U.S. Department of Energy
Small Business Technology
Transfer Program
FY 2000 Phase II - Abstracts

Table of Contents


1. Advanced Sensor Technology for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

  1. Thin-Film Fiber Optic Sensors for Power Control and Fault Detection
    Airak Engineering, Inc.; New Castle, VA

    2. Instrumentation for Sampling, Measuring, and Monitoring Green House Gases, Coal-Fired Related Pollutants and Hydrogen

  3. Eliminating Particle-Related Artifacts in Real-Time Measurement of Mercury in Flue Gases
    MSP Corporation; Minneapolis, MN
  4. Gas Imaging System for Green House Gases
    Pacific Advanced Technology; Santa Ynez, CA
  5. Improved Sampling Probe for Ammonia Measurement
    Physical Sciences, Inc.; Andover, MA
  6. SEM/MIRS Characterization of Nitrogenated Particulate Matter
    RJ Lee Group; Monroeville, PA

    3. Carbon Management

  8. Carbon Sequestration by Hybrid Poplars in the Pacific Northwest
    Broadacres Nursery, Inc.; Hubbard, OR

    4. In Situ Stabilization of Hazardous and Radioactive Wastes

  10. Tritium Probe for In Situ (in place) Analyses of Tritium (3H) in Well Waters
    Technical Associates; Canoga Park, CA


1.  Thin-Film Fiber Optic Sensors for Power Control and Fault Detection
DOE Grant No. DE-FG02-99ER86100
Amount: $500,000

Small Business
Airak Engineering, Inc.
Rte 3, Box 533
415 Chesnut Avenue
New Castle, VA 24127-9519
Mr. Paul Grems Duncan, Principal Investigator
Mr. Paul Grems Duncan, Business Official
(540) 864-6580

Research Institution
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
     & State University
Office of Sponsored Programs
340 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0170

Power delivery systems for utilities or military applications require magnetic field measurements to prevent catastrophic failure, to determine and regulate the amount of power delivered to a load, and to determine the amount of stray energy (electromagnetic interference-EMI) generated by transport and load devices. Current measurement electronics are becoming obsolete as the internal frequencies of power conditioning equipment surpass 100 kHz and as the power contained in these circuits exceeds one megawatt. Furthermore, the miniaturization of these components has become increasingly difficult and has not kept pace with the miniaturization of the power electronic modules themselves. This project will develop a thin-film fiber optic magnetic field sensor capable of direct integration into Power Electronic Building Block (PEBB) modules, with the design goal of improving reliability and survivability of the power conversion and control circuitry. In Phase l, sensing materials were selected for integration into a fiber optic probe, after they were characterized with respect to operational frequency, temperature, sensitivity, and repeatability. A fiber optic probe prototype was developed along with a computerized characterization/calibration system for the sensor elements. Spin-coat thin-film techniques were developed for embedding a sensor element within a hybrid power electronic module. Phase II will focus on the development of an active power conditioning system that utilizes both conventional as well as fiber optic sensing control loop methodologies. The primary objective of the Phase II effort is to compare and contrast the advantages of fiber optic sensing over conventional methods.

Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by the awardee: The potential commercial applications for this technology are enormous. Miniaturized versions of this technology could be extremely useful for monitoring power within semiconductor chips. Fiber optic magnetic field sensors could be especially attractive in a wide range of applications where conventional sensors are difficult to use due to weight constraints, limits of frequency response, geometry, and/or additional shielding requirements.


2.  Eliminating Particle-Related Artifacts in the Real-Time Measurement
of Mercury in Flue Gases
DOE Grant No. DE-FG02-99ER86087
Amount: $498,486

Small Business
MSP Corporation
1313 Fifth Street, SE
Suite 206
Minneapolis, MN 55449
Dr. Daryl L. Roberts, Principal Investigator
Dr. Benjamin Liu, Business Official
(612) 379-3963

Research Institution
University of North Dakota
P.O. Box 9018
Grand Fork, ND 58202

Particulate matter in the flue gases of coal-fired power plants is known to take up mercury, a serious pollutant, and to convert elemental mercury to an oxidized form. Continuous analyzers for mercury require a relatively clean (i.e., particulate free) gas stream on which to perform the analysis. However, conventional methods of removing particles from flue gas bring the flue gas into continuing and close contact with the removed particulate matter, generating misleading results. This project will build a sampler that disengages the particulate matter from the sampled flue gas stream. That gas stream is then passed to a continuous mercury analyzer, enabling continuous, real-time measurement of the mercury concentration and speciation. In Phase I, an opposing-jet, virtual impactor (OJ-VI) sampler was built that removed the particles from a synthetic flue gas. The key elements of the sampler were packaged tightly together so that the sampler will fit into conventional stack sampling ports. The sampler incorporates features that allow it to be cost-effectively tailored to the flue gas conditions prevailing at any given field site. Phase II will optimize the OJ-VI sampler to incorporate it into a sampling train and will test the operation of this sampling train at one or more operating coal-fired power plants. By end of Phase II, a field-tested, pre-production prototype sampling train will be developed that will substantially improve the quality of the mercury data.

Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by the awardee: The sampling train developed under the Phase II program should serve the needs of coal-fired power plants (over 1,000 in the U.S.) and of medical and municipal waste incinerators (over 300 in the U.S.) that are required to obtain mercury emissions data on a routine basis. The sampling train should also assist DOE in monitoring emissions from the clean up of nuclear-related wastes at national laboratories. Finally, the sampler could improve the quality of data for any stack sampling method that requires the removal of particulate matter, such as in the continuous monitoring of ammonia, sulfur oxides, or nitrogen oxides.

3.  Gas Imaging System for Green House Gases
DOE Grant No. DE-FG03-99ER86086
Amount: $479,891

Small Business
Pacific Advanced Technology
P.O. Box 359
1000 Edison Street
Santa Ynez, CA 93460-0359
Ms. Michele Hinnrichs, Principal Investigator
Ms. Michele Hinnrichs, Business Official
(805) 688-2088

Research Institution
Louisiana State University
Department of Electrical & Computer   Engineering
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

The Gas Research Institute (GRI) estimates that over $200 million dollars of natural gas (methane) is lost each year due to fugitive leaks in compressor stations. In the gas distribution and transmission systems additional losses occur. The Department of Energy needs the capability to monitor natural gas in ambient conditions in order to identify the source of these losses. A portable imaging and analysis system would be an ideal solution to this problem. This project will transfer innovative technology, developed for the military to analyze targets and gases, by adapting a state-of-the-art imaging spectrometer to create one that is field portable, lightweight, rugged, and low cost. In Phase I, a laboratory model imaging spectrometer was fabricated, tested, and evaluated to verify that this technology can be applied to fugitive natural gas leaks. The tests were highly successful: leaks as small as .01 cu. ft./min. were identified and imaged. During Phase II, a portable hand held instrument will be designed and image-processing algorithms will be optimized in preparation for eventual fabrication in Phase III.

Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by the awardee: A small, hand held, rugged, portable, and low cost imaging spectrometer that is optimized for the detection of green house gases could be used by the oil, gas, and chemical companies for monitoring potential leaks. This will reduce environmental impacts and will conserve valuable resources. The Federal government (EPA, DOE) is another potential customer.

4.  Improved Sampling Probe for Ammonia Measurement
DOE Grant No. DE-FG02-99ER86089
Amount: $499,964

Small Business
Physical Sciences, Inc.
20 New England Business Center
Andover, MA 01810-1077
Dr. Michael B. Frish, Principal Investigator
Dr. B. David Green, Business Official
(978) 689-0003

Research Institution
Sandia National Laboratories
7011 East Avenue
P.O. Box 969
Livermore, CA 94551-0969

Systems used for reducing emissions of nitrogen oxides from coal-fired combustion processes would benefit from an ability to continuously monitor the ammonia concentration within boiler flue gas stream. Because ammonia is highly reactive, continuously extracting representative samples of the hot, ash-laden flue gas without affecting the measurement of the ammonia content has proven to be an unresolved challenge. This project will identify specific causes for the difficulties in measuring ammonia, will develop appropriate solutions, and will incorporate them into an ammonia sampling probe and analyzer system. In Phase I, theoretical and experimental research was conducted to identify the reasons why a specific continuous extractive ammonia sampling probe and analytical technique, which had been demonstrated to be mechanically reliable, yielded ammonia measurements that disagreed with accepted standards. Several hypotheses were systematically tested, and the major source of the discrepancy was identified. Phase II research will identify and quantify secondary contributions to measurement error. Then an improved sampling probe and modified analytical technique will be developed to eliminate or minimize these sources of error. The new system will be tested in the laboratory and at operating power generation plants.

Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by the awardee: Studies have shown that the annual cost of operating nitrogen oxide reduction systems for coal-fired power plant exhausts could be reduced by hundreds of thousands of dollars per system by improving the control of the injection of ammonia into this gas stream. An analyzer that results from this effort could be utilized in part to create and automate these needed controls. The potential worldwide market for sales of the sampling probe portion of the analyzer exceeds $50M.

