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Translating Evidence into Practice: Linking Movement Science and Intervention, a III Step Conference

July 15-21, 2005
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT

See for additional conference information.

III STEP (Summer Institute on Translating Evidence into Practice) is an intensive, multidisciplinary summer institute designed to catalyze the advancement of physical therapy for people with movement dysfunction through the translation of movement science into effective clinical interventions. The institute will offer morning general plenary sessions followed by afternoon concurrent focused breakout sessions by leading basic and clinical scientists from the fields of health services, neuroscience, neurology, developmental neurobiology, psychology, rehabilitation medicine, motor behavior, and physical therapy. Evening panel discussions and poster sessions will facilitate dialogue and collaboration. At the conclusion of the institute, key participants will be asked to summarize each day's research agenda through specific topic reports. The last afternoon will focus on strategies to develop academic-clinical partnerships to facilitate the development of more effective clinical interventions.