2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2000
1999 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993


  1. Daniela Ushizima, Oliver R�bel, Prabhat, Gunther Weber, E. Wes Bethel, Cecilia Aragon, Cameron Geddes, Estelle Cormier-Michel, Bernd Hamann, Peter Messmer, Hans Hagen. "Automated Analysis for Detecting Beams in Laser Wakefield Simulations". 2008 Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, Proceedings of IEEE ICMLA'08, 2008. LBNL-960E. (to appear) (Bibtex)

  2. Regis C. P. Marques, Fatima N. S. Medeiros, Daniela M. Ushizima. "Target Dectection on SAR Images Using Level Set Methods". IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2008. (to appear) LBNL-958E. (Bibtex)

  3. C.I.O. Martins, R.M.S. Veras, G.L.B. Ramalho, F.N.S. Medeiros, D. M. Ushizima, "Automatic Microaneurysm Detection and Characterization Through Digital Color Fundus Images". Brazilian Artificial Intelligence Community Conference, Tenth Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks, Proceedings of IEEE SBRN'2008, 2008. (LBNL number pending)

  4. E. Wes Bethel, Hank Childs, Ajith Mascarenhas, Valerio Pascucci, and Prabhat. Scientific Data Managment Challenges in High Performance Visual Data Analysis. In Arie Shoshani and Doron Rotem, editors, Scientific Data Management: Challenges, Existing Technology, and Deployment. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2008. (to appear)

  5. Luke J. Gosink, John C. Anderson, E. Wes Bethel, Kenneth I. Joy. "Query-Driven Visualization of Time-Varying Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data." IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 14(6), Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2008 (To appear). LBNL-803E. (PDF to appear later.) (Bibtex)

  6. Luke J. Gosink, Kesheng Wu, E. Wes Bethel, John D. Owens, Kenneth I. Joy. "Bin-Hash Indexing: A Parallel Method for Fast Query Processing." Technical Report LBNL-729E, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley CA, USA, 94720, 2008. (PDF) (bibtex)

  7. O. Rübel, Prabhat, K. Wu, H. Childs, J. Meredith, C.G.R. Geddes, E. Cormier-Michel, S. Ahern, G.H. Weber, P. Messmer, H. Hagen, B. Hamann and E.W. Bethel, "Application of High-performance Visual Analysis Methods to Laser Wakefield Particle Acceleration Data." Poster at IEEE Visualization 2008, Columbus, Ohio, October 19-24, 2008. (To appear) LBNL-952E. (PDF) (BibTeX)

  8. O. Rübel, Prabhat, K. Wu, H. Childs, J. Meredith, C.G.R. Geddes, E. Cormier-Michel, S. Ahern, G.H. Weber, P. Messmer, H. Hagen, B. Hamann and E.W. Bethel, "High Performance Multivariate Visual Data Exploration for Extremely Large Data." SC08, Austin TX, November, 2008. (To appear) LBNL-716E. (PDF) (BibTeX)

  9. Sarah Poon, Rollin Thomas, Cecilia Aragon, and Brian Lee, "Virtual Assistants in Collaborative Scientific Experiments: An Astrophysics Case Study." CSCW 2008: ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work. (To appear, 2008.) Best Paper Award Nominee (one of 12 out of 235 submissions). (PDF).

  10. Cecilia Aragon, Stephen Bailey, Sarah Poon, Karl Runge, and Rollin Thomas, "Sunfall: A Collaborative Visual Analytics System for Astrophysics." J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 125 012091 (Proceedings of SciDAC 2008). LBNL-657E. (2008) (PDF), (BibTeX).

  11. Cecilia Aragon, Sarah Poon, Gregory Aldering, Rollin Thomas, and Robert Quimby, "Using Visual Analytics to Maintain Situation Awareness in Astrophysics." Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (IEEE VAST 2008). LBNL-658E. (To appear, 2008.) (PDF), (BibTeX).

  12. S. Bailey, C. Aragon, R. Romano, R. C. Thomas, B. A. Weaver and D. Wong, "Object classification at the Nearby Supernova Factory." Astronomische Nachrichten Vol. 329, Issue 3, pp. 292-294 (2008). LBNL-696E. (HTML), (BibTeX)

  13. E. Wes Bethel, Chris Johnson, Charles Hansen, Claudio Silva, Steven Parker, Allen Sanderson, Lee Myers, Martin Cole, Xavier Tricoche, Sean Ahern, George Ostrouchov, Dave Pugmire, Jamison Daniel, Jeremy Meredith, Valerio Pascucci, Hank Childs, Peer-Timo Bremer, Ajith Mascarenhas, Ken Joy, Bernd Hamann, Christoph Garth, Cecilia Aragon, Gunther Weber, and Prabhat. "Seeing the Unseeable." SciDAC Review, Number 8, Summer 2008, pp 24-33. LBNL-472E. (PDF at the SciDAC Review website) (bibtex)

  14. O. Rübel, G. H. Weber, M-Y Huang, E. W. Bethel, M. D. Biggin, C. C. Fowlkes, C. Luengo Hendriks, S. V. E. Keränen, M. Eisen, D. Knowles, J. Malik, H. Hagen and B. Hamann, "Integrating Data Clustering and Visualization for the Analysis of 3D Gene Expression Data." IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. 2008. (To appear) LBNL-382E. (PDF), (BibTeX)

  15. O. Rübel, G. H. Weber, M-Y Huang, E. W. Bethel, S. V. E. Keränen, C. C. Fowlkes, C. L. Luengo Hendriks, A. H. DePace, L. Simirenko, M. B. Eisen, M. D. Biggin, H. Hagen, J. Malik, D. W. Knowles and B. Hamann, "PointCloudXplore 2: Visual Exploration of 3D Gene Expression", GI Lecture Notes in Informatics, Gesellschaft fuer Informatik (GI), Bonn, Germany, 2008. (To appear) LBNL-249E. (PDF), (BibTeX)

