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Environmental Atlas of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin

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Bibliography You are at the Bibliography section of the Environmental Atlas of Lake Pontchartrain
Jack Kindinger

Bibliography - References

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

  • Adams, R. D., 1978, Shoreline erosion in coastal Louisiana: Center for Wetland Resources, Louisiana State University, p. 103.

  • Abadie, S.W. and Poirrier, M.A., 2000, Increased density of large Rangia clams in Lake Pontchartrain after the cessation of shell dredging: Journal of Shellfish Research, v. 19, p. 481-485.

  • Alford, J. J., Kolb C. R., and Holmes, J. C., 1983, Terrace stratigraphy in the Tunica Hills of Louisiana: Quaternary Research, v. 19, p. 55-63.

  • Alford, J. J., Kolb, C. R., and Holmes, J. C., 1985, Terrace stratigraphy along the lower Red River, Louisiana: Southeastern Geology, v. 26, no.1, pp. 47-57.

  • Anderson, H. V., and Murray, GB., 1953, Shallow Pleistocene fossils in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana: Journal of Paleontology, v. 27, pp. 845-846.

  • Autin, W. J., 1984, Upland stratigraphy and geomorphology of southeastern Louisiana: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 16, no. 3, p. 123.

  • Autin, W. J., Davison, A. T., Miller, B. J., and Lindfors-Kearns, F.E., 1985, Use of Mt. Pleasant Bluff in correlation of the Prairie Formation, southeastern Louisiana: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 17, p. 150.

  • Autin, W. J., Alford, J. J., Miller, B. J., and Self, R. P., 1986, The Florida Parishes of Southeastern Louisiana, in Neathery, T. L., ed.: Southeastern Section of the Geological Society of America, Centennial Field Guide, v. 6, p. 419-424.

  • Autin, W. J., Burns, S. F., Miller, B. J., Saucier, R. T., and Snead, J. I., 1991, Quaternary geology of the Lower Mississippi Valley, in Morrison, R. B., ed., Quaternary nonglacial geology; conterminous United States: Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America, The Geology of North America, v. K-2, p. 547-582.

  • B

  • Baseline Monitoring Project, 2000, EPA Fiscal Years '98-'00 (State Fiscal Years '98-'00, July 1997 to June 2000), First Triennial Summary Report for the Environmental Evaluation Division of the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality,

  • Blackwelder, B. W., Pilkey, O. H., and Howard, J. D., 1979, Late Wisconsin sea levels on the southeast U.S. Atlantic shelf based on in-place shoreline indicators: Science, v.204, pp. 618-620.

  • Boesch, D.F., Josselyn, M.N., Mehta, A.J., Morris, J.T., Nuttle, W.K., Simenstad, C.A., and Swift, D.J.P., 1994, Scientific assessment of coastal wetland loss, restoration and management in Louisiana: Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue No. 20, p. 103.

  • Boyd, R., Suter, J. R., and Penland, S., 1989, Relation of sequence stratigraphy to modern sedimentary environments: Geology, v. 17, p. 926-929.

  • Bridges, R. C., 1939, Shallow Pleistocene marine shell stratum in Livingston Parish, Louisiana: Journal of Paleontology, v.13, pp. 615-616.

  • Britsch, L.D., and Kemp, E.B., 1990, Land loss rates: Mississippi River deltaic plain: Technical Report GL-90-2, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS., p. 25.

  • Britsch, L.D., and Dunbar, J.B., 1993, Land loss rates: Louisiana coastal plain: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 9, p. 324-338.

  • Broeker, W., 1961, Radiocarbon dating of Late Quaternary deposits, south Louisiana: A discussion: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 72, pp. 159-162.

  • Brown, P., Kennett, J. P., and Ingram, B. L., 1999, Marine evidence for episodic Holocene megafloods in North America and the northern Gulf of Mexico: Paleoceanography, v. 14, no. 4, p. 498-510.

