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April 14 to April 18, 2008

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MONDAY - 4/14
10:00 AM - Characterization of Environmental Colloids & Nanoparticles using Field Flow Fractionation
10:45 AM - Multiband Superconductivity in PrOs4Sb12: Nodes or no Nodes?
TUESDAY - 4/15
2:30 AM - Some developments in multiphoton microscopy ( biological applications of ultrafast lasers
8:30 AM - ASME Water and Steam Committee
10:30 AM - NOTE BUILDING CHANGE: Engineering a Quantum Information Processor
11:00 AM - Microstructure foundations of high performance in organic semiconductors
2:30 PM - Some developments in multiphoton microscopy ( biological applications of ultrafast lasers )
3:00 PM - Directed Assembly of Nanostructures Using Engineered Peptides
11:00 AM - EELS Magic Angle: Relativity and Dielectrics
10:30 AM - Laser Assisted Single-Molecule Refolding
10:30 AM - Entropy of Mixing and Entropy of Assimilation, an Information Theoretical View
10:30 AM - Structural Effects in Naphthalene Diimide Based Organic Thin Film Transistors: Effect of Configurational Control on Charge Mobility
10:30 AM - Sigma Xi Colloquium: Using Biology Against Bioterrorism
FRIDAY - 4/18
10:00 AM - Nanometrology Activities at the National Measurement Institute, Australia
10:30 AM - The Making of "Absolute Zero"
11:00 AM - Manipulating Charge Transport Through Interfacial Interactions in Molecular and Nanoscale Materials and Devices
1:30 PM - Cavity QED with Charged Quantum Dots


4/14 -- MONDAY

10:00 AM - SURFACE AND MICROANALYSIS SCIENCE DIVISION SEMINAR: Characterization of Environmental Colloids & Nanoparticles using Field Flow Fractionation
For more than two decades environmental scientists are discovering the appearance and behavior of nanoparticles which are naturally occurring in the environment. Investigations were mainly driven by concerns of nanoparticle (or colloidal) mediated transport of radionuclides in the vicinity of nuclear waste deposits and bomb test sites. Apart from this we have learned about different roles of nanoparticles in the environment, not only for contaminant transport but also for important geochemical reactions in soils, sediments and surface waters. The investigation of those processes requires sophisticated methods which are able to cope with the heterogeneity of natural systems. Although it is clear that in most cases a natural colloidal system can only be characterized by a set of different methods (microscopy, light scattering, fractionation...) the application of field-flow fractionation (FFF) has given new insight into the appearance of environmental colloids. The talk will present the potentials and limitations of FFF and the information that can be gained from different fractionation and detection systems (size, shape, element distributions).
Dr. Frank von der Kammer , Department of Environmental Geosciences, University of Vienna.
227 Bldg, Room A202. (NIST Contact: David Holbrook, 301-975-5202,

10:45 AM - NIST CENTER FOR NEUTRON RESEARCH SEMINAR: Multiband Superconductivity in PrOs4Sb12: Nodes or no Nodes?
Muon spin rotation (¹SR) measurements have provided valuable information for the basic studies in condensed matter physics. It is a sensitive probe of internal magnetic fields and electronic configurations of materials. In this talk, transverse-field muon spin rotation experiments in the heavy-fermion superconductor PrOs4Sb12 (Tc = 1:85 K) will be discussed. The experiment suggest that the superconducting penetration depth ¸(T) is temperatureindependent at low temperatures, consistent with a gapped quasiparticle excitation spectrum. In contrast, radiofrequency measurements yield a stronger temperature dependence of ¸(T), indicative of point nodes in the gap. Such a discrepancy may be related to the multiband structure of PrOs4Sb12. In addition, muon Knight shift measurements suggest that the muon.s perturbing effect in modification of the Pr3+ crystalline electric field neighboring in PrOs4Sb12 is negligibly small.
Lei Shu , University of California, Riverside. ,.
235 Bldg, Rm. E100. (NIST Contact: Jeff Lynn, 301-975-6246,

4/15 -- TUESDAY

2:30 AM - BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR: Some developments in multiphoton microscopy ( biological applications of ultrafast lasers
The tunable ultrafast laser provides opportunities to exploit nonlinear phenomena in biological microscopy. The most well-known is the scanning multiphoton-excited fluorescence microscope, where NIR illumination permits one to collect images deeper in living tissue with less photodamage. We have developed simple optical schemes to enhance SNR at depth. The multiphoton focus also provides an opportunity to observe concentration fluctuations in a volume of .06fL (2-photon FCS) relevant to macromolecular diffusion and binding within cells. The modelocked lasers also provide appropriate pulses for FLIM (Fluorescence LIfetime Microscopy) that can map probe environments within cells. Finally, the 3p process of CARS (Coherent Antistokes Raman Spectroscopy) can map important abundant (but nonfluorescent) chemical species in cells.
Jay Knutson , Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics, NHLBI,, Bethesda, MD,
Bldg 217, Room H107. (NIST Contact: Lori Goldner, 301-975-3792,