  16. C. C. Fowlkes, C. L. Luengo Hendriks, S. V. E. Keränen, G. H. Weber, O. Rübel, M.-Y. Huang, S. Chatoor, A. H. DePace, L. Simirenko, C. Henriquez, A. Beaton, R. Weiszmann, S. Celniker, B. Hamann, D. W. Knowles, M. D. Biggin, M. B. Eisen, J. Malik. "A Quantitative Spatio-temporal Atlas of Gene Expression in the Drosophila Blastoderm." Cell Vol 133, 364-374, 18 April 2008. (BibTeX)

  17. G.H. Weber, V. Beckner, H. Childs, T. Ligocki, M. Miller, B. van Straalen, E.W. Bethel. "Visualization of Scalar Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data." in: Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows: Astronum-2007 (Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series), volume 385, pp. 309-320, 2008. LBNL-220E. (PDF), (BibTeX)

  18. L. R. Comolli, A. J. Spakowitz, C. E. Siegerist, P. J. Jardin, S. Grimes, D. L. Anderson, C. Bustamante, K. H. Downing. "Three-dimensional Architecture of the Bacteriophage Phi29 Packaged Genome and Elucidation of its Packaging Process." Virology, 371(2):267, February 2008. (LBNL publication number pending.) (PDF unavailable due to publisher's rules.)

  19. B. Paul, S. Ahern, E. W. Bethel, E. Brugger, R. Cook, J. Daniel, K. Lewis, J. Owen, and D. Southard. Chromium Renderserver: Scalable and Open Remote Rendering Infrastructure. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 14(3), May/June 2008. LBNL-63693. (PDF), (bibtex)

  20. G. H. Weber, O. Rübel, M.-Y. Huang, A. H. DePace, C. C. Fowlkes, S. V. E. Keränen, C. L. Luengo Hendriks, H. Hagen, D. W. Knowles, J. Malik, M. D. Biggin and B. Hamann. "Visual exploration of three-dimensional gene expression using physical views and linked abstract views." To appear in:IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. LBNL-63776. (PDF), (BibTeX).

  21. S. E. Dillard, V. Natarjan, G. H. Weber, V. Pascucci and B. Hamann. Topology-guided Tessellation of Quadratic Elements. To appear in: International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications (IJCGA). LBNL-63771. (PDF), (BibTeX)

  22. J. Chen, I. Yoon and E. W. Bethel. "Interactive, Internet Delivery of Visualization via Structured, Prerendered Multiresolution Imagery." IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 14, Number 2, March/April 2008. LBNL-62252. (PDF), (bibtex).

  23. N. Shah, N., S. E. Dillard, G.H. Weber, B. Hamann. "Volume visualization of multiple alignment of large genomic DNA." To appear in: Mathematical Foundations of Scientific Visualization, Computer Graphics, and Massive Data Exploration, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 2008. LBNL-63126. (PDF), (BibTeX).

  24. M.-Y. Huang, O. Rübel, G.H. Weber, C.L. Luengo Hendriks, M.D. Biggin, H. Hagen, B. Hamann. "Segmenting Gene Expression Patterns of Early-stage Drosophila Embryos.", In: L. Linsen, H. Hagen, B. Hamann, eds., Mathematical Methods for Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 2008. LBNL-62450. (PDF), (BibTeX).


  1. K. Joy, M. Miller, H. Childs, E. W. Bethel, J. CLyne, G. Ostouchov, S. Ahern. "Frameworks for Visualization at the Extreme Scale." In Journal of Physics Conference Series, Volume 78, Proceedings of SciDAC 2007, June 2007. LBNL-63762. (PDF), (bibtex)

  2. E. W. Bethel, J. Chen, I. Yoon. "Interactive, Internet Delivery of Visualization via Structured, Prerendered Imagery." Two-page research highlight. LBNL-63675. (PDF) (bibtex)

  3. E. W. Bethel, L. Gosink, J. Anderson, K. Joy. "Variable Interactions in Query-Driven Visualization." Two-page research highlight. LBNL-63674. (PDF) (bibtex)

  4. E. W. Bethel, O. Ruebel, G. Weber. "Visualization and Analysis of 3D Gene Expression Data." Two-page research highlight. LBNL-63658. (PDF) (bibtex)

  5. G. Weber, H. Childs, K. Bonnell, J. Meredith, M. Miller, B. Whitlock, E. W. Bethel. "Production-quality Tools for Adaptive Mesh Refinement Visualization." Two-page research highlight. LBNL-63657. (PDF) (bibtex)

  6. E. W. Bethel, C. Johnson, C. Aragon, Prabhat, O. Ruebel, G. Weber, V. Pascucci, H. Childs, P.-T. Bremer, B. Whitlock, S. Ahern, J. Meredith, G. Ostrouchov, K. Joy, B. Hamann, C. Garth, M. Cole, C. Hansen, S. Parker, A. Sanderson, C. Silva, X. Tricoche. "SciDAC Visualization and Analytcs Center for Enabling Technologies -- Strategy for Petascale Visual Data Analysis Success." CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 3, Number 4, November 2007. LBNL-63701. (PDF) (bibtex)

  7. C. Aragon, S. Bailey, S. Poon, K. Runge, R. Thomas, "Sunfall: A Collaborative Visual Analytics System for Astrophysics," Poster at IEEE VAST 2007. LBNL report number requested. (abstract PDF) (poster PDF) (bibtex) Winner of Best Poster Award.

