The Plaque

Paque on Outside of Chapel

This Plaque was placed on the outside wall of an addition to the original Wesleyan Chapel building. When the Park was constructed, this portion of the building was removed to reveal the remaining portions of the original Chapel. The plaque was removed, and subsequently reinstalled on an outside wall placed at the front of the Chapel remain, close to the spot where it was originally placed. It reads:

On this spot stood the Wesleyan Chapel where the first Woman's Rights convention in the World's History was held July 19 and 20, 1848.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton moved this resolution, which was seconded by Frederick Douglass:

"That it is the duty of the women of this country to secure to themselves their sacred right of the elective franchise"

Some of the signers of the Declaration of Rights (sic):

Lucretia Mott, Jacob F. Chamberlain, Martha C. Wright, Elisha Foote, Amy Post, Charles Hoskins, Mary Ann McClintock, Richard P. Hunt, Lavinia Latham, Johnathan Metcalf, Mary H. Hallowell, Henry Seymour.

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