
A National Organization
For Caregivers

Children of Aging Parents is a nonprofit, charitable organization whose mission is to assist the nation's nearly 54 million caregivers of the elderly or chronically ill with reliable information, referrals and support, and to heighten public awareness that the health of the family caregivers is essential to ensure quality care of the nation's growing elderly population.

In an effort to provide more immediate support, we have established an online support group. To join, enter your email address in the place specified on the left and then click the "Join Now" button.

After you get a confirmation message, you may begin to post messages or read those of others by going to this link: .

The CAPSule newsletter is now online!

Partners in Caregiving Education

CAPS 4 San Antonio

Sisters and Brothers/Daughters and Sons:
Meeting the Needs of Old Parents
by Sarah H. Matthews, Ph.D.

A portion of the proceeds from every order of this special edition will be donated to support the programs and activities of Children of Aging Parents.

ABOUT THE BOOK: The number of middle-aged children today who have elderly parents is unprecedented. Having old parents, however, is rarely portrayed as a privilege. Too often parents are depicted as a problem for their adult children. Written with minimal jargon, the book helps adult children and old parents who want to better understand their family relationships.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Matthews chairs the Sociology Department at Cleveland State University and serves on the editorial boards of Journal of Aging Studies, Journal of Marriage and Family, and The International Journal of Aging and Human Development. She is the author of two previous books, and has published numerous articles about older family ties in gerontology journals.

Click on book cover for information.

In early 2004, CAPS joined forces with Contact Greater Philadelphia, a non-profit, United Way agency that provides free telephone helpline services to the residents of Bucks County. It is staffed by volunteers who are trained in crisis intervention and active listening skills, which is an important asset for the careivers that call on CAPS as well as those needing the serives of Contact Greater Philadelphia.

Contact Greater Philadelphia's helplines offer a caring presence for lonely,
depressed, anxious, and needy people. The agency receives over 81,700 calls a year — over 225 a day — to people of all ages. In addition Contact Greater Philadelphia's volunteers make calls out to its reassurance clients.

CAPS averages about 18,000 requests for assistance each year and the number is increasing. In 1995, there were 33 million Americans over the age of 65. In 2020, there will be almost 70 million, doubling in less than 25 years. Over 23 percent of all US households contain a caregiver.

This translates into an estimated 22,411,200 caregiving households nationwide. The average caregiver is 46 years old. Seven in 10 caregivers (73 percent) are female. Only 5.5 percent of the over-65 population resides in nursing homes.

Educational Outreach
CAPS publishes a quarterly newsletter filled with news and advice for caregivers. CAPS arranges conferences and workshops on issues vital to caregivers and professionals, shares new product information, and utilizes the broadcast and print media to improve the public's understanding of caregiving and issues of aging.

Support Groups
Caregivers stay healthy longer and are less stressed through regular association with support groups which afford practical advice, understanding, and affirmation. CAPS refers caregivers to appropriate groups anywhere in the US and encourages the formation of new, CAPS-affiliated groups. CAPS provides the start-up training and on-going support to interested parties.

Caregiver Research
CAPS has partnered with The Caregivers Advisory Panel (TCAP) that is aligned to CAPS mission and creates mutual value in improving the lives of family caregivers through market research by conveying their wants, needs and opinions to health care product manufacturers, service providers and policy makers. Make a difference; join TCAP now.

To designate Children of Aging Parents through your at-work charity fund drive, use the ID donor designation 8010 for United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania or 2514 for the Combined Federal Campaign.

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by Valerie VanBooven,
a registered nurse and professional care manager, free