  8. G. H. Weber, P.-T. Bremer and V. Pascucci. "Topological Landscapes: A Terrain Metaphor for Scientific Data." IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 13(6), November/December 2007, pages 1416–1423, Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2007. LBNL-63763. (PDF) (BibTeX)

  9. L. Gosink, J. Anderson, W. Bethel, K. Joy. "Variable Interactions in Query-Driven Visualization." IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 13(6), November/December 2007, pages 1400–1407, Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2007. (Best Paper Award Nominee; 1 of 5 from over 216 submissions.) LBNL-63254. (PDF) (bibtex)

  10. S. Bailey, C. Aragon, R. Romano, R. C. Thomas, B. A. Weaver and D. Wong. "How to Find More Supernovae with Less Work: Object Classification Techniques for Difference Imaging." Astrophysical Journal 665:1246T (2007). LBNL-62659. (bibtex)

  11. J.S. Jacobsen, D.C. Joyner, S.E. Borglin, T.C. Hazen, A.P. Arkin, E.W. Bethel. "Visualization of Growth Curve Data from Phenotype Microarray Experiments." In 11th International Conference on Information Visualization IV 2007, Zürich, Switzerland, July 4-6, 2007. IEEE Computer Society Press. LBNL-63251 (bibtex)

  12. Copin, Y.; Buton, C.; Gangler, E.; Smadja, G.; Pecontal, E.; Rigaudier, G.; Antilogus, P.; Bailey, S.; Pain, R.; Pereira, R.; Wu, C.; Aldering, G.; Aragon, C.; Bongard, S.; Childress, M.; Loken, S.; Nugent, P.; Perlmutter, S.; Runge, K.; Thomas, R. C.; Weaver, B. A.; Baltay, C.; Bauer, A.; Rabinowitz, D.; Scalzo, R. "The Nearby Supernova Factory: toward a high-precision spectro-photometry." Proc. of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Grenoble, France (July 2007). LBNL report number requested. (HTML) (bibtex)

  13. Buton, C.; Copin, Y.; Gangler, E.; Smadja, G.; Pecontal, E.; Rigaudier, G.; Antilogus, P.; Bailey, S.; Pain, R.; Pereira, R.; Wu, C.; Aldering, G.; Aragon, C.; Bongard, S.; Childress, M.; Loken, S.; Nugent, P.; Perlmutter, S.; Runge, K.; Thomas, R. C.; Weaver, B. A.; Baltay, C.; Bauer, A.; Rabinowitz, D.; Scalzo, R. "The Supernova Integral Field Spectrograph: keys to high-precision spectro-photometry." Proc. of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Grenoble, France (July 2007). LBNL report number requested. (HTML) (bibtex)

  14. O. G. Staadt, V. Natarjan, G. H. Weber, D.F. Wiley, B. Hamann. "Interactive Processing and Visualization of Image Data for Biomedical and Life Science Applications." In: BMC Cell Biology, 8 (Suppl 1):S10 (10 July), BioMed Central Ltd., 2007. LBNL-63127. (HTML), (PDF), (BibTeX).

  15. G.H. Weber, V. Beckner, H. Childs, T. Ligocki, M. Miller, B. van Straalen, E.W. Bethel. "Visualization Tools for Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data." In: W. Benger, R. Heinzel, W. Kapferer, W. Schoor, M. Tyagi, S. Venkataraman, G.H. Weber, eds., Proceedings of the 4th High End Visualization Workshop (Tyrol Austria, June 18-22, 2007). ISBN 978-3-86541-216-4, Lehmanns Media, pp. 12-25, 2007. LBNL-62954. (PDF) (BibTeX).

  16. A. Adelmann, A. Gsell, B. Oswald, T. Schietinger, W. Bethel, J.M. Shalf, C. Siegerist, K. Stockinger. "Progress on H5Part: A Portable High Performance Parallel Data Interface for Electromagnetics Simulations", Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, June 2007, IEEE Computer Society Press. LBNL-63042. (bibtex) (PDF)

  17. G. H. Weber, S. E. Dillard, H. A. Carr, V. Pascucci, B. Hamann. "Topology-controlled volume rendering." In: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 13(2), pp. 330-341, doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2007.47, 2007. (LBNL-63120, California Digital Library Postprint)(BibTeX)

  18. E. W. Bethel, C. Johnson, K. Joy, S. Ahern, V. Pascucci, H. Childs, J. Cohen, M. Duchaineau, B. Hamann, C. Hansen, D. Laney, P. Lindstrom, J. Meredith, G. Ostrouchov, S. Parker, C. Silva, A. Sanderson, X. Tricoche. "SciDAC Visualization and Analytics Center for Enabling Technology." Journal of Physics Conference Series, SciDAC 2007, June 2007, Volume 78, 2007. LBNL-63542. (PDF) (bibtex)

  19. C.L. Luengo Hendriks, C.C. Fowlkes, S.V.E. Keränen, L. Simirenko, G.H. Weber, O. Rübel, M.-Y. Huang, A.H. DePace, C. Henriquez, X.-Y. Li, H.C. Chu, D.W. Kaszuba, A. Beaton, S. Celniker, B. Hamann, M.B. Eisen, J. Malik, D.W. Knowles, M.D. Biggin. "Virtual embryos as tools for 3D gene expression analyses", 48th Annual Drosophila Research Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 7-11, 2007. LBNL-63062. (PDF), (BibTeX).

  20. Gu, S., Anderson, I., Kunin, V., Cipriano, M., Minovitsky, S., Weber, G.H., Amenta, N., Hamann, B. and Dubchak, I., TreeQ-VISTA: An Interactive Tree Visualization Tool with Functional Annotation Query Capabilities, in: Bioinformatics 23(6), doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btl643, 2007. LBNL-61863. (PDF), (BibTeX).

  21. F. Reiss, K. Stockinger, K. Wu, A. Shoshani, J. M. Hellerstein. "Enabling Real-Time Querying of Live and Historical Stream Data" In International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM 2007) Banff, Canada, July 2007, IEEE Computer Society Press. LBNL-61080. (PDF) (bibtex)

  22. C. Aragon and S. Poon. "The Impact of Usability on Supernova Discovery." Workshop on Increasing the Impact of Usability Work in Software Development, CHI 2007: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, San Jose, California, April 2007. LBNL-62380. (bibtex)

  23. C. Aragon and D. Aragon. "A Fast Contour Descriptor Algorithm for Supernova Image Classification." In Proceedings of the SPIE/IS&T Conference on Electronic Imaging, Volume 6469-07, Nasser Kehtarnavaz, Matthias F. Carlsohn, eds. January 2007. LBNL-61182.pdf (bibtex)