. . , ..
Administration Bldg, Lecture Rm. B. (NIST Contact: Allan Harvey, (303) 497-3555,

10:30 AM - ATOMIC PHYSICS DIVISION SEMINAR: NOTE BUILDING CHANGE: Engineering a Quantum Information Processor
Fundamental advantage of utilizing quantum resources for computation and communication has been discovered in the last two decades. Experimental demonstration of representing and manipulating quantum bits in physical systems and simple quantum algorithms followed. While the experimental research in this field has progressed at a rapid pace, the notion of a practical information processor based on quantum physics still faces tremendous amount of challenges. Construction of a scalable quantum information processor is a system design challenge that requires cutting-edge technology guided by engineering principles. The task requires expertise in quantum physics, computer architectures and integrated microsystems technology, and lots of exciting research is still to be done. In this talk, I will discuss the multidisciplinary challenge of designing a quantum information processor, and some of the technology progress made to date. I will present micro electromechanical systems (MEMS) technology applied to creating a beam control system that can address quantum bits represented by atoms trapped in a ultra-high vacuum chamber.
Jungsang Kim , Nortel Networks Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Duke University, Durham, NC.
221 Bldg, Rm. B145. (NIST Contact: Glenn Solomon, 301-975-3225,

11:00 AM - MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY LECTURE SERIES: Microstructure foundations of high performance in organic semiconductors
Organic electronics is an emerging technology that enables disruptive manufacturing methods for displays, photovoltaics, sensors, and radio-frequency identification tags. NIST has established a program in organic electronics to develop measurement methods to characterize the electronic and interfacial structure of organic electronics materials with respect to processing methods, processing variables, and materials characteristics. We use a combination of polarized absorption spectroscopies (IR, vis, and X ray), scanning probe techniques, and thin film X-ray diffraction to reveal details of semiconductor microstructure at organic thin film transistor (OTFT) interfaces. These measurements establish clear correlations between primary chemical structure, processing, film microstructure, and OTFT performance. Establishing these fundamental relationships can reveal practical guidelines for synthesis and processing. We demonstrate this strategy through investigations of a promising new solution-processable polymer semiconductor with hole mobility comparable to that of amorphous silicon. Structural studies indicate that the polymer is extremely crystalline, and the combined characterization methods reveal the locations and orientations of its functional groups within the crystal lattice. The conjugated planes of the polymer backbones are substantially tilted, strongly influencing the electron and hole bandwidths. The side chains of the polymer are tilted and vertically adjacent layers are interdigitated. A general consideration of side chain configuration reveals a striking signature packing motif that sets high performance polymer semiconductors such as this one apart from the lower performance regioregular poly(3 alkylthiophenes). A simple model provides a synthetic design rule describing the side chain attachment density necessary to achieve this signature packing. Further analyses explain the influences of dielectric chemistry, dielectric roughness, and thermal history, and the mechanisms by which each impacts semiconductor microstructure and OTFT performance.
Dean DeLongchamp , Materials Research Engineer, Polymers Division,
Administration Bldg, Employees Lounge. (NIST Contact: Bill Boettinger, 301-975-6160,

2:30 PM - BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR: Some developments in multiphoton microscopy ( biological applications of ultrafast lasers )
The tunable ultrafast laser provides opportunities to exploit nonlinear phenomena in biological microscopy. The most well-known is the scanning multiphoton-excited fluorescence microscope, where NIR illumination permits one to collect images deeper in living tissue with less photodamage. We have developed simple optical schemes to enhance SNR at depth. The multiphoton focus also provides an opportunity to observe concentration fluctuations in a volume of .06fL (2-photon FCS) relevant to macromolecular diffusion and binding within cells. The modelocked lasers also provide appropriate pulses for FLIM (Fluorescence LIfetime Microscopy) that can map probe environments within cells. Finally, the 3p process of CARS (Coherent Antistokes Raman Spectroscopy) can map important abundant (but nonfluorescent) chemical species in cells.
Jay Knutson , Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics, NHLBI, Bethesda, MD.
Bldg 217, Room H107. (NIST Contact: Lori Goldner, 301-975-3792,

