Reenlistment Contract (L62C)


This section provides the procedure for processing a member's reenlistment.


This procedure can only be used if there has been no break in service. Member's with a break in service of more than 24 hours will need to be processed under Accessions.


Information you need to know about this transaction

This transaction requires approval by user with the CGHRSUP role (SPO Supervisor/PAO).


Prior to entering a Reenlistment the member must:

Indefinite Reenlistment Program Changes

ALCOAST 307/08 announced two changes to the Indefinite Reenlistment Program:

  1. Members who are currently serving on an indefinite reenlistment contract are authorized (on or after 1 September 2008) to enter into a new indefinite reenlistment, one time, during a career for the purpose of selling leave.

  2. Members who have 10 or more years of active service will be allowed, after 31 August 2008, to reenlist for periods of three years, four years, five years, six years or for an indefinite period up to their 30-year active duty anniversary date.

Direct-Access software changes for processing reenlistment contracts under the new policy will be completed by 02 September 2008. E-Mail ALSPO I/08, Indefinite Reenlistment Program Changes, updates the procedures for entering reenlistment contracts for active duty members authorized to enter into a new indefinite reenlistment for the purpose of selling leave and for members who have 10 or more years of active service

JUMPS Effect

The Reenlistment Contract transaction (L62B) updates the following in JUMPS:

Corrections and Deletions

Reenlistment contracts may be deleted if the transaction has not been approved by the SPO supervisor (CGHRSUP Role User). Press the Delete Row button minus sign to delete a contract with an approval status of "Pending".


The SPO cannot make Corrections to or Delete a Reenlistment Contract transaction after it has been approved and saved.  If the Reenlistment Contract has been approved and saved and any information on the transaction is incorrect, contact (PSC) Customer Care. If the contract has not been executed (e.g. Signed by the member and oath administered), PSC can delete the contract and the member's the Contract Expected End Date, Expected Loss Date and Expected AD Term Date will all be reset to what they were prior to the reenlistment. Changes to executed contracts require approval by Commander, Coast Guard Personnel Command (epm/rpm).

Printing Contracts

See the DD-4/Agreement to Extend/Reenlist report to generate a printable version of the reenlistment contract.

Data Entry Procedure (Approval Procedure Follows)

Start Internet Explorer, sign into Direct-Access (note, see the Signing In topic in the Using Direct-Access section if you need help getting started) and follow these steps to complete this procedure.




Select menu items in the following order (note, see the Basic Navigation topic for help on using menus):


Home > Administer Workforce > Administer Workforce (GBL) > Use > Contract Data



A search page will appear. Eenter the member's employee ID number and click Search.


If the member only has one contract in the system, it will display.

If the member has more than one contract, a list will display in the Search Results section. Make note of the current Contract Number.


You must begin a new transaction with a new Contract Number. If the member only has one contract in the system, then the next Contact Number will be "0002". If the member already has two contracts in the system, then the next contract number will be "0003".



You need to view the current contract to obtain the "Contract Number".

If you are working with a member who already has more than one contract in the system click the Add a New Value link to begin a new contract (after making note of the current contract number).


If you are working with a member who only has one contract in the system begin a new contract while viewing the existing contract by clicking the Add Button button in the lower right-hand corner of the page.





This is what you see when you click on add a new value

  1. Enter the Employee ID Number for the person who will be reenlisting.

  2. Enter the next contract number  in the contract number block and then click on the Add button. It will never be 0001 for a member who is reenlisting.

WAKE UP!When choosing a member from the search results, please be sure you are choosing the person you actually want to change data on. Verify the employee ID or national ID before making any changes. The search will select the member's uniformed employee classification.



The Contract Data page will display.


The first tab is the Contract Status/Content tab (shown below)

Contract Status Content Tab


Complete these fields only (the remaining fields may be left blank or at their default values)



Contract Begin Date (defaults to current date when page is loaded)

Enter date member enters contract.: the date the member will reenlist on. Cannot be more than one day after the member's current expiration of obligated service.