  • Burns, J.W., Jr., Poirrier, M.A., and Preston, K.P., 1993. Effects of urban runoff on the environmental quality of Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana. Sub-project: Effects of New Orleans urban runoff on the distribution and structure of submerged aquatic vegetation communities in Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana: Urban Waste Management and Research Center, University of New Orleans, No. 92, p. 5.

  • Burns, J.W., Jr., and Poirrier, M.A., 1996, The Restoration of submersed aquatic vegetation in the Lake Pontchartrain estuary, Louisiana: Final report to the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation, Metairie, Louisiana.

  • C

  • Cho, H.J. and Poirrier, M.A., 2000, Effects of the 1997 Bonnet Carré Spillway opening and Hurricane Georges on submersed aquatic vegetation in Lake Pontchartrain. Sub-project: Effects of Shoreline stabilization on submersed aquatic vegetation in Lake Pontchartrain.

  • Cho, H.J., and Poirrier, M.A., 2000 (b), Current status of submerged aquatic vegetation in Lake Pontchartrain, 5th Annual Basics of the Basin Symposium, Technical Abstracts, p. 19-20.

  • Coast 2050, Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Task Force and the Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Authority, 1998

  • Coleman, J. M., and Roberts, H. H., 1988, Late Quaternary depositional framework of the Louisiana continental shelf and upper continental slope: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 38, p. 407-419.

  • Coleman, J. M., and Roberts, H. H., 1988, Sedimentary development of the Louisiana continental shelf related to sea-level cycles: Part I - Sedimentary sequences: Geo-Marine Letters, v. 8, p. 63-108.

  • Coleman, J. M., and Roberts, H. H., 1988, Sedimentary development of the Louisiana continental shelf related to sea-level cycles: Part II - Seismic response: Geo-Marine Letters, v. 8, p. 109-119.

  • Curray, J. R., 1960, Sediments and history of Holocene transgression, continental shelf northwest Gulf of Mexico, pp. 221-266, in Shepherd, F.P., F.B. Phleger, and T.H. Van Andel (eds.), Recent Sediments, Northwestern Gulf of Mexico: American Assoc. of Petroleum Geol., Tulsa, OK, p. 394.

  • Curray, J.R., 1961, Late Quaternary sea level; a discussion. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v.72, no. 11, p. 1707-1712.

  • Czapla, T. E., Monaco, M.E., Nelson, D.M., and Pattillo, M.E., 1991. Distribution and abundance of fishes and invertebrates in central Gulf of Mexico estuaries. Estuarine Living Marine Resources Rpt. No. 7. DOC/NOAA/NOS, Rockville, MD., p. 82.

  • D

  • Darnell, R., 1962, Ecological history of Lake Pontchartrain, an estuarine community: American Midland Naturalists, v. 68, p. 434.

  • Dillon, W. P., and Oldale, R. N., 1978, Late Quaternary sea level curve: Reinterpretation based on glaciotectonic influence: Geology, v. 6, p. 56-60.

  • Dortch, Q., Peterson, J., and Turner, R., 1998, Algal bloom resulting from the opening of the Bonnet Carre spillway in 1997. Fourth Bi-annual Basics of the Basin Symposium. p. 28-29.

  • Doering, J. A., 1956, Review of Quaternary surface formations of the Gulf Coast region: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 40, pp. 1816-1862.

  • Dunbar, J.B., Britsch, L.D., and Kemp, E.B., 1990, Land loss rates: Report 2, Louisiana Chenier Plain, Technical Report GL-90-2, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS., 21 p.

  • Dunbar, J.B., Britsch,L.D., and Kemp, E.B., III, 1992, Land loss rates: Report 3, Louisiana Coastal Plain, Technical Report GL-90-2, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District, New Orleans, LA, 28 p.

  • Dunbar, J. B., Blaes, M. R., Dueitt, S. E., May, J. R., and Stroud, K. W., 1994, Geologic investigation of the Mississippi River deltaic plain: Vicksburg, Mississippi, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Technical Report GL-84-15 (2 of a series), 36 plates.

