Blueprint for Safety News

Blueprint for Safety® News is an informative, quarterly newsletter that updates readers on the very latest in disaster mitigation and the home safety movement.

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November 19, 2008
Shingle Creek/Orlando, Florida

Why should I sign up for BluePrint for Safety® Training?

  • Contractors must be Blueprint For Safety trained in order to participate in programs such as My Safe Florida Home, Florida Division of Emergency Management's Low to Moderate Income Retrofit Projects and South Carolina Safe Home
  • BFS training satisfies the need for continuous, updated, accredited professional training for building contractors, design professionals and related trades in code-plus wind mitigation techniques.
  • BFS training provides builders with a host of options that can furnish homes with that extra measure of fortification — and that could be critical if the dwelling is exposed to severe weather.

Is the training difficult?

No. Blueprint for Safety trainers are experts in both subject matter and presentation and use well designed training manuals that become excellent resources for contractors and other attendees — and courses are usually completed in one day! Find out more about the course!