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GAMS Module 805-MATLAB in TOMS


Computation of a semidiscrete approximation to a matrix in a weighted norm.
Expresses the matrix as a weighted sum of outer products formed by vectors with
entries in the set {-1,0,1}. The approximation requires only a small amount of
storage. Approximation of tensors is also included. (See T. Kolda and D. O'Leary, 
ACM TOMS 26 (2000) pp. 415-435).
Classes  :  D7 .    Update matrix decompositions
            E2a .   Interpolation of gridded multivariate data
            K1a1b . Unconstrained linear least squares approximation on
                  multivariate data (surface fitting)
Type     : Matlab software in TOMS collection.
Access   : Some uses prohibited. Portable.
Precision: Single.
Details  : Fullsource
Sites    : (1) NETLIB

Implementation of 805-MATLAB from TOMS on NETLIB

NETLIB:    Public access repository, The University of Tennessee at
           Knoxville and Bell Laboratories
Precision: Single.
You may access components from NETLIB outside GAMS as follows.
   Fullsource   : echo "send 805 from toms" | mail netlib@ornl.gov

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