Information Resources for Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees 1985-1999 *************************

Investigator Issues and Public Viewpoints


Bustad, L.K. (1987). Investigators' interrelationship with laboratory animals. Laboratory Animal Science 37(special issue): 167-170.
NAL call number: 410.9 P94
Descriptors: animal welfare, animal housing, animal nutrition, animal experiments, animal health, handling.

Francione, G.L. (1990). The importance of access to animal care committees: A primer for activists. The Animal's Agenda 10(7): 44-47.
NAL call number: HV4701 A45
Descriptors: laboratory animals, animal welfare, access, information, ACUC.

Francione, G.L. (1990) Access to animal care committees. Rutgers Law Review 43n1: 1-14.
Descriptors: sunshine laws, animal welfare, law and legislation, animal experimentation, management, ACUC.

Glosser, J.W. and P.B. York (1988). "The Animal Welfare Act's impact on the scientist." Journal of the American College of Toxicology 7(4): 447-451.
NAL call number: RA1190 J61
Descriptors: law, United States, enforcement, amendments.

Haywood, S. (1987). Attitudes to animal usage and the review system in the US. Alternatives to Laboratory Animals: ATLA 14(4): 369-374.
NAL call number: Z7994 L3A5
Descriptors: animal experiments, education, research.

Mandel, I.D. (1996). On being a scientist in a rapidly changing world. Journal of Dental Research 75(2): 841-844.
Abstract: The practice of biological science has changed dramatically since mid-century, reshaped not only by a rapid series of landmark discoveries, but also by governmental directives, institutional policies, and public attitudes. Until 1964, the major influences were the mentor, who provided direction and indoctrination into the culture of science, and in dentistry, the newly established NIDR, which fueled the research engine with an expanding research and training program. The 1965-74 period witnessed the advent of the Institutional Review Board, an increased social involvement of biological scientists, and a recognition of the need for biological and physical safeguards in the conduct of research. The most turbulent years were 1975-89, when there was a confluence of animal rights activism and regulation, growing concerns with scientific fraud and publication malpractice, and the stresses and strains (and opportunities) resulting from the rapid expansion of the academic-industrial complex. The current period is characterized by rapid pace, high volume, and an increased depth and breadth of knowledge-a major change in scale in the conduct of science. It is an exciting time but one in which ethical issues are multiplying. Attention must be paid.
Descriptors: science trends, animal rights trends, biological sciences trends, dental research trends, ethics, fraud, government agencies, human experimentation, interinstitutional relations, public opinion, public policy.

Moss, T. (1984). The Modern Politics of Laboratory Animal Use. Science, Technology and Human Values 9: 51-56.
Descriptors: ethics, animal rights, animal experimentation, public opinion.

Murphy, R.A. (1988). Animal Care and Use Committees: Focus on the investigator. SCAW Newsletter 10(1): 9-10.
NAL call number: QL55 N48
Descriptors: animal welfare, animal experiments, inspection.

Orlans, F.B. (1985). Survey of attitudes to Animal Care and Use Committees. Laboratory Animal Science 35(5): 539-540.
NAL call number: 410.9 P94
Descriptors: abstract, scientists, humane, standard, compliance animal welfare, mandatory, protocol review.

Orlans, F.B. (1987). Scientists' attitudes toward animal care and use committees. Laboratory Animal Science 37(special issue): 162-166.
NAL call number: 410.9 P94
Descriptors: animal welfare, training, surveys.

Powers, M.K. (1994). Gauging reactive styles: a guide to stress free investigator/IACUC interactions. Lab Animal 23 (10): 31-33.
NAL call number: QL55.A1L33.
Descriptors: work stress, communication, committees.

Roebuck, B.D. (1996). IACUC review: an investigator's perspective. The Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing Newsletter 13 (2): 9-10. Available at
NAL call number: HV4701.J6
Descriptors: animal welfare, scientist's viewpoint, committees.

Rowsell, H.C. (1987). Animal care and use committees and the public concern. Laboratory Animal Science 37(special issue): 122-124.
NAL call number: 410.9 P94
Descriptors: animal welfare, animal research, public relations.

Sandoe, P. (1994). Involving the public in ethical decisions. In Welfare and science : proceedings of the Fifth Symposium of the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations, 8-11 June 1993, Brighton, London: Royal Society of Medicine Press, pp.331-334.
NAL call number: QL55.F43 1993.
Descriptors: laboratory animals, public opinion, animal welfare.

Traystman, R.J. (1987). IACUC, who needs it? The investigator's viewpoint. Laboratory Animal Science 37(special issue): 108-110.
NAL call number: 410.9 P94
Descriptors: animal welfare, animal experiments, laboratory animals, ACUC.

Tugwell, M. (1987). Analyzing conflicts between the institution, the scientist, the animal care committee, and the concerned public. Laboratory Animal Science 37(special issue): 145-147.
NAL call number: 410.9 P94
Descriptors: animal welfare, research institutes, public opinion, ACUC.

Williams, J.F. (1987). Investigator concerns: Animal care and use committees. Laboratory Animal Science 37(special issue): 113-114.
NAL call number: 410.9 P94
Descriptors: animal welfare, animal experiments.

Useful World Wide Web Sites

The University of Arizona Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Handbook
The University of Arizona IACUC maintains at least 3 Community Representative membership positions. This page details the role of the IACUC community members.

The University of Tennessee Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
IACUC Membership--a very complete description of the composition, officers and their responsibilities, terms and appointments, and member responsibilities.

Instructions for Principal Investigators
This site is provided by the Florida State University Laboratory Animal Program.

Responsibilities: Investigator
This site is provided by the University of Nebraska at Lincoln Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Viewers are able to comment on an open proposal or read comments made by the public on proposed USDA rules or regulations.

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Updated June 11, 2005