3:00 PM - POLYMERS DIVISION SEMINAR: Directed Assembly of Nanostructures Using Engineered Peptides
Modern biological selection techniques have identified short (10-30 amino acid) peptides that are known to bind specifically to various surfaces (i.e. Au, Pd, GaAs, SiO2, etc.). Interestingly, many of these sequences or slight genetic variants have also demonstrated the ability to mediate reduction, nucleation, and growth of nanometer sized inorganic crystals in aqueous environments at room temperature and at neutral pH. Several studies have now been published using engineered peptides for biomineralization of different nanomaterials (Au, Ag, SiO2, Ge, Fe alloys); however, the mechanisms of nucleation and growth as a function of the peptide sequence are not understood. Additionally, peptide-mimetic polymers, such as simple polyelectrolytes (PE), also demonstrate an ability to mineralize inorganic nanomaterials and structure them into hierarchical assemblies. Many questions about the nature of PE adsorption remain unanswered pertinent to directed assembly, layer-by-layer assembly of thin films, membranes, controlled adhesion, and photoresist dissolution. In this talk, I will first present the results from studies on peptide-mediated growth of gold nanocrystals. The kinetics of nucleation, nanocrystal growth in a large parameter space are followed using UV-Vis absorbance. These peptide-mediated kinetics are then compared to published data for polymer-mediated nucleation and growth. Through this analysis, the number of peptides nucleating and capping a particle is estimated. These results have broad applications in fields such as biomineralization, coatings, directed assembly of nanomaterials, as well as health applications relating to metal ion processing in the human body. In the second part of my talk, I discuss experiments aimed at measuring the effect of image charges upon PE adsorption. Recent theoretical work predicts that image-charge-induced image forces should play a role in determining adsorption kinetics, adsorbed amount, and adsorbate structure when there is a large dielectric discontinuity between solvent and substrate. This talk presents the experimentally measured effects of image forces on the adsorption of PE onto oxide dielectric surfaces. Surfaces ranging in dielectric constant of 4-40 (SiO2 and TiO2) are used with solvent mixtures of dielectric constant 80-20 (water and alcohol mixtures). Polyelectrolyte adsorbed amount is determined with x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Polyelectrolyte conformation and coverage are measured in situ using neutron reflectivity with deuterated solvents in a liquid cell. Experimental results scale well with theoretical expectations for image charge effects and suggest that image forces can be used to direct assembly of polyelectrolytes to patterned areas of a surface based on the dielectric properties of the solvent and substrate.
Scott Scott K. Stanley , NIST.
224 Bldg, Rm. A 312CR. (NIST Contact: Jan Obrzut, 301-975-6845,


11:00 AM - ELECTRON AND OPTICAL PHYSICS DIVISION SEMINAR: EELS Magic Angle: Relativity and Dielectrics
A. Sorini , Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA,
221 Bldg, Rm. B145. (NIST Contact: Z. Levine, 301-975-5453,

4/17 -- THURSDAY

10:30 AM - BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR: Laser Assisted Single-Molecule Refolding
In vivo, many RNA molecules can adopt multiple conformations depending on their biological context. For example, an RNA molecule that is initially in a stable hairpin conformation will at a later stage of its biological cycle interact with a second RNA molecule, which in turn will trigger a dimerization reaction of the two molecules. This is the case of the HIV Dimerization Initiation Sequence (DIS) and the DsrA RNA in bacteria. It is quite common that the initial interaction between the two RNAs takes place via complementary unpaired regions, forming a so-called kissing complex. However, the exact kinetic mechanism by which the two RNA molecules reach the dimerized state is still not well understood. To investigate the refolding energy surface of RNA molecules, we have developed new technology based on the combination of single molecule spectroscopy with laser induced temperature jump kinetics, called Laser Assisted Single-molecule Refolding (LASR). LASR enables us to induce folding reactions of otherwise kinetically trapped RNAs at the single molecule level, and to characterize their folding landscape. Single molecule time trajectories show that we can drive the dimerization reaction between two trapped kissing RNA hairpins with LASR and use this data to calculate folding enthalpies and entropies. Our LASR experiments indicate that the RNA kissing complex is a stable intermediate state that facilitates the dimerization reaction. LASR provides an exciting new approach to study molecular memory effects and kinetically trapped RNAs in general. LASR is readily applicable to study DNA and protein folding as well.
David Rueda , Department of Chemistry, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.
Bldg 217, Room H107. (NIST Contact: Lori Goldner, 301-975-3792,

