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Animal Welfare Laws, Legislation, and Regulations

A Brief Literature Review


American Bar Association (1988). Animal Law Report Animal Protection Committee. American Bar Association, Young Lawyers Division, Animal Protection Committee, New York, NY; Vol. 2, no. 1.
NAL call number: KF3841.A15A5
Descriptors: treatment of animals, Law and legislation, wildlife conservation, animal testing, alternatives.

Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) (1990). Animals and their legal rights. Washington, D.C.: AWI, 441 p.
NAL call number: HV4725.U5L4 1990
Descriptors: evolution of anti-cruelty laws in the U.S., 28 hour law, humane slaughter laws, laboratory animal welfare, airlines, dogs, cats, horses, fighting ventures, trapping, marine mammals, birds, nonhuman primates, humane education, law enforcement agencies, foreign laws.

Applied Research Ethics National Association (ARENA) (1992). Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Guidebook NIH publication no. 92-3415, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office for Protection from Research Risks, Bethesda, Maryland: National Institutes of Health, 57 p.
NAL call number: HV4764.I58 1992
Descriptors: Federally mandated functions, issues in proposal review, recordkeeping and reporting, other resources and references, sample forms.

Collins, B.R. (1987). Public disclosure or sunshine laws hinder the efficiency of the animal care and use committees. Laboratory Animal Science 37(4): 513.
NAL call number: 410.9 P94
Descriptors: open meetings, confidentiality, Florida.

Crawford, R.L. (1996). A review of the animal welfare enforcement report data 1973 through 1995. Animal Welfare Information Center Newsletter. 7 (2): 1-12.
NAL call number: aHV4701.A952
Descriptors: animal welfare, regulations, animal experiments, laboratory animals, law enforcement, zoo animals, circus animals, animals, legislation, animal numbers.

Demarest, J. (1989). Ghettoizing animal research: The impact of federal regulations on science and education in small colleges. In Animal Care and Use in Behavioral Research: Regulations, Issues, and Applications J.W. Driscoll (ed.), Beltsville, Maryland: United States Department of Agriculture/National Agricultural Library, pp. 30-36.
NAL call number: aHV4762.A3A64
Descriptors: survey, regulations, training, animal maintenance, ACUC.

Dennis, M.B. Jr. and G.L.Van Hoosier, G.L. Jr. (1994). North American legislation and regulation of the use of live animals for scientific research. In Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science, P. Svendsen and J. Hau (eds.), p. 23-35.
NAL call number: QL55.H36 1994
Descriptors: animal experiments, legislation, laboratory animals, animal welfare.

Glosser, J.W. (1990). Responsibility of the regulator to the regulated community. Journal of Medical Primatology 19(1): 1-8.
NAL call number: QL737.P9J66
Descriptors: animal welfare, legislation, jurisprudence, government, public opinion.

Hamm, T.E. Jr., R.B. Dell, and R.C. Van Sluyters (1995). Laboratory animal care policies and regulations: United States. ILAR Journal 37 (2): 75-78.
NAL call number: QL55.A1I43
Descriptors: animal welfare, regulations, law enforcement, laboratory animals.

Hicks, J.M. (1997). Animal welfare and toxicology/safety studies: Making sense of the regulatory environment. Contemporary Topics in Laboratory Animal Science 36(3): 49-54.
NAL call number: SF405.5.A23
Descriptors: animal product safety testing requirements, Food and Drug Administration regulations, Environmental Protection Agency regulations, Consumer Product Safety Commission regulations, Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations, Animal Welfare Act, U.S. Department of Agriculture regulations, Public Health Service policies and guidelines, Good Laboratory Practices, standards, voluntary requirements, review.

Marlene-Russow, L. (1992). NIH Guidelines and Animal Welfare. In Biomedical Ethics Reviews Clifton, New Jersey: Humana Press.
NAL call number: R724.B493
Descriptors: animal experimentation, laws, ethics.

Mendelson, J. III. (1997). Should animals have standing? A review of standing under the Animal Welfare Act. Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review 24 (4): 795-820.
NAL call number: TD172.E48
Descriptors: jurisprudence, Animal Welfare Act, legal standing.

Orlans, F.B. (1986). Regulation of animal experimentation: United States of America. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 554: 138-152.
NAL call number: QP1.A2
Descriptors: animal welfare, legislation, animal testing alternatives, National Institutes of Health.