  • Dunbar, J. B., Blaes, M. R., Dueitt, S. E., May, J. R., 1995, Geologic investigation of the Mississippi River deltaic plain: Vicksburg, Mississippi, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Technical Report GL-84-15 (3 of a series), 15 plates.

  • Dunbar, J.B., Blaes, M.R., Dueitt, S.E., May, J.R., 1995, Geological investigation of the Mississippi River Deltaic Plain: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Technical Report GL 84-15.

  • Durham, C. O., and Peeples, F. M., 1956, Pleistocene fault zone in southeastern Louisiana: Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, v.6, p.65.

  • Durham, C. O., Parsons, B. P., and Moore, C. H., 1967, An agnostic view of the terraces: Geological Society of America, Field Trip Guide Book: Mississippi alluvial valley and terraces: 1967 annual meeting, Part F.

  • Durham, C. O. Jr., 1982, Baton Rouge and Denham Springs faults: unpublished map, Louisiana Geological Survey, open file report.

  • E

  • Emmer, R. E., 1984, Environmental characteristics of the Pontchartrain-Maurepas basin and identification of management issues: Coastal Management Division, Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Baton Rouge, p. 1-5.

  • F

  • Fairbanks, R. G., 1989, A 17,000-year glacio-eustatic sea level record: influence of glacial melting rates on the Younger Dryas event and deep-ocean circulation: Nature, v. 342, p. 637-642.

  • Fisk, H. N., 1944, Geologic investigations of the alluvial valley of the lower Mississippi River: Vicksburg, Mississippi, U. S. Army Corp of Engineers, Mississippi River Commission, 78 p.

  • Fisk, H. N., 1951, Loess and Quaternary geology of the Lower Mississippi Valley: The Journal of Geology, v. 59, p. 333-356.

  • Fisk, H. N., and McFarlan, E. Jr., 1955, Late Quaternary deltaic deposits of the Mississippi River: Geological Society of America, Special Paper 62, p. 279-302.

  • Flint, R. F, 1963, Status of the Pleistocene Wisconsin Stage in central North America: Science, v.139. p. 402-404.

  • Flocks, J., Kindinger, J., Marot, M., Characterization, Subsurface mixing and resuspension of Holocene to recent sediments in Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, in press.

  • Francis, J.C., Poirrier, M.A., Barbe, D.E., Wijesundera, V., and Mulino, M.M., 1994, Historic trends in the Secchi disk transparency of Lake Pontchartrain: Gulf Research Report, v. 9, No 1, p. 1-16.

  • Francis, J.C. and Poirrier, M.A., 1999, Recent trends in water clarity of Lake Pontchartrain: Gulf Coast Research Reports, v. 11, p. 1-5.

  • Frazier, D. E., 1967, Recent deltaic deposits of the Mississippi River: their development and chronology: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 27, p. 287-315.

  • Frazier, D. E., 1974, Depositional episodes: Their relationship to the Quaternary stratigraphic framework in the northwestern portion of the Gulf basin: Austin, Texas Bureau of Economic Geology Circular, 74-1, 28 p.

  • Frye, J. C., and Leonard, A. B., 1965, Quaternary of the southern Great Plains: in H. E. Wright, Jr., and David G. Frey, eds, The Quaternary of the United States, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J., p. 922.

  • G

  • Gagliano, S. M., and Thom, B. G., 1967, Deweyville Terrace, Gulf and Atlantic coasts: Louisiana State University Coastal Studies Bulletin 1, p. 23-4.

  • Gagliano, S. M., Pearson, C. F., Weinstein, R. A., Wiseman, D. E., and MeClendon, C. M., 1982, Sedimentary studies of prehistoric archeological sites: Criteria for identification of submerged archeological sites on the northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf: National Park Service, Preservation Planning Series, 120 p.

