Last Update: 09/28/2007 Printer Friendly Printer Friendly   Email This Page Email This Page  

Regional Consultation on Nutrition and HIV/AIDS: Evidence, Lessons, and Recommendations for Action

October 8-12, 2007

Sponsor/Co-Sponsor(s): Endocrinology, Nutrition, and Growth Branch (ENGB), Center for Research for Mothers and Children (CRMC), NICHD; Office of AIDS Research, Office of the Director, NIH; and the World Health Organization (WHO)

Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Purpose: Of the 38.6 million people living with HIV/AIDS worldwide in 2006, 7.2 million people were living with HIV in the WHO SouthEast Asia region (SEAR) at the end of 2006. In 2006 alone, 1 million additional people were infected and more than 500,000 died. High malnutrition rates are persisting in the SEAR where food is often identified as the most immediate and critically needed item by people living with HIV/AIDS and others affected by the pandemic. Scaling-up care and antiretroviral therapy cannot be addressed without planning for appropriate nutrition. Governments are currently grappling with a range of program and policy challenges related to food, nutrition, and HIV/AIDS. Building on global experiences and knowledge, this WHO/NIH sponsored consultation is intended to recognize the status and extent of the problem in SEAR, proposing both technical and operational plans to address it.

Contact: Dan Raiten, ENGB, CRMC, NICHD
Tel: (301) 435-7568