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It's an exciting age for solar system exploration. There are plenty of ways for you and your students to get involved. New opportunities arise often, so check back frequently for the latest news:

Educator Astronaut Program Logo

NASA Educator Astronaut Program
NASA is seeking K-12 teachers to join the astronaut corps as part of the Educator Astronaut Program. Teachers selected for the program will become fully-qualified mission specialists. They will conduct experiments and teach class from orbit - inspiring a new generation of space explorers. There also are opportunities to participate in the program right here on Earth.

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Solar System Educators Program (SSEP)
Solar System Educators are K-12 math and science teachers who lead workshops to teach other educators how to incorporate solar system exploration into their curriculum. SSEP teachers receive training at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab in California. They have conducted 728 workshops throughout the country, reaching about 54,000 people.

Practical Uses of Math and Science Logo - Click to Visit Website

Practical Uses of Math and Science (PUMAS)
PUMAS is a collection of one-page examples of how math and science topics taught in K-12 classes can be used in interesting settings. The examples are written primarily by scientists and engineers, and are available to teachers, students, and other interested parties on the PUMAS website.

Solar System Ambassador's Logo - Click to Visit Website

Solar System Ambassadors Program
Solar System Ambassadors are a group of trained space enthusiasts from all walks of life who work with NASA to communicate exciting discoveries and plans for space exploration. There are ambassadors in every state and Puerto Rico. The application period for 2002 is over. Stay tuned for new opportunities to join this exciting program.


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