Quade, V. (1982). Animal rights law: Barking up a new tree. (Attorneys for Animal Rights). American Bar Association Journal 68n6: 663.
Descriptors: animal welfare, litigation, Lawyers Committee for the Enforcement of Animal Protection, management, research.

Rollin, B.E. (1992). Federal Laws and Policies governing animal research: Their history, nature, and adequacy. Biomedical Ethics Reviews 1990, Clifton, New Jersey: Humana Press.
NAL call number: R724 B493
Descriptors: animal experimentation, laws, policy.

Rozmiarek, H. (1987). Current and future policies regarding laboratory animal welfare. Investigative Radiology 22(2): 175-179.
Descriptors: public policy, legislation, United States, animal welfare.

Schwindaman D. (1994). Federal regulation of experimental animal use in the United States of America. Revue des Sciences Techniques 13 (1): 247-60.
NAL call number: SF781.R4
Abstract: The author outlines the regulation of animal experimentation in the United States of America (USA). Regulation in this field is at the developmental stage; issues are still being defined as public interest in animal welfare focuses on various aspects of animal science. Society continues to initiate regulations for animal experimentation in response to technological advances which were unknown when the first USA Federal legislation in this field (the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act) was signed in 1966. Under the sponsorship of animal welfare activists and, more recently, animal rights advocates, amendments to the 1966 law have increased the scope of Federal authority by extending both the number of species covered and the areas of care which are regulated. A greater awareness has evolved of the issues raised by animal experimentation, both among the general public and within the scientific communities. The importance of the Institutional Animal and Care Use Committees in research facilities is described, together with other factors which affect Federal legislation. Government regulatory philosophy is also changing towards a participatory relationship between regulators and public interest groups. Various affiliations to global and regional organizations have heightened national awareness with regard to the perceived exploitation of animal species. The author demonstrates clearly that the prevailing trend in the USA is towards expanded agreements which are jointly derived and implemented, and which will be instrumental in the search for resolutions. The author concludes that these resolutions will continue to revolve around the ethical need to respect the nature of animal species and the need for knowledge concerning both humans and animals which can help to extend and enhance the quality of life.
Descriptors: Animal welfare, legislation and jurisprudence, laboratory animals, standards.

Shalev, M. (1994). An overview of agencies that developed or monitor compliance. Lab Animal 23 (8): 38, 40-42, 44.
NAL call number: QL55.A1L33
Descriptors: laboratory animals, animal welfare, regulations, monitoring, organizations, animal experiments, animal husbandry.

Stewart, W.C. (1987). Regulatory perspectives of the United States Department of Agriculture on functions of animal care and use committees. Laboratory Animal Science 37(special issue): 22-23.
NAL call number: 410.9 P94
Descriptors: laboratory animals, animal welfare, inspection, research institutes, regulations.

United States Department of Agriculture (1992). Licensing and registration under the Animal Welfare Act: guidelines for dealers, exhibitors, transporters, and researchers. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 20 p.
NAL call number: 1 AG84PRO
Descriptors: Animal Welfare Act, law, licenses, regulations, laboratory animals, zoo animals.

United States Public Health Service (1993). Frequently asked questions about the Public Health Service Policy on care and use of laboratory animals. ILAR News 35 (3/4): 47-49.
NAL call number: QL55.A1I43
Descriptors: Policy, husbandry, animal welfare, guidelines, U.S. government organizations.

VandeBerg, J.L., Williams-Blangero, S., and T.L. Wolfle (1999). U.S. laws and norms related to laboratory animals. ILAR Journal 40(1): 34-37.
NAL call number: QL55.A1I43
Descriptors: Animal Welfare Act, PHS policy, Guide to the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, AAALAC International, ILAR.

Whitney, Jr, R.A. (1987). Animal care and use committees: History and current national policies in the United States. Laboratory Animal Science 37(special issue): 18-21.
NAL call number: 410.9 P94
Descriptors: laboratory animals, animal welfare, legislation.

Useful World Wide Web Sites

APHIS Press Releases
Press releases on APHIS programs are prepared by Legislative and Public Affairs (LPA) writers within APHIS and are issued to the media nationally by the Department and regionally or to specialized audiences by APHIS.

Lab Animal, Regulation Watch
Includes a monthly column devoted to animal-related regulatory activities.

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Last updated April 18, 2005