10:30 AM - PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES DIVISION SEMINAR: Entropy of Mixing and Entropy of Assimilation, an Information Theoretical View
Arieh Ben-Naim , Guest Researcher.
Physics (221) Bldg, Rm. A366. (NIST Contact: Raymond Mountain, 301-975-2484,

10:30 AM - INDUSTRIAL LECTURE SERIES, POLYMERS DIVISION: Structural Effects in Naphthalene Diimide Based Organic Thin Film Transistors: Effect of Configurational Control on Charge Mobility
Control of molecular packing on charge transport in organic semiconducting materials continues to be a critical issue in developing new materials. While the effects of bulk crystal structure and film deposition temperature remain the most effective methods for controlling thin film morphologies, and hence performance, of organic thin film transistors, little effort has been made to study stereo control effects on molecular packing. In this talk, we'll compare and contrast solid-state crystalline packing and n-type organic field effect transistor (OFET) behavior of several cycloalkyl-substituted naphthalene diimides (NDIs). The critical role of conformational and configurational control in these materials and its effect on carrier mobility will be illustrated. Accordingly, we will show that in by careful configurational control of substituents on cycloalkyl-substituted NDIs, electron mobilities greater than 1 cm2/(V s) are possible. Challenges associated with air operation of n-type OFETs based on these NDIs will also be discussed. The role of oxygen and water, and some potential dielectric surface modification approaches to solve this problem, will be described. "
Deepak Shukla , Eastman Kodak Company.
224 Bldg, Rm. A312. (NIST Contact: Dean DeLongchamp, 301-975-5599,

10:30 AM - SIGMA XI COLLOQUIUM: Sigma Xi Colloquium: Using Biology Against Bioterrorism
Recent events have placed great concern on bioterrorism and measures to counter and attack. Pathogens are biological organisms in themselves and therefore subject to attack by other pathogens (pathogens of the pathogens). Host for pathogens have engineered their own methods to control pathogens. New methods are being developed to deliver antigens to the host to increase immunity. Early detection is critical in a bioterrorism scenario and better diagnostic methods are being developed to assist. All these biological based measures are being developed to reduce the threat from a bioterrorist attack.
Joany Jackman , The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.
Administration Bldg, Lecture Rm. A. (NIST Contact: Bryant Nelson, 301-975-2517,
Special Assistance Available

Randy Vander Wal , The NCSER c/o The NASA-Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH.
Bldg. 217, Rm. H107. (NIST Contact: Nikolai Zhitenev, 301-975-6039,

4/18 -- FRIDAY

10:00 AM - CERAMICS DIVISION SEMINAR: Nanometrology Activities at the National Measurement Institute, Australia
Asa Jamting , National Measurement Institute, Australia.
Materials Building, Rm. B307. (NIST Contact: Mark Reitsma, 301-975-8319,

10:30 AM - NIST COLLOQUIUM SERIES: The Making of "Absolute Zero"
"Absolute Zero", a unique blend of science, cultural history, and adventure, is a two hour TV documentary about how civilization has been profoundly affected by the search for ever lower temperatures. From 17th court magicians to superconductivity and Bose-Einstein condensation, it explores key concepts, significant individuals, and events in the field of low-temperature physics and the enormous impact that the mastery of cold has had on society through such technologies as refrigeration, air conditioning, and liquefied gases. The show premiered on BBC in 2007 to enthusiastic reviews, was featured on PBS-NOVA in the U.S. in January, 2008, and is being translated into several languages for broadcast to EU countries. The presentation reviews how the idea was conceived and how, through 7 years of hard work, it actually got accomplished.
Russell Donnelly , Principal Investigator, Absolute Zero and the Conquest of Cold, Dept of Physics, University of OR.
Administration Building, Green Auditorium. (NIST Contact: Kum Ham, 301-975-4203,
Special Assistance Available

