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Who We Are

We are a resource. A conduit. A voice.

Enable America was founded in 2002 by attorney Richard Salem as a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people with disabilities find employment and live independently. It is the first organization dedicated solely to reducing unemployment among people with disabilities.

To better understand the issues facing the disability community, Enable America traveled across the nation and conducted Disability Town Hall Meetings in more than 20 cities in 17 states during a three-year period of time. This listening tour gathered together members of the disability community, business people, educators, social service providers, civic organizations and political leaders in cities such as New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Tampa, Chicago, San Diego and Los Angeles. Participants identified five key concerns among individuals with disabilities: employment, health care, affordable housing, transportation and benefits.

Enable America is committed to raising awareness of employment-related disability issues on a local and national level.

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