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geer > 2003 > posters > fish community colonization patterns in the rocky glades wetlands of southern florida

Fish Community Colonization Patterns in the Rocky Glades Wetlands of Southern Florida

Poster presented April 2003, at the Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Conference

William F. Loftus1, Robert M. Kobza1,2, Delissa Padilla1, and Joel C. Trexler3

1USGS, FISC-CWRS, Everglades Field Station, Homestead, FL, 2JCWS-USGS, 3Florida International University, Miami, FL


The Rocky Glades is a south Florida landscape degraded by drainage and land conversion. It remains structurally intact only in Everglades National Park. This important short-hydroperiod wetland maintains a persistent fish community because of refuges in the highly eroded karst and connections to permanent water bodies. Fishes can survive beneath the surface for months, but the degree that local refuges (solution holes) versus distant refuges (sloughs and canals) provide recruits for recolonization is unclear.

In 2000, we performed a pilot study to test use drift fence/funnel traps to study fish dispersal, composition, and succession. The study was expanded spatially in 2001, and we also used traps to sample solution holes. Fishes colonized surface habitats almost immediately after flooding, indicating use of local refuges. Most of the 24 fish species collected appeared during the first week of reflooding. Larger-bodied species and non-native fishes appeared to immigrate later. We describe how the data will be used in restoration of this region and the future research questions and requirements to achieve that goal.


Karst wetlands are poorly studied aquatic habitats. Their ecology depends on interactions of geology, hydrology, and biological processes. The Rocky Glades, the drainage divide between Shark and Taylor sloughs, is an example of a karst wetland characterized by:

  • Water diversion, agriculture, and urban development which have irrevocably altered over half the area (Fig. 1);
  • Short Inundation, from 3 to 7 months, significantly reduced from historical conditions (Fig. 2a, b);
  • Thousands of solution holes of varying depths (Fig. 3) ;
  • Deeper holes connect directly to groundwater to provide drought refuge for aquatic organisms.

Figure 1 - Array Locations
map showing array locations
[larger image]

Fig. 2a Fig. 2b
black and white photo of Rocky Glades in January 1897
Eastern Edge of the Everglades
photo of Rocky Glades in November 2001
Figure 2a. Rocky Glades in January 1897 (Willoughby 1898) [larger image]; 2b. Rocky Glades in November 2001. Hard to float a boat today! [larger image]

Figure 3 -Solution Hole
photo of a solution hole
[larger image]

Study Background

  • Region ignored for aquatic study – terrestrial-like for much of year.
  • Loftus et al. (1992) first sampled aquatic animals in Rocky Glades. They reported:
    • Mass fish movements in early wet season
    • Rapid reproduction during short wet period
    • Use of solution holes as dry-season refuges
    • Altered hydrology.
  • Drainage has degraded aquatic habitat function of this region;
    Can CERP Restoration restore those functions and increase its value to the ecosystem?
  • We need better data on habitat use and movement patterns, and estimates of historical hydrology!


  • Study seasonal use of surface/subsurface habitats by fishes.
  • Quantify effects of hydrology on fish movements and catch.
  • Determine if Rocky Glades is a source or sink for fishes.
  • Estimate responses by fishes to restoration plans.


Array Traps

In 2000, 4 drift-fence arrays (#1-4)(Array 2: Figs 4a-c) erected to measure dispersal and relative abundance of fishes with the arrival of the wet season (Fig. 1). The road shoulder is the southern border to each array. Minnow traps at center sampled for 24h. In 2001, additional 9 arrays (#s 5-13) erected away from roads for wider spatial coverage (Fig. 1). Arrays 7-13 sampled less frequently because of logistical constraints.

photo of Array 2 during dry season
photo of traps
photo of Array 2 during wet season
Fig. 4a [larger image] Fig. 4b [larger image] Fig. 4c [larger image]

Sampling Design (2000):

  • 4 Arrays
  • 3 Minnow Traps (3mm mesh)
  • 3 Compass Directions (E,N,W)
  • Collect, Measure, Weigh and Sex All Fishes

Sampling Design (2001-Present):

  • 13 Arrays
  • 3-4 Minnow Traps (3mm mesh)
  • 3-4 Directions (E,N,S,W)
  • Collect, Measure, Weigh and Sex All Fishes

schematic of sampling cycle

Solution-Hole Traps

When wetlands dry, minnow traps sample fishes using holes near arrays for refuge. Holes sampled twice weekly, then weekly. Fishes measured, identified, and returned to holes alive. photo of solution-hole traps
[larger image]

Physical Measurements

  • Staff gauges at arrays and holes for relative water depths;
  • Rain gauges for daily rainfall;
  • YSI recorders for seasonal measures of pH, Dissolved Oxygen, Water Temperature, and Specific Conductance;
    Flow using timed floating bottle and Sontek
    c ADVM.