  • H

  • Haralampides, K., McCorquodale, A., and Georgiou, I., 2000, Recent History of salinity in Lake Pontchartrain. Fifth Bi-Annual Basics of the Basin Research Symposium, New Orleans, LA. p. 35-36.

  • Houck, O. A., Wagner, F., and Elstrott, J. B., 1989, To restore Lake Pontchartrain: Greater New Orleans Expressway Commission, 50 p.

  • Hoyt, J. H., Weimer, R. J., and Henry, V. J., Jr., 1968, Age of Late Pleistocene shoreline deposits, coastal Georgia, pp. 381-393, in Morrison, R. B., and Wright, H. E., Jr., editors, Means of Correlation of Quaternary Successions: International Association of Quaternary Research Proc., VII International Congress, v. 8, 631 p.

  • J

  • Junot, J.A.,1979, Effects of salinity stratification and adverse water quality on the benthic invertebrate community of southern Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana. M.S. Thesis, University of New Orleans, 73 p.

  • Junot, J.A., Poirrier, M.A., and Soniat, T.M. 1983, Effects of saltwater intrusion from the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal on the benthos of Lake Pontchartrain: Gulf Research Reports, v. 7, p. 247-254.

  • K

  • Kindinger, J. L., 1988, Seismic stratigraphy of the Mississippi-Alabama shelf and upper continental slope: Marine Geology, v. 83, p. 79-94.

  • Kolb, C. R., and Van Lopik, J. R., 1958, Geology of the Mississippi River deltaic plain, southeastern Louisiana: Vicksburg, Mississippi, U. S. Army Corp of Engineers Waterways Experimental Station, Technical Report, 3-483, 120 p.

  • Kolb, C. R., Smith, F. L., and Silva, R. C., 1975, Pleistocene sediments of the New Orleans-Lake Pontchartrain area: U.S. Army Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Technical Report S-76-6, 56 p.

  • Kuecher, G. J., 1994, Geologic framework and consolidation settlement potential of the Lafourche delta, topstratum valley fill sequence: implications for wetland loss in Terrebonne and Lafourche parishes, Louisiana [Ph.D. thesis]: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Louisiana State University, 346 p.

  • L

  • Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation, 1995, Comprehensive management plan - phase III, 80 p.

  • Long, E.R., MacDonald, D.D., Smith, S.L., and Calder, F.D., 1995, Incidence and adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuarine sediments; Environmental Management, v.19:1, P. 81-87.

  • Lopez, J., 1991, Origin of Lake Pontchartrain and the 1987 Irish Bayou earthquake: Gulf Coast Section - Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogist Foundation in Quaternary Framework and Environmental Issues, P. 103.

  • Lopez, J., 1996, Review and update of active geologic faulting in Lake Pontchartrain: Third Bi-Annual Basics of the Basin Research Symposium, Southeastern Louisiana University.

  • Lopez, J. and Connor, P. Jr., 2001, Fault map depicting the Baton Rouge-Denham Springs Fault system in Lake Pontchartrain (Original Plate).

  • Lopez, J., Penland, S., and Williams J., 1997, Confirmation of active geologic faults in Lake Pontchartrain, southeast Louisiana: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, Annual meeting New Orleans, La.

  • Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, 1999, Natural vegetation types of St. Tammany Parish.

  • Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Task Force and the Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Authority, 1999, Coast 2050: Toward a Sustainable Coastal Louisiana, The Appendices. Appendix C-Region 1 Supplemental Information. Louisiana Deprtment of Natural Resources, Baton Rouge, LA.

  • Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Task Force and the Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Authority, 1999, Coast 2050: Toward a Sustainable Coastal Louisiana, The Appendices. Appendix D- Region 2 Supplemental Information. Louisiana Deprtment of Natural Resources, Baton Rouge, LA.

  • Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, 1999, Louisiana environmental regulatory code, title 33, environmental quality, part IX: Water quality regulations, chapter 11, 1999: Surface water quality standards (LAC33:IX.1111.C).