11:00 AM - POLYMERS DIVISION SEMINAR: Manipulating Charge Transport Through Interfacial Interactions in Molecular and Nanoscale Materials and Devices
Molecular and nanoscale electronic materials are being aggressively pursued for a wide range of applications - - from, for example, low-cost, large-area, flexible macroelectronics and optoelectronics to post-CMOS alternatives for high performance nanoelectronics to thermoelectrics. In this talk, I will describe charge transport measurements on solution-processable organic thin films and nanocrystal and nanowire asemblies. I will give examples in which interfacial interactions can be used to tailor charge injection and transport in these materials and their devices. In organic transistors, energetic barriers at the metal electrode - molecule interface gives rise to undesirably high contact resistances. By assembling molecules designed to be chemically and structurally complementary to the organic semiconductor, we have shown that the barriers to charge injection may be dramatically reduced, thereby improving device performance. In chemically synthesized PbSe nanocrystals and nanowires, as synthesized nanostructures assembled in the channels of transistors show hole conductivity. Exposure to molecular charge-transfer dopants are used to change the carrier type, transforming p-type into n-type transistors. One final example is in binary nanocrystal assemblies. Charge transfer between closely spaced PbTe and Ag2Te nanocrystals act synergistically to give hole conductivities 10^3 larger than that found in assemblies of PbTe or Ag2Te NCs alone.
Cherie Kagan , University of Pennsylvania.
224 Bldg, Rm. A312. (NIST Contact: Christopher Soles, 301-975-8087,

We report on nanodevices that for the first time allow for charge tuning of single InAs quantum dots located near the field maximum of high quality micropillar cavities. Through the innovation of a novel trench style cavity design, we are able to embed doped layers for electrical gating within a microcavity and obtain Q values greater than 50,000. Using these devices, we demonstrate record high single photon count rates with a capture efficiency of 38{\%} and a Purcell effect up to 8. We also show high frequency polarization modulation of single photons enabled by Stark shift tuning a charged quantum dot between two polarization modes of a slightly elliptical micropillar with frequencies up to 100 KHz. Furthermore, we demonstrate a charge tunable quantum dot coupled to a micropillar cavity mode, which is an important step in quantum communication protocols involving trapped single electrons or holes. This type of device enables a quick, non-destructive measurement of the spin state of the trapped charge.
Matthew Rakher , Graduate Student Researcher - UCSB Dept. of Physics,
217 Bldg, H107 Rm.. (NIST Contact: Kartik Srinivasan, 301-975-5938,


4/21/08 1:30 PM - OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY DIVISION SEMINAR: The Situation of UV and fluorescent Optical Radiation Standards in Japan and Development of Standard Devices at Hamamatsu Photonics
The applications of ultraviolet radiation from vacuum UV to air UV in the industries are expanding in Japan both qualitatively and quantitatively. The cleaning utilizing UV radiation in semiconductor industry, surface modification, photocatalysts in building and automobile industries, LED illumination, ultraviolet light curing, fluorescence in in-vitro clinical testing are prominent among those applications. The standardization is becoming more and more important to achieve accuracy and ensure safety in controlling the reaction process, operation process, and clinical testing. The high level of accuracy in quantifying the light sources used in those processes and clinical testing instruments is highly demanded. Hamamatsu Photonics has long been involved in the business related to standardization, and has recently developed the devices as below: 1) Power meters to monitor the vacuum ultraviolet light source used for cleaning and surface modification in semiconductor manufacturing process. 2) Power meters to monitor ultraviolet light sources for sterilization of various materials. 3) Power meters for ultraviolet LEDs. 4) Standard light sources for standardization of fluorescence and chemiluminescence for clinical testing instruments. We would like to discuss the details, background, and applications for those devices in this opportunity. Your comments over our presentation will be highly appreciated. Also, it will be our pleasure to discuss with the NIST people on how we can fulfill the needs in the USA.
Dr. Hidehiro Kume , Director of Manufacturing, Applied Instrument, Hamamatsu Photonics Co., Hamamatsu, Japan.
221 Bldg, , Rm. B145. (NIST Contact: Dr. Yoshi Ohno, 301-975-2321,

4/22/08 10:30 AM - ATOMIC PHYSICS DIVISION SEMINAR: Single Photon Technology, Metrology, and perhaps a bit of Ontology
Single-photon detectors and sources are key to increasing the utility of applications ranging from remote sensing and medical imaging to quantum information. We present a summary of our efforts to develop enhanced single-photon detectors, sources, and processors. These include better detectors that allow improved counting rates, lower background rates, and photon number resolution. In the area of sources we are developing single-photon sources that are more efficient, have higher production rates, have lower background rates, and are better able to produce entanglement, which is key to quantum information applications. As for processors, we are working on a quantum memory for entanglement storage. In addition to the device development efforts, we are working to improve the metrology of these devices and to disseminate that improved accuracy to the single-photon community. Finally we are using the results of all of these efforts to test questions of fundamental physics and even one of the oldest and most fundamental questions of all- What is the nature of Reality?
Alan Migdall , Optical Technology Division.
221 Bldg, Rm. B145. (NIST Contact: Mary Talbot, 301-975-3206,