5.  SEM/MIRS Characterization of Nitrogenated Particulate Matter
DOE Grant No. DE-FG02-99ER86088
Amount: $500,000

Small Business
RJ Lee Group, Incorporated
350 Hochberg Road
Monroeville, PA 15146-1516
Mr. Gary S. Casuccio, Principal Investigator
Mr. Gary S. Casuccio, Business Official
(724) 387-1818

Research Institution
Los Alamos National Laboratory
P.O. Box 1663
Los Alamos, NM 87544

 In recent years, there has been increased public interest in characterizing airborne fine particular matter. Of specific interest is the understanding of the potential health effects fine particular matter may have to individuals residing in urban and industrial areas. Currently, there is a lack of analytical methods to appropriately identify the size, elemental composition, and molecular structures of individual particles. This project will combine two well-developed microchemical analysis techniques, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Raman chemical imaging spectroscopy, to provide better particle analysis and improved ability to monitor air quality. Phase I examined how filters, substrates, and preparation methods used in an SEM analysis affected the results from the Raman chemical imaging spectroscopy. It was demonstrated that it is technically feasible to perform both analyses on the same sample. Phase II will entail the planning, further development, and manufacturing of a prototype instrument that will incorporate multiple analytical tools. These analytical tools will include, but may not be limited to, SEM, energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), wavelength dispersive spectroscopy (WDS), optical microscopy, and molecular imaging Raman spectroscopy (MIRS).

Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by the awardee: There is already a need to efficiently obtain detailed characterizations of fine particles, including their elemental and molecular make up, to support fine particle standards. A commercial instrument using this combined approach would have applications not only to the speciation of fine particulate matter, but also to other materials research applications.

6.  Carbon Sequestration by Hybrid Poplars in the Pacific Northwest
DOE Grant No. DE-FG03-99ER86101
Amount: $450,000

Small Business
Broadacres Nursery, Inc.
18335 Butteville Road NE
PO Box 41
Hubbard, OR 97032
Mr. Ray Ethell, Principal Investigator
Mr. Ray Ethell, Business Official
(503) 981-6509

Research Institution
Washington State University
Office of Grant & Research  Development
P.O. Box 643140
Pullman, WA 99164

 An increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide may have profound effects on the global environment and economy. A mitigation strategy is needed to enhance the biological conversion of CO2 -- an important greenhouse gas -- into a stable form for the long-term sequestration of carbon. This project addresses the issue of increasing plant and soil carbon sequestration by altering existing ecosystems through the conversion of low productive, unimproved pasturelands in the Pacific Northwest into fast growing, hybrid poplar plantations. After harvesting, the carbon can thus be sequestered through the manufacture of various wood products. Phase I identified nearly 13 million acres in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho that were deemed suitable for poplar production, and a Hybrid Poplar Growers Association was formed. Carbon sequestration rates were estimated for 4 poplar varieties, soil carbon levels were determined, and varietal responses to elevated carbon dioxide levels were quantified. The Phase II effort includes a membership drive for the growers association, the installation of test plots throughout the tri-state area, and a feasibility study to examine product development. Sequestration rates in both the trees and soil will be further refined, and a rapid field method for determining carbon sequestration will be developed.

Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by the awardee: Commercial applications include the conversion of large areas to productive poplar plantations, leading not only to significant carbon sequestration but also to the sale of these carbon-offset products. Further commercialization should result from the development of algorithms that would be used in field computers to determine standing carbon sequestration rates.

7.  Tritium Probe for In-Situ (in place) Analyses of Tritium (3H) in Well Waters
DOE Grant No. DE-FG03-99ER86093
Amount: $500,000

Small Business
Technical Associates
7051 Eton Avenue
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Mr. Robert I. Goldstein, Principal Investigator
Mr. Robert I. Goldstein, Business Official
(818) 883-7043

Research Institution
University of Nevada Las Vegas
4505 Maryland Parkway
Box 454009
Las Vegas, NV 89154

Tritium (a radioactive isotope of hydrogen - 3H) contamination in groundwater is an issue at many Department of Energy facilities. A probe is needed that provides in situ measurements of tritium in well waters. The probe, which must fit into 2 inch (5 cm) diameter monitor wells, should be able to serve as either a monitoring tool or as a dedicated, in situ system for automatically performing tritium analyses and reporting the results. This project will develop a Adownhole@ probe that will analyze tritium concentrations in water while in a well, and will have low detection limits (i.e., high sensitivity) and operate unattended in wells at remote sites. Analytical data will be electronically transmitted, eliminating the need to bring water samples to the surface. In Phase I, a tritium probe prototype deployable in 2-inch diameter monitor wells was completed. The probe was tested under laboratory conditions and in shallow monitoring wells. Phase II will develop a robust system that can be deployed to depths up to 1,500 meters and is able to detect tritium at low concentrations. Extended deployments of the tritium probe system in deep monitor well will cumulate this phase of the project.

Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by the awardee: Applications include cost-effective, long-term monitoring of contaminated areas and radioactive waste repositories, as well as real-time tritium monitoring in groundwaters at DOE sites, commercial nuclear power and research reactors, national laboratories, military installations, and research and development facilities. Hydrological applications include aquifer remediation verification, reservoir characterization, and validation of computational models of contaminant transport.