  24. R. C. Thomas, G. Aldering, P. Antilogus, C. Aragon, S. Bailey, C. Baltay, E. Baron, A. Bauer, C. Buton, S. Bongard, Y. Copin, E. Gangler, S. Gilles, R. Kessler, S. Loken, P. Nugent, R. Pain, J. Parrent, E. Pecontal, R. Pereira, S. Perlmutter, D. Rabinowitz, G. Rigaudier, K. Runge, R. Scalzo, G. Smadja, L. Wang, B. A. Weaver. "Nearby Supernova Factory Observations of SN 2006D: On Sporadic Carbon Signatures in Early Type Ia Supernova Spectra." In Astrophysical Journal Letters 654:L53-L56, January 2007. LBNL-61745.pdf (bibtex)


  1. Bailey, S.; Aldering, G.; Aragon, C.; Bongard, S.; Childress, M.; Loken, S.; Nugent, P.; Perlmutter, S.; Runge, K.; Scalzo, R.; Romano, R.; Thomas, R.; Weaver, B.; Baltay, C.; Bauer, A.; Herrera, D.; Rabinowitz, D.; Pecontal, E.; Rigaudier, G.; Antilogus, P.; Gilles, S.; Pain, R.; Pereira, R.; Buton, C.; Copin, Y. "How to Find More Supernovae with Less Work: Object Classification Techniques for Difference Imaging." Poster at 2007 AAS/AAPT Joint Meeting, American Astronomical Society Meeting 209, #78.09. December 2006. (bibtex)
  2. Weaver, B. A.; Aldering, G.; Aragon, C.; Bailey, S.; Bongard, S.; Childress, M. J.; Loken, S.; Nugent, P.; Perlmutter, S.; Romano, R.; Runge, K.; Scalzo, R.; Thomas, R. C.; Baltay, C.; Bauer, A.; Herrera, D.; Rabinowitz, D.; Pecontal, E.; Rigaudier, G.; Antilogus, P.; Gilles, S.; Pain, R.; Pereira, R.; Buton, C.; Copin, Y. "The Nearby Supernova Factory." Poster at 2007 AAS/AAPT Joint Meeting, American Astronomical Society Meeting 209, #150.16. December 2006. (bibtex)
  3. O. Rübel, G.H. Weber, S.V.E. Keränen, C.C. Fowlkes, C.L. Luengo Hendriks, L. Simirenko, N.Y. Shah, M.B. Eisen, M.D. Biggin, H. Hagen, D. Sudar, J. Malik, D.W. Knowles, and B. Hamann. PointCloudXplore: a visualization tool for 3D gene expression data. In: H. Hagen, A. Kerren and P. Dannenmann, eds., Visualization of Large and Unstructured Data Sets, GI Lecture Notes in Informatics, Vol. S-4, Gesellschaft fuer Informatik (GI), Bonn, Germany, pp. 107-117. LBNL-62336 (PDF), (BibTeX).

  4. Beam Dynamics, D. Abell , A. Adelmann , J. Amundson , A. Dragt , C. Mottershead, F. Neri , I. Pogorelov , J. Qiang , R. Ryne , J. Shalf , C. Siegerist, P. Spentzouris , E. Stern , M. Venturini , P. Walstrom, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, SciDAC 2006 Conference, Denver CO. June 25-29, 2006. LBNL-61521. (bibtex)

  5. R. Romano, C. Aragon and C. Ding. "Supernova Recognition Using Support Vector Machines." Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA'06), Orlando, FL, December 2006. LBNL-61192.pdf. (bibtex) (Best Paper Award!)

  6. Cryo-EM and single molecule biophysical studies of dsDNA packaging in Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage Phi 29. Luis R. Comolli, Andrew Spakowitz, Cristina E. Siegerist, Shelley Grimes, Paul Jardine, Kenneth H. Downing, Dwight Anderson and Carlos Bustamante. Gordon Research Conference, Three Dimensional Electron Microscopy, June 25-30, 2006, Il Ciocco, Barga, Italy. LBNL-60633

  7. Ryne, R.D. ; Qiang, J. ; Bethel, E.W. ; Pogorelov, I. ; Shalf, J. ; Siegerist, C. ; Venturini, M. ; Dragt, A.J. ; Adelmann, A. ; Abell, D. ; Amundson, J. ; Spentzouris, P. ; Neri, F. ; Walstrom, P. ; Mottershead, C.T. ; Samulyak, R. "Recent Progress on the Marylie/Impact Beam Dynamics Code", 2006 International Computational Accelerator Physics Conference, Chamonix, France, October 2 - 6,2006. LBNL-62017. (bibtex) (PDF).

  8. K. Wu, K. Stockinger, A. Shoshani, W. Bethel. "FastBit - Helps Finding the Proverbial Needle in a Haystack." LBNL-PUB-963 (Two-page research highlight). (bibtex) (PDF)

  9. E. Wes Bethel, L. Gosink, J. Shalf, K. Stockinger, K. Wu. HDF5-FastQuery: An API for Simplifying Access to Data Storage, Retrieval, Indexing and Querying. LBNL-PUB-958 (Two-page research highlight). (bibtex) (PDF)

  10. E. Wes Bethel, S. Campbell, E. Dart, J. Shalf, K. Stockinger, K. Wu. High Performance Visualization Using Query-Driven Visualization and Analytics. LBNL-PUB-959 (Two-page research highlight). (bibtex) (PDF)

  11. E. Wes Bethel, C. Johnson, C. Hansen, S. Parker, A. Sanderson, C. Silva, X. Trichoche, V. Pascucci, H. Childs, J. Cohen, M. Duchaineau, D. Laney, P. Lindstrom, S. Ahern, J. Meredith, G. Ostouchov, K. Joy, B. Hamann. VACET: Proposed SciDAC2 Visualization and Analytics Center for Enabling Technologies. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 46, 2006, pp. 561-569, SciDAC 2006 Conference, Denver CO. June 25-29, 2006. (bibtex) (PDF)

  12. E. Wes Bethel, C. Johnson, C. Hansen, S. Parker, A. Sanderson, C. Silva, X. Trichoche, V. Pascucci, H. Childs, J. Cohen, M. Duchaineau, D. Laney, P. Lindstrom, S. Ahern, J. Meredith, G. Ostouchov, K. Joy, B. Hamann. "Meet the Proposed SciDAC2 Visualization and Analytics Center for Enabling Technologies." This poster was presented at the 2006 SciDAC program meeting in Denver, CO. LBNL-60478. (bibtex) (PDF).