4/22/08 1:00 PM - NANOFABRICATION RESEARCH GROUP SEMINAR: Synthesis and Applications of Uniform Two-dimensional Nanoparticles Arrays
Two dimensional nanomaterial arrays are important platform for many applications. Despite many efforts, organizing nanomaterials into desired structures is a grand challenge in nanoscience and technology. In this presentation, a polymer template approach for synthesizing uniform metal nanoparticle arrays with controlled particle size and interparticle spacing will be demonstrated. These metal particle arrays are ideal model catalysts for fuel cell research and are used to reveal the catalyst structure-activity relationship. O2 reduction as well as CO oxidation will be used as examples to illustrate the applications of the metal nanoparticle arrays in electrocatalysis. In addition to catalysis, these metal nanoparticle arrays can be used as the seed to form other organized nanomaterials. Results from the seed-mediated growth and electrochemical deposition will be discussed to demonstrate the applications of the metal nanoparticle arrays in material synthesis. Some measurement challenges in these applications will also be discussed.
Shouzhong Zou , Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Miami University, Oxford, OH,.
Bldg. 217, Rm. H107. (NIST Contact: Nikolai Zhitenev, 301-975-6039,

4/22/08 7:00 PM - ASQ SOFTWARE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP, SOCIETY FOR SOFTWARE QUALITY (SSQ), AND IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY: Applying Agile Techniques to Process Development: Lessons Learned, Part 2
This presentation is based on an article published in the August 2007 issue of Crosstalk, the Journal of Defense Software Engineering. It presents lessons learned from a process improvement effort that took an organization from no formal process capability to the implementation of the Software Engineering Institute (SEISM) Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI®) using the continuous representation with a focus on the staged representation's maturity level 2 process areas. This presentation summarizes techniques that were used to reduce the overall time to achieve institutionalization of new processes as well as what worked well and what could be further improved. The topics to be covered are a) resource utilization, b) process development, c) using Agile methods to run the process improvement effort and develop related outputs, d) process piloting approach used, e) addressing process improvement via technology improvements, f) leveraging the internet and IEEE standards to speed process development, g) employing the continuous representation of the CMMI model, h) issues associated with QA, and i) process rollout management strategies used. Nelson Perez is president and principal consultant of Sierra's Edge, Inc. (an SEI Transition Partner) and was the architect and author of all the policies and process assets associated with this presentation. Perez has over 20 years of work experience and has worked the entire life cycle and held numerous management and engineering positions on such high visibility programs as the B2 Stealth Bomber; NASA Space Shuttle; and National Missile Defense. He has worked as a software engineer in several domains including IT, avionics, modeling and simulation, automated manufacturing, non-destructive test, electronic warfare, and large scale security systems. He has co-authored 1 NASA-related patent and his first process improvement effort helped garner the US Air Force/TRW (now part of Northrop Grumman) SOF EISE program the USAF 21st Century Partnership Team Quality Award. He is a candidate SCAMPI Lead Appraiser with an observation appraisal planned for August, 2008. Ernest C. Ambrose is the SEPG Lead as well as a Project Lead for MORI Associates, Inc., a Woman-Owned, SBA 8(a) certified, Small Disadvantaged Business providing professional consulting services for sophisticated information technology solutions, program support, staff augmentation, and engineering operations for Government agencies and Fortune 500 companies. MORI is the recent recipient of Maryland's Top 100 Minority Business Enterprise Award, and is ranked as one of Washington Technology's FAST 50 Companies. There is no cost to attend, but please register on-line at by noon Monday, April 21st, 2008. Pizza and soda will be served at 6:30 PM.
Nelson Perez , President, Sierra's Edge. Ernest Ambrose , SEPG Lead, MORI Associates.
Administration Bldg, Lecture Rm. C. (NIST Contact: Paul E. Black, 301-975-4794,

4/24/08 10:30 AM - CNST ELECTRON PHYSICS GROUP SEMINAR: Nonlocal and local magnetization dynamics excited by a rf magnetic field in magnetic multilayers
A microwave study in spintronic devices has been actively pursued in the past several years due to its fertile physics and potential applications. A passive use of microwave can be very helpful to understand the spin dynamics in spintronic devices. On the other hand, an active use of microwave yields a great potential for interesting applications which gives new functionalities into spintronic devices. For instance, a spin wave excitation by a rf field can be used to reduce the switching field of a ferromagnet, which could be potential applications in an advanced recording media. More interestingly, a precessing magnetization driven by a rf field can inject spin currents into a neighboring layer, i.e. nonlocal magnetization dynamics (or spin pumping effect) which is one of the candidates for generating a pure spin current. In the talk, I will present my work on a microwave study in magnetic multilayers and magnetic tunnel junctions and show the experimental results of the local and non-local magnetization dynamics excited by a large rf magnetic field.
Takahiro Moriyama , Graduate student, University of Delware.
217 Bldg, Rm. H107. (NIST Contact: Robert McMichael, 301-975-5121,

