To receive a list of doctors, nutritionists, counselors, and inpatient and/or outpatient facilities in your area, please read and accept the following National Eating Disorders Association disclaimer:

Referral information is supplied solely by the facilities and providers themselves and is not checked or warranted by the National Eating Disorders Association. Service providers who register as a National Eating Disorders Association Professional Member pay specified annual membership dues. They are put on the Referral List as part of their membership benefits. Any and all professional members who request to be listed on the Referral List are listed and, as a general rule, no one is excluded.

The National Eating Disorders Association is not a health care provider, and does not give medical advice or treatment. The National Eating Disorders Association offers the Referral List as a resource for treatment, support groups, or research studies. However, the National Eating Disorders Association does not pre-screen or pre-evaluate the facilities or providers in any way before they are put on the list. Nor does the National Eating Disorders Association pre-screen, pre-evaluate, or consider the Medicare/Medicaid status of these providers. For example, the National Eating Disorders Association does not verify the credentials or licensing of any of the providers or group facilitators before they are listed.

THE NATIONAL EATING DISORDERS ASSOCIATION DOES NOT RECOMMEND OR ENDORSE ANY OF THE LISTED FACILITIES, SERVICE PROVIDERS, SUPPORT GROUPS, OR RESEARCH STUDIES. You are responsible for interviewing and selecting a suitable provider or support group facilitator. Therefore, you should contact providers, group facilitators, or research study contacts directly for relevant information, such as information on insurance coverage.

If you are under 18 years of age, the National Eating Disorders Association suggests that you seek the advice of a guardian or other adult in considering providers. By requesting this list of resources, you understand and agree that the National Eating Disorders Association is in no way responsible for the acts, omissions, or services of any of the providers, support groups, or research studies, or for any other actions taken based upon the information furnished by the National Eating Disorders Association.

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