  13. A. Fruchter, A. Levan, L. Strolger, P. Vreeswijk, S. Thorsett, D. Bersier, I. Burud, J. Castro Cer���n, A. Castro-Tirado, C. Conselice, T. Dahlen, H. Ferguson, J. Fynbo, P. Garnavich, R. Gibbons, J. Gorosabel, T. Gull, J. Hjorth, S. Holland, C. Kouveliotou, Z. Levay, M. Livio, M. Metzger, P. Nugent, L. Petro, E. Pian, J. Rhoads, A. Riess, K. Sahu, A. Smette, N. Tanvir, R. Wijers, S. Woosley. Long gamma-ray bursts and core-collapse supernovae have different environments. In Nature 441:463-468, May 25, 2006. LBNL-60278. (bibtex)

  14. M. Sullivan, D. Howell, K. Perrett, P. Nugent, P. Astier, E. Aubourg, D. Balam, S. Basa, R. Carlberg, A. Conley, S. Fabbro, D. Fouchez, J. Guy, I. Hook, H. Lafoux, J. Neill, R. Pain, N. Palanque-Delabrouille, C. Pritchet, N. Regnault, J. Rich, R. Taillet, G. Aldering, S. Baumont, J. Bronder, M. Filiol, R. Knop, S. Perlmutter and C. Tao. Photometric Selection of High-Redshift Type Ia Supernova Candidates. The Astrophysical Journal, 131:960-972, February 2006. LBNL-60286. (PDF coming soon). (bibtex)

  15. O. Rübel, G.H. Weber, S.V.E. Keränen, C.C. Fowlkes, C.L. Luengo Hendriks, L. Simirenko, N.Y. Shah, M.B. Eisen, M.D. Biggin, H. Hagen, J.D. Sudar, J. Malik, D.W. Knowles, and B. Hamann. PointCloudXplore: Visual analysis of 3D gene expression data using physical views and parallel coordinates. In: B. Sousa Santos, T. Ertl, and K.I. Joy, eds., Data Visualization 2006 (Proceedings of EuroVis 2006), Eurographics Association, Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland, pp. 203-210. LBNL-60005.(BibTeX)

  16. Kurt Stockinger, E. Wes Bethel, Scott Campbell, Eli Dart, Kesheng Wu. "Detecting Distributed Scans Using High-Performance Query-Driven Visualization". In Proceedings of SC06 (Supercomputing). LBNL-60053. (bibtex) (PDF)

  17. E. Wes Bethel, Scott Campbell, Eli Dart, Kurt Stockinger and Kesheng Wu. "Accelerating Network Traffic Analysis Using Query-Driven Visualization." In Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology, pp 115-122, Baltimore MD, November 2006. LBNL-59819. (bibtex) (PDF)

  18. L. Gosink, J. Shalf, K. Stockinger, K. Wu, W. Bethel. "HDF5-FastQuery: Accelerating Complex Queries on HDF Datasets using Fast Bitmap Indices." In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, July 2006, Vienna Austria. LBNL-59602. (PDF), (bibtex)

  19. Michael J. Fero, Harley McAdams, Luis R. Comolli, Cristina Siegerist, Kenneth Downing. A model for murine layer growth and cell shape during cell division in Caulobacter, Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, February 18-22, 2006. LBNL-60153

  20. Tom Goodale, Shantenu Jha, Hartmut Kaiser, Thilo Kielmann, Pascal Kleijer, Gregor von Laszewski, Craig Lee, Andre Merzky, Hrabri Rajic, John Shalf. "SAGA: A Simple API for Grid Applications -- High-Level Application Programming on the Grid". Accepted for publication in Computational Methods in Science and Technology 2006. LBNL-59066 (PDF coming soon)

  21. C. Crawford, O. Kreylos, B. Hamann, S. Crivelli. "Visualization of Force Fields in Protein Structure Prediction". In Proceedings of the SPIE/IS&T Conference on Electronic Imaging, Volume 6060, Robert F. Erbacher, Jonathan C. Roberts, Matti T. Gröhn, Katy Börner, eds., January 2006.LBNL-58169. (Bibtex) (PDF).

  22. J. Chen, I. Yoon, E. Wes Bethel. "Interactive, Internet Delivery of Scientific Visualization via Structured, Prerendered Imagery." In Proceedings of the 2006 SPIE/IS&T Conference on Electronic Imaging, Volume 6061, A 1-10, January 2006. LBNL-57528. (bibtex) (PDF)


  1. Scalzo, R. A.; Aldering, G.; Aragon, C.; Bailey, S.; Bongard, S.; Bailey, S.; Kocevski, D.; Loken, S.; Nugent, P.; Perlmutter, S.; Thomas, R. C.; Wang, L.; Weaver, B. A.; Antilogus, P.; Gilles, S.; Pain, R.; Pereira, R.; Blanc, N.; Copin, Y.; Gangler, E.; Sauge, L.; Smadja, G.; Bonnaud, C.; Pecontal, E.; Kessler, R.; Baltay, C.; Rabinowitz, D.; Bauer, A.; "Status of the Candidate Search at the Nearby Supernova Factory." Poster at 2005 AAS/AAPT Joint Meeting, American Astronomical Society Meeting 207, #171.03. December 2005. (bibtex)

  2. T.C. Lu, N. Max, J. Ding, E. W. Bethel, S. Crivelli. "DockingShop: A Tool for Interactive Molecular Docking." (LBNL-58170 PDF)

  3. L. Gosink, J. Shalf, K. Stockinger, K. Wu, W. Bethel. "HDF5-FastQuery: Accelerating Complex Queries on HDF Datasets using Fast Bitmap Indices." Part of the 2005 HDF Workshop, San Francisco CA, 30 Nov - 02 Dec 2005. HDF5-FastQuery-LBNL-59602-Abs.pdf (LBNL-59602-Abs) (Slides from presentation at the HDF workshop.)