Contract Content (cannot be left blank)

Enter Contract Content.  This is remarks which need to be on the DD Form 4. such as Leave to sell, e.g.“Sell 10.0 days regular leave”.


Click on the Contract Type/Clauses tab (shown below)

The Contract Type Clauses Tab

Complete these fields only (the remaining  fields may be left blank or at their default values)




Effective Date

Pre-filled based on the date you entered in the Contract Begin Date field on the previous tab.

Contract Type

Enter "REN" for reenlistment or click the Lookup button for a listing. Select  .

Contract Term Years

Enter the term (in years) of the reenlistment. 


Note:  For regular members with more than 10 years of service who desire to reenlist for an indefinite period, leave blank and click the Indefinite Re-Enlistment block below.

Indefinite Re-Enlistment

This field will be available for “regular” members with over 10 years of service.


Place  a check in this block if the member is enter into an indefinite reenlistment. In which case, the "Contract Term Years" field must be left blank.


If the member is currently on an indefinite reenlistment and is reenlisting for the purpose of selling leave this block will be prefilled by the system and locked.


Note For Reserve members whose Employee Classification indicates “Reserve”, this block will NOT be available.

Member Signature Date

Enter the date the contract will be signed. (Same as Contract Begin Date and Effective Date). This is a required field.




Locate the  section. 

  1. Select an option from the drop-down menu in the Reason field.  This will be prefilled with “expiration of enlistment” if reenlistment is within 3 months prior to normal expiration of enlistment. If the member is currently on an indefinite reenlistment and is reenlisting for the purpose of selling leave select "Request of Member" for the reason.

  2. Enter the Member Signature Date (this must be same as the effective date: the date the member reenlists.)

  3. Click the Route For Approval button, and enter the Approvers Employee ID or click the Lookup Lookup button to locate Approvers Employee ID.
    Approver Routing
    (Note: If you are the SPO Supervisor/PAO (CGHRSUP), you may change the Approval Status to "Approved" at this time to approve the reenlistment contract. It will transmit when saved. If you do not have the CGHRSUP role the Approval Status block will be set to "Pending" and you will not be able to change it).

  4. Click OK

You will be returned to the Contract Data page.


Complete the Oath Administrator Information section.





Enter the Name of the person Administering the Oath,

Military Grade

Enter the Grade or click the lookup Lookup button.


This should be the city and state where the member was originally accepted into the Coast Guard. This can be determined from the original enlistment contract from section 1 of the member's PDR.



Click on the Contract Leave tab (shown below)

Contract Data leave tab




Regular Leave Carried Forward

Enter an amount,

Saved Leave Carried Forward

Enter an amount,  If None, leave blank

Saved Leave to Sell

Enter an amount.  If None, leave blank

Earned Leave to Sell

Enter an amount.  If None, leave blank

Days of Excess Leave

Enter an amount.  If None, leave blank



Click the Save.  A link to the contract will be added to the CGHRSUP Role User's worklist you entered in step 5 (Route for Approval). If you are the CGHRSUP Role User and you selected "Approved" in step 5, the reenlistment contract will be transmitted to JUMPS on the effective date.

Approval Procedure

The approval status drop down list is only available to CHGHRSUP role users.


Once the transaction is in an Approved Status and Saved, the transaction will be written to the database and sent to JUMPS. 


The approver will need to do the following:




Select Worklist.


Click on the applicable link (the member’s name that you want to approve).

Your workist will have a link to the item


The Contract Type/Clauses page will appear.


Review the contract (per the instructions in the data entry section above), make any necessary corrections, then click the Route for approval button.

  • If you wish to approve the reenlistment, change Approval Status to approve and hit ok. 

  • If you wish to deny the contract, change Approval Status to deny and hit ok. 

  • You will have to notify the data entry technician (CGHRS Role User) that the transaction is denied.  Denying the transaction will not place it on a worklist.

This is where you select approved


Click the Save.  If  you selected "Approved" in step 5, the reenlistment contract will be transmitted to JUMPS on the effective date.


Return to your Worklist and click the Mark Worked button to remove the item.


See Also