  • M

  • Manheim, F.T. and Hayes, L. (eds.), 2002, Lake Pontchartrain Basin: Bottom sediments and related environmental resources: USGS Electronic Professional Paper 1634.

  • Marot, M., and Holmes, C., 2000, Surficial sediment dynamics in Lake Pontchartrain, LA as monitored by beryllium-7, in press.

  • May, J. R., Britsch, L. D., Dunbar, J. B., Rodiriquez, J. P., and Wlosinski, L. B., 1984, Geologic investigation of the Mississippi River deltaic plain: Vicksburg, Mississippi, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Technical Report GL-84-15, 67 plates.

  • May, J.R. and Britsch, L.D., 1987, Geological investigation of the Mississippi River deltaic plain, land loss and land accretion: Technical Report GL-87-13, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS., 51 p.

  • Mayer, G.N., 1986, The submerged aquatic vegetation of the Lake Pontchartrain estuarine system, Louisiana: M.S. Thesis, University of New Orleans.

  • McBride, R., Penland, S., Hiland, M., Williams, S.J., Westphal, K., Jaffe, B., and Sallenger, A.H., 1992, Louisiana barrier shoreline change analysis- 1853 to 1989: methodology, database, and results. In Williams, S.J., Penland, S., and Sallenger, A.H., (editors), Atlas of shoreline changes in Louisiana from 1853 to 1989, US Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.

  • McFarlan, E. Jr., 1961, Radiocarbon dating of late Quaternary deposits, south Louisiana: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 72, p. 129-157.

  • Montz, G.N., 1978, The submerged vegetation of Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana: Castanea, v. 43, p. 115-128.

  • Morgan, David Joel, 1977, The Mississippi River Delta legal-geomorphical evaluation of historic shoreline changes: Geoscience and Man, v. 16, p. 34.

  • Morgan, J. P., Coleman, J. M., and Gagliano, S. M., 1963, Mudlumps at the mouth of South Pass, Mississippi River; sedimentology, paleontology, structure origin, and relation to deltaic processes: Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Coastal Studies Series 10, 190 p.

  • Mossa, J. and Autin, W.J., 1986, Quaternary geomorphology and stratigraphy of the Florida Parishes, southeastern Louisiana: Friends of the Pleistocene, Field Trip Guide Book, South-Central Cell, Baton Rouge, La., p. 76Ñ94.

  • O

  • Orlando, S. P., Jr., L. P. Rozas, G. H. Ward, and C. J. Klein. 1993. Salinity characteristics of Gulf of Mexico estuaries. NEI Rpt. DOC/NOAA Office of Ocean Resources Conservation and Assessment, Silver Spring, MD., p. 209.

  • Otvos, E. G., 1971, Relict eolian dunes and the age of the "Prairie coastwise terrace, southeastern Louisiana: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 82, pp.1753 - 1758.

  • Otvos, E. G., Jr., 1972, Mississippi Gulf coast Pleistocene beach barriers and the age problem of the Atlantic-Gulf Coast "Pamlico" - "Ingleside" beach ridge system: Southeastern Geology, v. 14, no. 4, p. 241-250.

  • Otvos, E. G., Jr., 1978, New Orleans - south Hancock Holocene barrier trends and origins of Lake Ponchartrain: Transactions: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, v. 28: 337-355.

  • Otvos, E. G., Jr., 1991a, Houston Ridge, SW Louisiana - end link in the late Pleistocene Ingleside barrier chain? Prairie Formation newly defined: Southeastern Geology, v. 31, p. 235-249.

  • Otvos, E. G., Jr., 199lb, Late Quaternary transgressive regressive cycles and stratigraphic units, Gulf coastal plain a brief review: GCSSEPM Foundation 12th Annual Research Conference Program and Abstracts, pp. 171-176.