4/24/08 10:30 AM - POLYMERS DIVISION SEMINAR: Polymers Division Seminar: Scanning Fiber Endoscopy -­ Overview and Future Directions
Conventional flexible endoscopes rely on one sensor element for each display pixel, so that size limitations of the endoscope also limit spatial resolution of images acquired. A completely new type of endoscope has been designed and fabricated at the University of Washington, Human Photonics Laboratory that circumvents these constraints. In this new design, a single optical fiber is used to project a single spot of RGB laser light onto the tissue, and is scanned across the tissue with a micro-optical scanner and lens assembly that is 1 only mm in diameter. The backscattered RGB light from the tissue is collected by a ring of optical fibers at the distal tip of the endoscope, which surrounds the central micro-optical scanner, making the current endoscope 1.2 mm in outer diameter. This approach is used to create 500-line color images at 30 Hz with fields of view of 100 degrees. Very soft and supple shafts are achievable with this approach, allowing in vivo imaging of a pig bile duct and unsedated imaging of the human esophagus. This forward-looking presentation will address the unique design features of the endoscope, and how they can be exploited to allow a variety of signal excitation and detection modes and photodynamic therapy with only minimal modification of the endoscope probe's distal tip.
Eric Seibel , Research Associate Professor Mechanical Engineering, Adjunct Bioengineering, Seattle, WA,
Polymer Building, Room A312. (NIST Contact: Marc Cicerone, 301-975-8104,

4/29/08 10:30 AM - ATOMIC PHYSICS DIVISION SEMINAR: High Temperature Single-Electron Transistor Fabricated by a Nanodamacene Process
Since the late 80's, Coulomb blockade (CB) devices have been pursued, among other reasons, for highly integrated logic devices. Many processes have since been proposed, but most do not operate above cryogenic temperatures. This limitation is due to the fact that the charging energy of the island (Ec) must be larger than kt, for good device performance. Recently, we have reported a nanodamascene process showing CB up to 130°C [1]. This process enables one to build metallic nano-wires interspersed with low-capacitance tunnel junctions, which not only allow high temperature operation, but also increase the voltage gain (Gv) of the CB transistors. This is very important, since the Gv 1 criterion is a necessary condition for CB transistors to be combined in circuits, and is rarely met in the literature. [1] C. Dubuc, J. Beauvais, D. Drouin, Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 90, p. 113104 (2007).
A. Beaumont, D. Drouin , Nanofabrication and Nanocharacterization Research Center, Department of Electrical Engineering, Universite de Sherbrooke.
Physics Building, Room B145. (NIST Contact: Neil Zimmerman, 301-975-5887,

5/1/08 10:30 AM - CNST NANOTECHNOLOGY SEMINAR SERIES: The bright future of nanophotonics: recent advances and challenges
Nanophotonics in which light is manipulated at subwavelength scales is emerging as one the most exciting and potentially useful areas of physical optics. I will highlight recent research in my group aimed at a new class of light-sources in which the near field and the far-field properties are fundamentally altered by means of plasmonic nanostructures and metamaterials monolithically integrated on the laser facets. As a platform to demonstrate these new beam shaping concepts, such as reduction of beam divergence, nanospot light concentration, super-focusing and polarization control, we have used mid-infrared and near-IR lasers but these techniques are broadly applicable to all solid-state lasers. I will also discuss a novel technique called nanoskiving that combines photolithography, thin-film metal deposition, and thin-film sectioning, and demonstrate its capabilities in the realization of metallic nanowires with engineered plasmon resonances and frequency selective surfaces.
Federico Capasso , Professor-Harvard University, Cambridge, MA,
215 Bldg, C103- C106 Rm.. (NIST Contact: Nikolai Zhitenev, 301-975-6039,

