NOAA bullet NCDC / Climate Research / Climate of 1999 / June / Climate-Watch / Search / Help
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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Climate-Watch, June 1999

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National Climatic Data Center - June 24, 1999
Middle East Temperature
Seasonal Temperature Anomalies

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Global circulation patterns associated with a strong La Nina pattern have left several areas of the globe under persistent areas of high pressure which lead to dry and warm conditions. When these conditions persist for months on end, these areas usually experience extreme drought. There are several areas of the world that are experiencing these conditions including parts of: Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan. The above image is a blended NCDC product using in situ and satellite derived temperatures produced on a seasonal basis. More information on the blended product is available at NCDC Blended Satellite / In Situ Data Global Surface Temperature Anomalies. The analysis shows a large part of the Middle East was quite warm this spring, and this area during the remainder of the summer months is typically dry and warm. Typical (La Nina) impacts are given as well as other La Nina/El Nino impacts around the globe.

Another area that is experiencing drought is a good deal of northern and western Mexico, as both of these regions usually count on some type of winter (October- March) rainfall to get them through a dry summer. Last fall and winter's rainfall in both areas was well below normal, so they started out 1999 with little or no precipitation. In some areas, the drought is entering its fifth year and many residents say that it's never been this bad. One-third of the country, an area that stretches from Mexico's Gulf to Pacific coasts and covers most of its 2,000-mile-long border with the United States, is affected. In contrast, flash floods (around June 20th) damaged cars and homes and killed 11 people as heavy rain and hail pounded three drought-stricken states in northern Mexico. The storms hit Chihuahua, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon states, causing the Topo Chico River to surge over its banks and flood large sections of Monterrey, the capital of Nuevo Leon. According to the government news agency, most people were drowned in their cars as tunnels and underpasses were flooded -- some of them with mud. Scores of homes were damaged by the flooding and golf ball-sized hail. Hurricane Adrian brought flooding rains to the central Pacific coast of Mexico around June 20th, six deaths have been reported.

Drought problems were also plaguing portions of the U.S. southeastern states Southeastern Regional Climate Center Drought Map. Spotty rains brought some short term relief to portions of the area in the first half of the month but long term trends still point to drought problems for parts of the region. Current national outlooks for the remainder or the summer (July- September) are available from NOAA CPC Seasonal Climate Outlooks. For additional Multi-season forecasts, see the NOAA CPC Multi-season Forecasts.

Flooding is a problem in parts of northwest China's interior Qinghai province. Several days of heavy rain triggered floods and mudslides that damaged 1,400 houses, inundated 332,000 acres of farmland and swept away more than 10,000 domestic animals. In a separate disaster, four were killed by flash floods in Vietnam's central coastal province of Binh Thuan. Three days of rain totaling 12 inches caused the flooding, which submerged 650 homes, collapsed bridges and drenched 3,060 acres of rice fields. Typhoon Maggie brought some flooding rains to portions of southeast China in the southern province of Guangdong with two deaths and preliminary damages were reported at $76.1 million USD. The most severely affected city was reportedly Shanwei.

Other global highlights for June 1999 can be found at NOAA/OGP Special Global Summary for June 1999.

Top of Page Selected U.S. City and State Extremes

The Selected U.S. City and State Extremes gives a listing of new records that were set across the U.S. during June 1999.

Top of Page Additional Resources

For further information, contact:

Tom Ross
NOAA/National Climatic Data Center
151 Patton Avenue
Asheville, NC 28801-5001
fax: 828-271-4328
Specific requests for climatic data should be addressed to:

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