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Oil and Gas Resources in the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf as of January 1, 1999
An Expanded Update to the 1995 National Assessment
of United States Oil and Gas Resources

OCS Report MMS 2001-014


OCS Report MMS 2001-014 provides a summary of oil and gas resources in the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Region of the United States as of January 1, 1999. It presents estimates of discovered resources, undiscovered resources, and total resource endowment (the aggregate volume of discovered and undiscovered resources) and discusses the geographic distribution of oil and gas in the Region.

This report expands on and updates some information presented in the Summary and Discussion of Resource Estimates section of OCS Report MMS 97-0019, which documents the assessment of the Pacific OCS Region for the 1995 National Assessment of United States Oil and Gas Resources. Since the previous report was released in 1997, estimates of discovered resources (cumulative production and remaining reserves) and total resource endowment have changed; although estimates of undiscovered resources have not changed, the revised estimates warrant an update to the previous report.

Although the release of this report coincides with the completion of the Minerals Management Service’s most recent reassessment of undiscovered OCS resources, it is not intended to be portrayed as a regional product of that project because undiscovered resources in the Pacific OCS Region have not been reassessed. However, the time frame for the estimates in this report is identical to the time frame for the recent OCS reassessment (as of January 1, 1999); therefore, there is a common temporal framework for consideration of OCS resource estimates on a regional and national level.


This report is only available in electronic format as a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or later is required to view, navigate, and print the PDF file.


MMS welcomes feedback regarding this report. Comments and questions can be directed to Drew Mayerson by e-mail or telephone (805) 389-7707.

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Web Master: Nollie Gildow-Owens
Page content last updated 09/20/2006
Page last published 09/20/2006