5/1/08 10:30 AM - OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY PARTNERSHIPS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER SEMINAR SERIES: Scientists as Inventors: Engineers by Necessity
Throughout history, many scientists have emerged as some of the most creative engineers the world has ever seen by crafting solutions to technical problems that were barriers to their research. Sometimes by accident, sometimes reluctantly, often born of frustration, and always out of necessity, research scientists have frequently "engineered" their way around practical problems in observation and measurement that threatened to bring their research to a grinding halt. The results of their problem-solving were often embodied in innovative technology that later had profound impacts on society. Who can tell? Your invention might be among these. Acclaimed author, scholar and authority in engineering design and failure, Professor Henry Petroski uses his knowledge of innovation, invention, "The Evolution of Useful Things," and historic perspective to create for us some unique insights into the nature of invention. Professor Petroski received his bachelor's degree from Manhattan College in 1963 and his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1968. He is a professional engineer registered in Texas, and a chartered engineer registered in Ireland. He has authored fourteen books and hundreds of newspaper, magazine, and technical journal articles. Professor Petroski has been a faculty member of the Duke University Pratt School of Engineering since 1980. Among his many honors are Member, National Academy of Engineering; Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers; and Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Dr. Henry Petroski , A.S.Vesic Prof. of Civil Engineering Professor of History, Duke University, Durham, NC,
Administration Building, Green Auditorium. (NIST Contact: Jack Pevenstein, 301-975-5519,

5/16/08 1:30 PM - CENTER FOR NANOSCALE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SEMINAR: Spin Wave Beams, Precessing Vortices, and Localized Standing Waves in Single Layer Nanocontacts
The recently discovered spin transfer effect enables the application of localized torques in magnetic thin film nanostructures. In the point contact geometry, this effect can result in large amplitude spin wave generation. The well studied Slonczewski model of spin torque in trilayer nanostructures is the Landau-Lifshitz equation modified with a local spin torque term. In this talk, a non-local model of point contacts in single layer thin magnetic films is presented and studied numerically in two spatial dimensions. Here, the spin torque term in the Landau-Lifshitz equation is non-local and is due to spin diffusion effects. A variety of quasi-periodic mode solutions to this equation are found including localized standing waves, vortex spiral waves, and a weakly diffracting collimated beam of spin waves, the direction of which can be steered by changing the direction of an applied magnetic field. The spin wave beam appears to be the nonlinear hybridization of the vortex spiral waves and the localized standing wave. Mode selection is explained using linear spin wave theory.
Dr. Mark Hoefer , Magnetics Group, National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Building 217, Room H107. (NIST Contact: Mark Stiles, 301-975-3745,


4/14 -- MONDAY

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4/15 -- TUESDAY

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No Scheduled Events

4/17 -- THURSDAY

No Scheduled Events

4/18 -- FRIDAY

No Scheduled Events


No Scheduled Events


George Mason University, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences Colloquium, Fairfax, VA, 4/11.

Dynamical Systems in Biology Conference, New York University, New York, NY, 4/12.

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Physics Department, Eau Claire, WI, 4/15.

5th US-Korea Forum on Nanotechnology, Jeju Shilla Hotel, Jeju Island, Korea, 4/17.


It's your turn, ZSs and ZAs!!! Administrative and Support Professionals, come and be recognized at the 4th Annual Administrative Professionals Reception, sponsored by the NIST Committee for Women and SEBA. We will celebrate the contributions of our outstanding Administrative Professionals in the Red Auditorium on April 16th at 3 pm, followed by cake, punch, and snacks. All NIST employees are invited to show their appreciation!
NIST Contact: Kathryn Butler, 301-975-6673,

ISO/TC201/SC9 was launched in 2004 to develop documentary standards for scanning probe microscopy. Initially chartered with five study groups, NIST was requested by ANSI to supply a US delegate to SC9 to chair a study group on scan-parameter and environmental artifacts in AFM imaging. In order to optimize the activities of this study group, the SG3 Chair is trying to develop a forum for greater input from the many other NIST staff involved in scanned probe microscopy and AFM in particular. An informal meeting is tentatively scheduled for April 24 at 1:30 PM in 219/A045. Interested persons are also encouraged to contact the chair individually for more information.
NIST Contact: Ronald Dixson, 301-975-4399,

Because of heightened security at the NIST Gaithersburg site, members of the public who wish to attend meetings, seminars, lectures, etc. must first register in advance. For more information please call or e-mail the "NIST Contact" for the particular event you would like to attend.
NIST Contact: . ., ., .


No Web Site announcements this week.

For more information, contact Ms. Sharon Hallman, Editor, Stop 2500, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg MD 20899-2500; Telephone: 301-975-TCAL (3570); Fax: 301-926-4431; or Email:

All lectures and meetings are open unless otherwise stated.

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