriCorps volunteers and the general public to learn about environmental and service opportunities.

The Governor’s Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service (Volunteer Florida) was established in 1994 by the Florida Legislature to administer grants under the National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993. The Commission grants funds to Florida AmeriCorps and National Service programs; encourages volunteerism for everyone from youth to seniors to people with disabilities; supports the Governor’s initiatives through creating innovative volunteer programs; promotes volunteerism for disaster preparedness and response.

The Corporation for National and Community Service improves lives, strengthens communities, and fosters civic engagement through service and volunteering. Each year the Corporation engages more than four million Americans of all ages and backgrounds in service to meet local needs through its Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and Learn and Serve America programs. For more information, visit



VIEWED ON: Wednesday, September 17, 2008