FDA Logo U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationCenter for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

      200 C Street, SW
        Washington DC 20204
      January 25, 2002
TO:  		All Regional Food and Drug Directors
      Attn:  Regional Milk Specialists
FROM:  	Milk Safety Branch (HFS-626)
SUBJECT:  	Milk Safety Branch's New Address and Telephone Numbers
The Food and Drug Administration's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
(CFSAN) is in the process of moving to a new office, located in College Park,
Maryland.  On February 1, 2002, the Office of Field Programs (OFP)/Division of
Cooperative Programs (DCP)/Milk Safety Branch (MSB) will be relocating to this
new office.  Please use the following address for all future mailings to MSB:
Milk Safety Branch, HFS-626
Div. of Cooperative Programs
 Food and Drug Administration
          5100 Paint Branch Parkway
 College Park, MD 20740-3835
DCP/MSB's organizational phone number is (301) 436-2349 and the FAX number is
(301) 436-2715.
Following are the individual office and telephone numbers and e-mail addresses
for the members of MSB:
      Robert F. Hennes						Chief							
      Room 2C-059				
      (301) 436-2175			
		Randal E. Arbaugh				Richard D. Eubanks
		Sr. Milk Sanitation Officer			Sr. Milk Sanitation Officer
		Room 2C-061					Room 2C-058
		(301) 436-2168				(301) 436-2174	
		Randal.Arbaugh@cfsan.fda.gov		Richard.Eubanks@cfsan.fda.gov
		Norris A. Robertson, Jr.			Steven T. Sims
		Sr. Milk Sanitation Officer			Sr. Milk Sanitation Officer
		Room 2C-063					Room 2C-062
		(301) 436-1560				(301) 436-2153
		Norris.Robertson@cfsan.fda.gov		Steven.Sims@cfsan.fda.gov	
Below are the office and telephone numbers and e-mail address for Charlotte
Epps, Editor of the IMS List:
					Charlotte Epps
      Editor-IMS List
      Room 2C-064
      (301) 436-2154
If you wish to mail specific information or materials to an individual within
MSB or to Charlotte Epps, please include the room number in the mailing address.
Copies of this memorandum are enclosed for distribution to Regional Milk
Specialists, State Milk Regulatory Agencies, State Laboratory Evaluation
Officers and State Milk Sanitation Rating Officers in your region. This
memorandum will also be available on the FDA Web site at
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov at a later date and should be widely distributed to
representatives of the dairy industry and other interested parties.
      Robert F. Hennes, RS, MPH
      Chief, Milk Safety Branch
M-I-02-2	2	January 25, 2002
horizontal rule
horizontal rule