Criteria for the Spot Awards Program


The following policy guidance provides insight on the Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Spot Awards Program and addresses the recent change in processing procedures for Spot Awards using the Alternative Method of Payment for Individual/Group Spot Awards.



The Department’s employee recognition program is designed to fairly and equitably recognize and reward individuals/groups for excellence in service to USDA’s mission.


The Spot Awards Program allows supervisors and other individuals to grant employees (as individuals or in groups) immediate monetary recognition for extra efforts that warrant small awards.  Spot awards are considered small to moderate in value and limited to broad in application (refer to the “Guide for Employee Recognition” Form AD-1097, dated 2/94).




All USDA employees, who meet the definition of  “employee” in 5 U.S.C. 2105, with the exception of:


·        Presidential Appointees


·        Employees in career and non-career Senior Executive Service (SES) positions


·        Employees in SES equivalent positions


Volunteers and contractors are also not eligible for Spot awards.





A Spot Award is a monetary award designed to grant “immediate” recognition to individuals or groups of employees for their day-to-day extra efforts and contributions.




·        One-time noteworthy achievements which may not meet the criteria for other types of awards.


·        Volunteering for an extra or emergency assignment while maintaining own workload.


·        Using personal initiative and creativity to solve an unusual problem.


·        Producing a work product of exceptionally high quality under tight deadlines.


Usually, the contributions recognized will have been completed within a period of 4 to 6 weeks or less.  Recognition should be made within 3 days, but not later than 30 days after completion of the accomplishment.  Spot awards are approved or disapproved by a superior or management level higher than the recommending individual who has signature authority.




Awards may range in value from $50 to $500 (in any dollar amount) with no award amount exceeding $500.  Employees may receive more than one Spot award within a one-year period.  When determining award amounts refer to the non-measurable benefits scale located in the “Guide for Employee Recognition” Form AD-1097 (12/94).


·        Individual Awards:

Amount is not less than $50 and no more than $500 per person.


·        Group Awards:

There is no ceiling on the total amount of any group award.  However, the award amount for each group member may not exceed $500.





Nominating officials will:


(Note:  Supervisors, managers and peers may make recommendations for spot awards.)


·        Prepare Form AD-287-2, Recommendation & Approval of Awards, dated 7/94.  If the employee works in another agency, include the address of the employee’s servicing Human Resources Office on the AD-287-2.


·        Attach a separate page with a list of the names, social security numbers, position titles, pay plans, and the dollar amount for each person for Group Spot Awards.


·        Justify the Spot Award by preparing a citation in Block 11, of the AD-287-2.  The citation must state the basis for the award (the value of benefits and extent of application, the circumstances that warrant recognition, the value or impact of the employee’s contribution, etc.).


Citation Example: For exceptional assistance provided to the Director’s Office due to a secretarial vacancy, while continuing to perform regular duties.


·        Check Block 12 to indicate Spot Award and insert the award amount in

Block 14.


·        Obtain required approvals from appropriate management officials.  If the recipient does not work for the nominating or recommending official, notify the employee’s supervisor.


·        Forward the approved form (AD-287-2 and attachment, if necessary) to the recommending official’s servicing Human Resources Office for processing in accordance with Agency guidelines.


Servicing Human Resources Offices will:


·        Process the payment through NFC for serviced employees or forward to the appropriate Human Resources Office for employees outside the serviced area.


·        Use the AD-287-2 to process the spot award through the Alternative Method of Payment system at NFC.


·        Notify the recommending official by returning a copy of the AD-287-2 with the effective date noted once the award is processed. 





Awards will be sent directly to the employee’s salary check address through the Payroll/Personnel System via Electronic Funds Transfer.  The system will automatically gross up the award amount and generate an SF-50.  Employees who receive salary checks through direct deposit should receive Spot award payments within 2 to 3 business days, from the time of data input into the National Finance Center to receipt of payment.


Instructions for payment of individual/groups Spot Awards are on the NFC homepage www.nfc.usda.gov.  (click on Pubs & Forms, then on Bulletin Title 1, 01-12, Alternative Method of Payment for Individual/Group Spot Awards).  (A copy of the Bulletin is attached).  The payment process will generate payment to employees through the payroll/personnel system. 




Agencies are responsible for monitoring and assessing the usage of Spot Awards. This documented information will be reported to the Office of Personnel Management as part of the USDA Annual Incentive Awards Report. Information on usage and distribution of awards should be shared with ALL employees, at headquarters and field locations.


For additional information, please contact Sandra Anglade, Employee Recognition Program Manager, at (202) 720-8615 or Cecilia Matthews, Incentive Awards Program Manager, at (202) 690-0266.




cc:  Mission Area Personnel Officers