  • Figure 5a shows relative depth and hydroperiod for the 4 arrays in 2000; Figure 5b for 2001. Hydropattern varies spatially and annually.
  • Western arrays 3 & 4, lower in elevation, flooded earlier than the eastern arrays 1 & 2, and had longer hydroperiods.

Figure 5a
Depth over time (cm) - 2000
graph of depth over time, 2000
[larger image]
Figure 5b
Depth over time (cm) - 2001
graph of depth over time, 2001
[larger image]

Drift-Fence Arrays (Array 4 as example of data being collected)

graph of numbers of fish and crustaceans with gauge height, June through December 2000, at Array 4
  • Array flooded early June; dried by end of December 2000.
  • Large numbers of fish caught as waters fell in winter (Fig. 6a).
6a [larger image]

  • Fish appeared in traps immediately after the wetlands flooded, possibly indicating local subterranean refuges (Fig. 6b).
  • Flow was generally east to west towards Shark River Slough
graph of water depth and number of fish at Array 4 during the first week post flood
6b [larger image]

graph of number of fish (20 species) over 30 weeks of inundation at Array 4
  • Larger species appeared later in the sample, perhaps because of dispersal from distant refuges (Fig. 6c).
6c [larger image]

  • Cumulative annual directional dispersal by fish differed in 2000 and 2001.
Array 4 E N W
2000 9498 1155 2009
2001 2006 747 2167

Species No. of fish % of fish
Gambusia holbrooki 14673 60.1%
Jordanella floridae 3377 13.8%
Lepomis marginatus 2222 9.1%
Poecilia latipinna 1626 6.7%
Fundulus confluentus 863 3.5%
Heterandria formosa 406 1.7%
Belonesox belizanus 233 1.0%
Cichlasoma urophthalmus 198 0.8%
Cichlasoma bimaculatum 123 0.5%
Other species* 272 1.1%
*E. sucetta, E. evergladei, L. microlophus, L. macrochirus, L. punctatus, T. mariae, N. maculatus, N. gyrinus, C. variegatus, C. managuense, E. gloriosus, C. gulosus, A. natalis, and F. chrysotus

Array # Fish caught
per trap day
# of different
species caught
Flood Time
1 87 18 109 days
2 159 20 111 days
3 142 19 158 days
4 301 20 214 days

Array 1 2 3 4
1 x 17 15 17
2 17 x 16 19
3 15 16 x 16
4 17 19 16 x

photo of Gambusia holbrooki
  • 24 total species in 2000, including 5 exotic species.
  • Species richness relatively high for short-hydroperiod wetlands.
  • Between 15-19 species shared by arrays.

Restoration Hypotheses

Rocky Glades historically had longer flooding periods, deeper water, higher groundwater levels, and dried later in autumn than under today's conditions (Fig. 7).

This promoted freer movements by fishes, longer feeding and reproduction periods, shorter times in confined refuges, and availability to wading birds early in the dry season.

cartoon of wet/dry season hydrology in historical Rocky Glades
cartoon of wet/dry season hydrology in present-day Rocky Glades
Figure 7A. Cartoon of wet/dry season hydrology in historical Rocky Glades; B. Present-day conditions. [click on each of the images above to view a larger version]

Present-day conditions result in shorter flooding periods, discontinuous flooding patterns, and fish remain longer in refuges where mortality is high. CERP must try to restore historical conditions.


We will use present-day data on fish/habitat relationships in combination with modeled historical conditions to set targets for restoration. We continue to study the role of the Rocky Glades in south Florida:

  • Do fish recolonize from local solution holes (double arrow) or from distant sloughs/estuaries (single arrows)?
Attempt to use stable isotope and otolith markers to identify sources of Rocky Glades fishes. map of Rocky Glades area
[larger image]
  • Can fish survive below ground for months? Can they move long distances rapidly?
    • Perform lab tests of swimming speed, endurance, and physiology under simulated habitat conditions.
  • What role does flow play in fish dispersal?
    • Need better spatio-temporal flow data for this region.
  • What were historical water levels in wet and dry seasons?
    • Reconstruct historical hydrology through models.


Special thanks to Victoria Foster, Andrew Martin, Phil George, Diane Riggs, Hardin Waddle, and Angela Griffith for array construction, field, and lab processing. This study is supported by DOI's Critical Ecosystem Studies Initiative (CESI) in cooperation with the US National Park Service, and by the USGS Florida Integrated Science Center.

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Related information:

SOFIA Project: The Role of Aquatic Refuges in the Wetland Complex of Southern Florida in Relation to System Restoration

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