  4. W. Bethel, S. Campbell, E. Dart, J. Lee, S. A. Smith, K. Stockinger, B. Tierney, K. Wu. "Interactive Analysis of Large Network Data Collections Using Query-Driven Visualization." LBNL-59166

  5. H. Simon, W. Kramer, D. Bailey, M. Banda, W. Bethel, J. Craw, W. Fortney, J. Hules, N. Meyer, J. Meza, E. Ng, L. Rippe, W. Saphir, F. Verdier, H. Walter, K. Yelick. "Science-Driven Computing: NERSC's Strategic Plan for 2005-2010." LBNL-57582.pdf (4MB).

  6. K. Stockinger, K. Wu, S. Campbell, S. Lau, M. Fisk, E. Gavrilov, A. Kent, C. Davis, R. Olinger, R. Young, J. Prewitt, P. Weber, T. Caudell, W. Bethel, S. Smith. "Network Traffic Analysis with Query-Driven Visualization - SC05 HPC Analytics Challenge Results". Accepted for publication as part of the SC05 Conference Proceedings. LBNL-68768. (PDF) (bibtex)

  7. K. Stockinger, J. Shalf, K. Wu, W. Bethel. "Query-Driven Visualization of Large Data Sets." In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2005, pp. 167-174. Minneapolis, MN., October 23-28, 2005. QueryDrivenVis-LBNL-57511.pdf. (bibtex) (LBNL-57511)

  8. J. Hules, J. Bashor, L. Yarris, J. McCullough, P. Preuss, W. Bethel. "NERSC Annual Report 2004". LBNL-57369 (9MB PDF)

  9. C. Co, A. Friedman, D. Grote, J.L. Vay, W. Bethel, K. Joy. "Interactive Methods for Exploring Particle Simulation Data." Accepted for publication in EuroVis05. Co-EuroVis05-LBNL-55353.pdf.

  10. K. Stockinger, J. Shalf, W. Bethel, K. Wu. "DEX: Increasing the Capability of Scientific Data Analysis Pipelines by Using Efficient Bitmap Indices to Accelerate Scientific Visualization." 2005 Scientific and Statistical Database Management Conference (SSDBM-2005), Santa Barbara, California, June 27-29, 2005. (LBNL-57023) 2005/DEX-QueryDrivenVis-LBNL-57203.pdf

  11. L. Oliker , A. Canning , J.T. Carter , J. Shalf , D.E. Skinner , S. Ethier , R. Biswas, J. Djomehri, R. Van der Wijngaart, "Performance Evaluation of the SX-6 Vector Architecture for Scientific Computations," Concurrency and Computation Journal: Practice and Experience, Vol 17:1, Jan 2005, pp69-93 (LBNL-54904) CCPE05.pdf

  12. H.D. Simon, W.T. Kramer, W. Saphir, J. Shalf, D.H. Bailey, L. Oliker, M. Banda, C. W. McCurdy, J. Hules, A. Canning, M. Day, P. Colella, D. Serafini, M.F. Wehner, P. Nugent, "Science-Driven System Architecture: A New Process for Leadership Class Computing," Journal of the Earth Simulator, vol 2, pp 2-10, March 2005. (LBNL-56545) JES2-Simon.pdf

  13. L. Oliker, A. Canning, J. Carter, J. Shalf, H.D. Simon, S. Ethier, D. Parks, S. Kitawaki, Y. Tsuda and T. Sato, "Performance of Ultra-Scale Applications on Leading Vector and Scalar HPC Platforms," Journal of the Earth Simulator, Volume 3, April 2005. (LBNL-58047)

  14. S.A. Kamil, P.J.R Husbands, L. Oliker, J. Shalf, K.A. Yelick,"Impact of Modern Memory Subsystems on Cache Optimizations for Stencil Computations," Presented at ACM SIGPLAN Memory Systems Performance Conference (ACM-MSP2005), Chicago, June 12, 2005. (LBNL-58050) msp2005.pdf

  15. A. Adelmann, R.D. Ryne, C. Siegerist, J. Shalf,"From Visualization to Data Mining with Large Data Sets," Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC05), Knoxville TN., May 16-20, 2005. (LBNL-57603) FPAT082.pdf

  16. A. Adelmann, R.D. Ryne, J. Shalf, C. Siegerist,"H5Part: A Portable High Performance Parallel Data Interface for Particle Simulations," Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC05), Knoxville TN., May 16-20, 2005. FPAT083.pdf

  17. J. Shalf,S.A. Kamil, L. Oliker, D. Skinner,"Analyzing Ultra-Scale Application Communication Requirements for a Reconfigurable Hybrid Interconnect," Supercomputing 2005, Seattle WA., November 12-18, 2005. (LBNL-58052) sc2005.pdf

  18. S.A. Kamil, J. Shalf, L. Oliker, D. Skinner," Understanding Ultra-Scale Application Communication Requirements," IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC) Austin Texas, October 6-8, 2005. (LBNL-58059) iiswc05.pdf.


  1. S. Crivelli, O. Kreylos, B. Hamann, N. Max, W. Bethel. "ProteinShop: A Tool for Interactive Protein Manipulation and Steering." Journal of Computer Aided Molecular Design (JCAMD)., Volume 18, Number 4, pp 271-285, April 2004. Crivelli-ProteinShop-LBNL-53731.pdf

  2. N. Shah, A. Poliakov, D. Ryaboy, M. Teplitsky, B. Hamann, E. Rubin and I. Dubchak. "Vista Tools for Interactive Visualization and Analysis of Multiple Alignments of DNA Sequences and Whole Genomes". Conference abstract at The Biology of Genomes, May 12-16, 2004, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA. Shah-LBNL-55394-Abs.pdf.

  3. N. Shah, G. Weber, S. Dillard, B. Hamann. "Volume Visualization of Multiple Alignment of Genomic DNA." Submitted to 2004 IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization. GenomicVolViz-IEEEVis04-LBNL-55386.pdf.

