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Краткий обзор: права человека

Краткий обзор: права человека

Во всех цивилизованных странах предпринимаются попытки определить и обосновать понятие прав человека. Основа этой концепции везде одинакова: права человека - это права, которыми обладает любой - просто в силу того, что он человек. Права являются всеобщими и равными. Права человека также неотъемлемы. В разных местах и в разные времена их действие может приостанавливаться, правомерно или необоснованно, но идею прав, присущих человеку, отнять нельзя. Утратить эти права - все равно, что перестать быть человеком.

Краткий очерк американской литературы

Краткий очерк американской литературы

Настоящая публикация представляет собой исторический обзор американской литературы вплоть до начала XXI в. и содержит краткую информацию о наиболее известных авторах прозаических, документальных, драматургических и поэтических произведений.

Публикация, адресованная преподавателям и студентам английского языка и литературы и читателям, которых интересует этот предмет, является сокращенным вариантом более подробного "Обзора американской литературы", подготовленного сотрудниками Бюро международных информационных программ.

Rachel Carson: Pen Against Poison

Rachel Carson: Pen Against Poison

Rachel Carson was a quiet woman who stirred extraordinary controversy that persists decades after her death. Her 1962 book Silent Spring brought worldwide attention to the harm to human health and the environment wrought by mishandling of a powerful pesticide, fomenting the environmental movement. In the 100th anniversary year of Carson's birth, this publication examines how occasionally in history a book with a powerful idea can bring about peaceful but dramatic change in a democratic society.

Outline of U.S. Legal System

Outline of U.S. Legal System

This Outline covers the history and organization of the federal and state judicial systems; the criminal and civil court processes; the background, qualifications, and selection of federal judges; the role of other participants (lawyers, defendants, interest groups) in the judicial process; and the implementation and impact of judicial policies.

Focus On: Intellectual Property Rights

Focus On: Intellectual Property Rights

Essays by government, academic, and industry experts introduce intellectual property rights issues and key concepts -- patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and new forms of IP. Articles also explain why countries need effective intellectual property systems, and what governments in each region are doing to enforce IPR. Includes a glossary of IP terms, a list of print and Internet IP resources, and a separate resource list for children and young adults.

Outline of American Literature

Outline of American Literature

The Outline of American literature, newly revised, traces the paths of American narrative, fiction, poetry and drama as they move from pre-colonial times into the present, through such literary movements as romanticism, realism and experimentation.

Justice for All: The Legacy of Thurgood Marshall

Justice for All: The Legacy of Thurgood Marshall

Thurgood Marshall stands as one of the great American heroes of the 20th century: He was the attorney who ended legal segregation in the United States with his victory in the Brown v. Board of Education case, and the U.S. Supreme Court justice who championed expanded rights for every individual American -- minorities, women, and immigrants, among many others.

Women of Influence

Women of Influence

This collection chronicles how 21 notable American women broke new ground, some by championing equal rights for all and others by their accomplishments in fields such as government, literature, and even in war.

USA Map with Facts in Brief

USA Map with Facts in Brief

This publication includes plenty of facts and statistics about the United States -- its government, geography, environment, sports and entertainment, the economy and employment, education, transportation, and population.

Handbook of Independent Journalism

Handbook of Independent Journalism

This handbook covers the ins and outs of what every professional journalist should know — from how to research, write, and edit a story to how to write headlines, choose graphics, and select quotes and sound bites. Print, radio, TV, and Web-based or online journalism forms are discussed in detail, as well as the skills required in beat reporting.

USA Elections in Brief

USA Elections in Brief

A background guide to the entire U.S. electoral system, from federal, state, local, and primary elections to related topics such as polling and the role of the parties and the media.

Historians on America

Historians on America

Historians on America is a series of individual essays that selects specific moments, decisions, and intellectual or legislative or legal developments and explains how they altered the course of U.S. history. The book consists of 11 separate essays by major historians, ranging from The Trial of John Peter Zenger in 1735 to The Immigration Act of 1965.

USA Economy in Brief

USA Economy in Brief

This mini-publication discusses the factors that make the U.S. economy the world's most productive, competitive, and influential. It focuses on workers and productivity, small and large business, the service economy, goods and services, the role of government, and the concept of "creative destruction," the process where jobs, companies, entire industries come and go because of their success or failure in the marketplace. USA Economy in Brief includes colorful charts to illustrate, for instance, U.S. annual exports and imports and the U.S. trade deficit.

The Constitution of the United States

The Constitution of the United States

This illustrated publication includes the complete text of the U.S. Constitution (preamble, seven articles, and 27 amendments), as well an updated introduction and explanatory notes by J.W. Peltason, author of Understanding the Constitution and Government by the People. The introduction includes sections explaining how the Constitution set up the U.S. federal system, the background to the Constitutional Convention and how the participants arrived at a final version of the document, its ratification, and sections on the call for a Bill of Rights and the need for additional amendments over the years.

Outline of U.S. History

Outline of U.S. History

A chronological look at how the United States took shape -- from its origins as an obscure set of colonies on the Atlantic coast a little more than 200 years ago into what one political analyst today calls "the first universal nation." This fully illustrated edition has been completely revised and updated by Alonzo L. Hamby, Distinguished Professor of History at Ohio University.

Edward R. Murrow, Journalism at Its Best

Edward R. Murrow, Journalism at Its Best

The career of Edward R. Murrow, the eminent broadcast journalist, is discussed in this publication as an example of the essential role the free press plays in a democratic society. With his reports from London during World War II and his exposé of Senator McCarthy's anti-Communist campaign in the 1950s, Murrow showed how a fearless reporter can use journalistic skills in the public's service in times of crisis.

Principles of Entrepreneurship

Principles of Entrepreneurship

Economists and business people differ in their definitions of entrepreneurship. Most, however, agree that entrepreneurship is vital for stimulating economic growth and employment opportunities in all societies. This is particularly true in the developing world, where successful small businesses are the primary engines of job creation and poverty reduction. This page introduces the first eight of what eventually will be a series of 21 one-page primers on the fundamentals of entrepreneurship. It discusses the essentials for building and running a business from the planning stages to marketing a product.

A Responsible Press Office: An Insiders Guide

A Responsible Press Office: An Insiders Guide

A how-to publication for government leaders and public information officials who want to create an effective mechanism of communication between the media and the government. This handbook offers practical advice based on the significant professional experience of author Marguerite Hoxie Sullivan and other top-level U.S. government spokespersons.

USA History in Brief

USA History in Brief

The first title in the new "In Brief" series, this publication summarizes in a few thousand words the history of how the United States was founded and the forces and events that shaped the dynamic and varied country that it has become today.

An Outline of American Geography

An Outline of American Geography

Regional Landscapes of the United States

By Stephen S. Birdsall and John Florin

This publication considers the physical environment of the United States — landforms, climate, soils, and vegetation — in terms of its impact on the country's cultural, regional, and political development.

Principles of Democracy

Principles of Democracy

Explains fundamental principles that contribute to making a democratic government work effectively. This series of one-page primers provides the reader with a concise definition of democracy and expands on supporting elements such as good governance and the rights and responsibilities of people living in democracies.