The Park Website

The Women's Rights National Historical park is an important historical and cultural resource for the people of the United States. Just as our nation chose the images of Stanton, Mott and Anthony to symbolize the Official U.S. Delegation to the 1995 World Conference on Women in Beijing, it is hoped that the presence of this site on the World Wide Web will help bring the spirit of 1848 to the world.

This website is the result of effort by many staff members and volunteers of the US National Park Service. It presents some of the work done by historians to preserve the legacy of women's struggle for social and economic justice. Most importantly it reflects the continuing efforts of American women and men everywhere to realize the dreams of a just society that inspired our foremothers and forefathers to action. As such, it is a work in progress. Persons wishing to contribute new material and links for this site are invited to contact the Park's webmaster.

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