  4. N. Shah, O. Couronne, L. Pennacchio, M. Brudno, S. Batzoglou, W. Bethel, E. Rubin, B. Hamann, I. Dubchak. "Phylo-VISTA: Interactive Visualization of Multiple DNA Sequence Alignments." In Bioinformatics 20(5), May 2004, pp 636-643. PhyloVista-Bioinformatics-LBNL-54135.pdf.

  5. N. Shah, O. Couronne, L. Pennacchio, M. Brudno, S. Batzoglou, W. Bethel, E. Rubin, B. Hamann, I. Dubchak. "Phylo-VISTA: Interactive Visualization of Multiple DNA Sequence Alignments." (Brief two-page abstract) PhyloVista-Abstract-LBNL-54136.pdf.

  6. C. Co, A. Friedman, D. Grote, J.L. Vay, W. Bethel, K. Joy. "Interactive Methods for Exploring Particle Simulation Data." Submitted to IEEE Visualization 2004 (Application Paper). Note: a more recent version of the paper was accepted for publication in EuroVis05. Link to the Vis04 submission. LBNL-55353.

  7. I. Bowman, J. Shalf, K.L. Ma, W. Bethel. "Performance Modeling for 3D Visualization in a Heterogeneous Computing Environment." Submitted to PGV 2004. Bowman-PGV-LBNL-56977.pdf.

  8. I. Bowman, J. Shalf, K.L. Ma. "Performance Modeling for Grid-Based Visualization." Submitted to HPDC-13. Bowman-HPDC-LBNL-54576.pdf. LBNL-54576.

  9. J. Shalf, T. Goodale. "GridRun: A Lightweight Packaging and Execution Environment for Compact, Multi-architecture Binaries." Submitted to (where?). GridRun-LBNL-54576. LBNL-54576.

  10. W. Bethel, R. Frank, S. Fulcomer, C. Hansen, K. Joy, J. Kohl, D. Middleton. "Visual Data Analysis - Report of the Visualization Breakout Session at the 2003 SCaLeS Workshop - Volume II." Arlington, VA, June 2003. (Volume II of the Visualization Chapter completed 1/12/04.) LBNL-PUB-886-SCaleSVolII-VisualizationChapter.pdf (LBNL/PUB-886 Vol II).

  11. J. Shalf, E. Wes Bethel, C. Siegerist. "Personal Display Wall." A two-page report describing our low-cost tiled display device built in-house using commercial, off-the-shelf components. LBNL-PUB-894-PersonalDisplayWall.pdf
    Build your own from plans:

  12. C. Siegerist, J. Shalf, E. Wes Bethel. "Visportal: Increasing Scientific Productivity by Simplifying Access to and Use of Remote Computational Resources." A two-page report describing the Visualization Portal project. LBNL-PUB-893-Visportal.pdf.

  13. C. Siegerist, J. Shalf, E. Wes Bethel. "Interactive Remote and Distributed Visualization of Fusion Simulation Results." A two-page report describing our use of a pipelined-parallel architecture to provide interactive, remote visualization capabilities to the Fusion simulation community who use the NERSC facility. LBNL-PUB-892-RemoteVisFusion.pdf.

  14. G. Griem, L. Oliker, J. Shalf, K. Yelick, "Identifying Performance Bottlenecks on Modern Microarchitectures using an Adaptable Probe," 3rd International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Evaluation, and Optimization of Parallel and Distributed Systems (PMEO-PDS), 2004. pmeo_2004.pdf

  15. A. Canning, J. Carter, J. Shalf, and S. Ethier. "Scientific Computations on Modern Parallel Vector Systems," In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, Nov. 2004. (LBNL-55279)
    (Nominated: Best Paper Award) SC04.pdf


  1. G. Allen, K. Davis, K. N. Dolkas, N. D. Doulamis, T. Goodale, T. Kielmann, A. Merzky, J. Nabrzyski, J. Pukacki, T. Radke, M. Russell, E. Seidel, J. Shalf, I. Taylor, "Enabling Applications on the Grid - A GridLab Overview," International Journal on High Performance Computing Applications, Volume 17, No. 4, Winter 2003, pp. 449-466. (LBNL-54107). LBNL-54107-gridlab.pdf

  2. L. Oliker, A. Canning, J. Carter, J. Shalf, D. Skinner, S. Ethier, R. Biswas, J. Djomehri, R. Van der Wijngaart,"Evaluation of Cache-based Superscalar and Cacheless Vector Architectures for Scientific Computations", Proceedings of Supercomputing 2003, Phoenix AZ, 2003. SC03_SX6.pdf

  3. J. Shalf, M.J. Bennett, G. Bell. "Transport Requirements for High Performance Network Applications that are NOT FTP" Submitted to the Second International Workshop on Protocols for Fast Long-Distance Networks (PFLDnet 2004), Chicago Il. 2004. PFLDGridAppReqs.pdf

  4. C. Siegerist, P. Shetty, W. Bethel, T.J. Jankun-Kelly, O. Kreylos, K.L. Ma, J. Shalf. "VisPortal: Deploying grid-enabled visualization tools through a web-portal interface." Wide Area Collaborative Environments Workshop, Seattle, WA., June 2003. wace03.pdf (LBNL-52940).

  5. W. Bethel, R. Frank, S. Fulcomer, C. Hansen, K. Joy, J. Kohl, D. Middleton. "Visual Data Analysis - Report of the Visualization Breakout Session at the 2003 SCaLeS Workshop." Arlington, VA, June 2003. SCaLeS-VisBreakoutTreatise-Final-LBNL.pdf (LBNL/PUB-886).

  6. W. Bethel, G. Abram, J. Shalf, R. Frank, J. Ahrens, S. Parker, N. Samatova, M. Miller. "Interoperability of Visualization Software and Data Models is Not an Achievable Goal." A Panel at 2003 IEEE Visualization. IEEE03VisPanelProposal.pdf, (LBNL-53368 Abs.).

  7. G. Weber, M. Ohler, O. Kreylos, J. Shalf, W. Bethel, B. Hamann, G. Scheuermann, Parallel Cell Projection Rendering of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data. In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Large-Data Visualization and Graphics 2003, October 20-21, 2003, Seattle, Washington, USA, pp. 51-60. Weber-PVG2003-LBNL-52469.pdf.

