FDA Logo U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationCenter for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS)
Model Documents

Evaluation of Milk Laboratories (2005 Revision) (available in PDF) January 1, 2007

2003 Grade "A" Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (also available in PDF, 3.5 MB) March 2, 2004

2001 Grade "A" Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (also available in PDF, 2.1 MB) May 15, 2002

1999 Pasteurized Milk Ordinance

Procedures Governing The Cooperative State-Public Health Service/FDA Program of the National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments 2007 Revision  *New*

Procedures Governing The Cooperative State-Public Health Service/FDA Program of the National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments 2005 Revision

Procedures Governing The Cooperative State-Public Health Service/FDA Program of the National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments 1999 Revision

Methods of Making Sanitation Ratings of Milk Shippers (available in PDF, 1.3 MB) 2007 Revision

Methods of Making Sanitation Ratings of Milk Supplies - 1999 Revision, Corrected Edition October 10, 2000

1995 Dried Milk Ordinance

horizontal rule
horizontal rule