  • Otvos, E. G., Jr., and Howat, W.E., 1991, Late Quaternary coastal units and marine cycles: Correlations between northern Gulf sectors: Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, v. 41, p. 571-585.

  • Otvos, E.G., Jr., 1993, Gulf coastal Pleistocene units and time stratigraphy; reevaluation and problems of Atlantic correlation: Geological Society of America-Abstracts with Programs, v. 25, no. 4, p. 60.
  • P

  • Parson, B. E., 1967, Geologic factors influencing recharge to the Baton Rouge ground-water system,with empasis on the Citronelle Formation, Plio-Pleistocene, Louisiana[M. S. Thesis]: Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University, 100p.

  • Pattillo, M. E., T. E. Czapla, D. M. Nelson, and M. E. Monaco. 1997. Distribution and abundance of fishes and invertebrates in Gulf of Mexico estuaries, Vol. II: Species life history summaries. Estuarine Living Marine Resources Rpt. No. 11. DOC/NOAA/NOS Strategic Environmental Assessments Division, Silver Spring, MD., p.377.

  • Penland, S., Suter, J. R., and Boyd, R., 1988, The transgressive depositional systems of the Mississippi River delta plain: a model for barrier shoreline and shelf sand development: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 58 (6): 932-949.

  • Penland S, and Ramsey K.,1990, Relative sea level rise in Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico: 1908-1988: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 6: 323-342

  • Penland, S., Roberts, H.H., Williams, S.J., Sallenger, A.H., Jr., Cahoon, D.R., Davis, D.W., and Groat, C.G., 1990, Coastal land loss in Louisiana: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, 40: 685-699.

  • Penland, S., McBride, R. A., Suter, J. R., Boyd, R., and Williams, S. J., 1991, Holocene development of shelf phase Mississippi River delta plains: GCSSFPM Foundation 12th Annual Research Conference Program and Abstracts, p. 182-155.

  • Penland, S., Williams, S.J., Davis, D.W., Sallenger, A.H., Jr., and Groat, C.G., 1992, Barrier island erosion and wetland loss in Louisiana: Atlas of Shoreline Changes in Louisiana from 1985 to 1989. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Investigations Series I-1250A, p. 2-7.

  • Penland, S., Wayne, L. D., Britsch, L. D., and Williams, S. J., 2000a, The geomorphology of coastal land loss in the Mississippi River delta plain: U. S. Geological Survey, Investigative Map Series, Map I-0417, 1 map.

  • Penland, S., Wayne, L. D., Britsch, L. D., and Williams, S. J., 2000b, The process of coastal land loss in the Mississippi River delta plain: U. S. Geological Survey, Investigative Map Series, Map I-0418, 1 map.

  • Poirrier, M.A., 1978, Studies of salinity stratification in southern Lake Pontchartrain near the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal: Louisiana Academy of Sciences, v. 151, p. 26-35.

  • Poirrier, M.A., Soniat, T.M., King, Y., and Smith, L., 1984, An evaluation of the southern Lake Pontchartrain benthos community: Final Report to the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality. 79 p.

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  • R

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  • Ritchie, W., Westphal, K. A., McBride, R. A., and Penland, S., 1992, The coastal sand dunes of Louisiana--Chandeleur Islands shoreline: Coastal Geology Technical Report No. 7, Louisiana Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, LA, 174 p.

  • Roberts, H. H., Bailey, A., and Kuecher, G. J., 1994, Subsidence in the Mississippi River delta - important influences of valley filling by cyclic deposition, primary consolidation phenomena, and early diagenesis: Transactions of Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, v. 14, p. 619-629.

  • Roth, M., 1999, Late Pleistocene to Recent subsurface geology of Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana: an integration of geophysical and geological techniques, M.S. Thesis, University of New Orleans.

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  • S

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  • Saucier, R. T., 1968, A new chronology for braided stream surface formation in the Lower Mississippi River Valley: Southeastern Geology, v. 9 p. 65-76.

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