  8. O. Kreylos, N. Max, B. Hamann, S. Crivelli, W. Bethel. "Interactive Protein Manipulation." In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2003, October 19-24, 2003, Seattle, Washington, USA, pp 581-588. LBNL-52414. (PDF) (bibtex)   (Winner of the Best Application Paper Award)

  9. Nameeta Shah, Olivier Couronne, Len A. Pennacchio, Michael Brudno, Serafim Batzoglou, Wes Bethel, Edward M. Rubin, Bernd Hamann and Inna Dubchak, Phylo-VISTA: An Interactive Visualization Tool for Multiple DNA Sequence Alignments, LBNL Technical Report LBNL-52539. For more information about Multi-sequence alignment, please visit the PhyloVista web site.

  10. W. Bethel and J. Shalf, "Consuming Network Bandwidth with Visapult." In _The Visualization Handbook_, C. Hansen and C. Johnson (eds.), Elsevier, 2005 (submitted and accepted in 2003, finally in print in 2005). 2003/LBNL-52171-VisapultChapter.pdf . This book chapter describes our experiences winning the SC Bandwidth Challenge three years in a row, including detailed technical information about how we are able to consume extremely large amounts of network bandwidth. (Bibtex)

  11. Jiann-Liang Chen (UCD/LBNL-Visualization), Zhaojun Bai (UCD), Terry J. Ligocki (LBNL-ANAG), "Segmentation of Piecewise Linear Vector Fields," Submitted to review for inclusion in an upcoming book entitled "Geometric Modeling for Scientific Visualization" published by Springer-Verlag. (LBNL-52025) 2003/LBNL-52025-Chen-SV.pdf

  12. Jiann-Liang Chen (UCD/LBNL-Visualization), Zhaojun Bai (UCD), Bernd Hamann (UCD/LBNL-Visualization), Terry J. Ligocki (LBNL-ANAG), "A Normalized-Cut Algorithm for Hierarchical Vector Field Data Segmentation," Accepted to 2003 SPIE/IS&T Visual Data Exploration and Analysis Conference (the formal bibliographic citation will be forthcoming), San Jose, CA, January 2003. (LBNL-52024) 2003/LBNL-52024-Chen-VDA.pdf


  1. "Tutorial: Using HDF5 for Scientific Data Analysis," John Shalf, LBL. PowerPoint Presentation / PDF File (no LBNL number)

  2. "Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Leads International Team to Win High-Performance Computing Bandwidth Challenge", Jon Bashor, LBL. http://www.lbl.gov/cs/Archive/othernews112502.html (No LBNL number - this is an internal "news story.")

  3. "Berkeley Lab-led International Team Wins Bandwidth Challenge at SC02," in Supercomputing Online at http://www.supercomputingonline.com/article.php?sid=2914. (No LBNL number - this is an external publication/press release.) "The team won top honors for the Highest Performing Application, moving data at a peak speed of 16.8 gigabits, or 16.8 billion bits of data, per second, which was more than five times higher than the team's record-setting win at the SC2001 conference....."

  4. J. Shalf and W. Bethel, "How the Grid Will Affect the Architecture of Future Visualization Systems," IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Volume 23, Number 2, March/April 2003, pp 6-9. 2002/IEEECGA-VisViewpointsMay2003-LBNL-51723.pdf (2.6MB) Or, you can look at the final camera ready version created by IEEE. You can also grab the camera ready copy directly from IEEE. (Bibtex)

  5. B. Hamann, E. W. Bethel, H. Simon, J. Meza, NERSC "Visualization Greenbook" : Future Visualization Needs of the DOE Computational Science Community Hosted at NERSC. The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, Volume 17, Number 2, Summer 2003, pp 97-124. LBNL-51699. (PDF), (bibtex)

  6. J. Shalf and E. W. Bethel, "Cactus and Visapult: An Ultra-High Performance Grid-Distributed Visualization Architecture Using Connectionless Protocols." IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Volume 23, Number 2, March/April 2003, pp. 51-59. (PDF) You can also grab the camera-ready PDF created by the nice folks at IEEE. (Bibtex)

  7. T.J. Jankun-Kelly, O. Kreylos, J. Shalf, Kwan-Liu Ma, B. Hamann, K. Joy, E.W. Bethel, "Deploying Web-based Visual Exploration Tools on the Grid." IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Volume 23, Number 2, March/April 2003, pp. 40-49. http://www-library.lbl.gov/docs/LBNL/515/63/PDF/LBNL-51563.pdf (LBNL-51563)

  8. J. Shalf and W. Bethel, "Cactus and Visapult: A Case Study of Ultra-High Performance Distributed Visualization Using Connectionless Protocols", Submitted to SC02. 2002/LBNL-50237-CactusVisapult.pdf. (LBNL 50237) (Bibtex)

  9. Steve Fisher (ed), "Berkeley Lab Proves 10-Gigabit Ethernet Data Transfer is a Reality," in Supercomputing Online at http://www.supercomputingonline.com/article.php?sid=2252. (No LBNL number - this is an external publication.)

  10. G. Allen, E. Siedel, and J. Shalf, "Scientific Computing on the Grid," Byte Magazine, Spring 2002. 2002/LBNL-51039-Byte2002.pdf (LBNL 51039)

  11. O. Kreylos, G. Weber, W. Bethel, J. Shalf, B. Hamann, K. Joy, "Remote Interactive Direct Volume Rendering of AMR Data", Submitted to IEEE Visualization 2002. LBNL-49954-AMRVolumeRendering.pdf. (LBNL 49954)

  12. W. Bethel, S.J. Bastacky and K. Schwartz, "Interactive Stereo Electron Microscopy Enhanced with Virtual Reality," in Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IX, Andrew J. Woods, John O. Merritt, Stephen A. Benton, Mark T. Bolas, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4660, pp 391-400, 2002. 2002/LBNL-48336-StereoEM.pdf (LBNL 48336). (bibtex)