Goddard's Eclipse Site

Composite image of solar and lunar eclipses

Learn more about eclipses, both solar and lunar, from the eclipse Web site maintained by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

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Sun-Earth Day: 2008

Sun Earth Day Highlights banner

Subscribe to podcasts that discuss the Aug. 1, 2008, solar eclipse, space weather and other solar phenomena.

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Download Eclipse Videos

Artist concept of the sun

The Conceptual Image Lab at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center has several downloadable videos about the upcoming Aug. 1, 2008, solar eclipse.

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Top Story

    NASA Brings Total Eclipse of the Sun to the Masses

    On August 1, a total solar eclipse was visible in parts of Canada, northern Greenland, the Arctic, central Russia, Mongolia and China. The eclipse swept across Earth in a narrow path that began in Canada’s northern territory of Nunavut and ended in northern China’s Silk Road region.

    Though the eclipse was not visible in most of North America, NASA TV and the Exploratorium made streaming video of the event available online. The following images are taken from that video, shot from the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwestern China near the Mongolian border. The sun appears differently in some of the images because of the different filters used to capture the event. Times listed are ET and approximate.

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Past Eclipses

  • Images of a solar eclipse from 2006

    Solar Eclipse: 2006

    View NASA images and video from a solar eclipse that took place in 2006. It was visible along a path from South America to Africa to Asia.

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