Last Update: 08/30/2006 Printer Friendly Printer Friendly   Email This Page Email This Page  

Variable Geometry Socket by Synergy Innovations

Image Among the 220,000 lower-limb amputees, and approximately 60,000 new amputees per year in the U.S., many are dissatisfied with their prostheses. They endure constant pain and discomfort, which they assume to be unavoidable. The comfort, energy efficiency and security of prostheses are directly related to the fit of the socket. Yet, the consistent, precision fit of a socket has proven elusive because of natural fluctuations in the size of an amputee's residual limb. The result is chronic discomfort and an expensive, often never-ending, search for a more comfortable prosthesis.

To correct this basic defect, the Smart Variable-Geometry Socket (SVGS) for lower-limb prostheses was created. The SVGS is a socket that automatically compensates for volumetric variations of the residual limb. It creates a consistent and precise fit, which lowers the need for, and cost of, continued rehabilitation and greatly improves the quality of life for lower-limb amputees.

(Supported by Grant#: R44 HD36154)