Image Credits

The Images used in this website were drawn from a number of sources. None are known to be under copyright. Credit is given to the source supplying the image for use on the site, either when requested by the source, or when this information might be of use to the reader. Sources are designated by letter, following the numbered list of credited images. Uncredited images are provided by the National Park Service.


Home Page - Seneca Falls Arch - From Videotape All Men and Women Are Created Equal - A

Participants - Lucretia Mott - C, Frederick Douglass - D

Elizabeth Cady Stanton (Gallery) - #3,4&7 - B, 6 - C, 8 (Stanton at Peterboro) - E

Amelia Bloomer - Bloomer - E

Elizabeth Smith Miller - ES Miller - F

Matilda Joslyn Gage - Gage -C

Gerrit Smith - Portraits - F, 1845 Dauguerreotype - E

The Lilly - Newspaper Banner - B

National Citizen and Ballot Box Newspaper Banner - G

Most Other Images - A, H


A - Women's Rights National Historical Park

B - Collection of the Susan B. Anthony House in the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, University of Rochester Library

C - A History of Woman Suffrage, Edited by Stanton, Gage & Anthony.

D - Frederick Douglass Museum and Cultural Center, Rochester, NY

E - Peterboro (NY) Area Museum

F - Madison County (NY) Historical Society

G - Manlius (NY) Historical Society

H - National Women's Hall of Fame

I - NPS Volunteer Bob Shear

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