Daily Soil Moisture & Precipitation Update



The Midwestern Regional Climate Center has designed this page to help monitor the evolution of moisture levels in the region as conditions change over time. In the box below, the departures of soil moisture levels from normal for the top 12 inches and 72 inches of soil are shown. These soil moisture levels are calculated using a multi-level soil model responding to daily temperature and precipitation in the climate divisions of the region and are not direct measurements of soil moisture. On the right side of the page, total precipitation and precipitation departures from normal in inches and percentages are given for 30, 90, and 180-day periods. All maps are updated daily by late morning.

Top 12 Inches Departure from Normal
Top 12 Inches Percent of Normal
Top 72 Inches Departure from Normal
Top 72 Inches Percent of Normal

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Precipitation Maps for 30, 90, and 180 day periods through Today. These maps are updated at 10:30 AM Central Time.
Please click on the time periods to enlarge

Precipitation Total
<30 days
90 days
180 days


Precipitation Departure from Normal
30 days
90 days
180 days


Precipitation Percentage of Normal
30 days
90 days
180 days


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