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NASA Meatball NASA Dryden Boeing 737-300 Graphics banner

Boeing 737-300

Description Date DFRC # 600x480
GIF image
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EPS image
B-737-300 front view line art Feb 1998 EG-0011-01 16 KBytes 35 KBytes 64 KBytes 98 KBytes

A series of flight tests using a Boeing 737-300 jetliner were conducted in 1973-1974 at the NASA Flight Research Center (FRC)
to study the effects of wake vortices emanating from the trailing edges of the wings. The NASA study in conjunction with the
Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) was in response to the hazards being encountered when small aircraft trailing behind new large jumbojets experienced "upset" problems. The Boeing 737-300 was equipped with smoke generators for visual tracking of the wing wake vortex trail.

Last Modified: May 2, 2002
Responsible NASA Official: Marty Curry
Curator: PAO Webmasters

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