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Hundreds of Web sites deal with the American Revolution. Here are some of the most useful. The National Park Service works with a wide array of non-profit organizations, educational institutions, city, state, federal and tribal entities, as well as the private sector on projects and programs in parks and beyond park boundaries. The links listed below take you to some of these. The NPS does not control or guarantee the content, relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of the materials on these site, nor does the NPS endorse the organizations, their views, products or services.

NPS Museum Collections: American Revolutionary War
Explore the museum collections of Revolutionary War parks.

American Battlefield Protection Program
Find out about recent efforts to identify and protect Revolutionary War battlefields.

Avalon, Yale University
This is the place to read the complete texts of the documents that established the United States, including the early state constitutions.

Charters of Freedom exhibit
Investigate the National Archives and Records Administration's exhibit of documents establishing our freedoms.

Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Learn about the Foundation's efforts to preserve and interpret the colonial history of the United States.

Daughters of the American Revolution
Access the on-line catalog for the DAR research library and find out more about the organization.

Delegates to the Constitutional Convention
Find out more about each state's delegates to the Constitutional Convention on this page developed by the National Archives and Records Administration.

Documents from the Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention, 1774-1789
Visit the Library of Congress's American Memory site to see Revolutionary War-era documents.
Learn how to "do history" at this web site developed by the Film Study Center at Harvard University. The site uses the book and film A Midwife’s Tale about the life of Martha Ballard (an 18th century midwife in Maine) to teach historical research methods.

Encyclopedia Britannica's Early American Women
Search the time line for articles on women in early America.

H-Net companion to PBS Liberty! program
Features essays, bibliographies, and resources related to the Revolutionary War.

Visit the web page of the PBS program Liberty! to learn more about colonial life, what was going on in other parts of the world during the war, and the military experience.

Liberty on the Mall
See photos from Liberty on the Mall, the American Revolution Encampment that took place on the National Mall on June 30-July 1, 2001.

New York State American Revolutionary War Heritage Trail
Visit this site to get information on New York's planned Revolutionary War Heritage Trail and the many Revolutionary War sites it will link together.
New York Freedom Trail

On-line Revolutionary War bookstore
Order books, videos, and other items related to the Revolution and its leaders from Eastern National.

Papers of George Washington
Explore the Washington collection at the Library of Congress.

Reenactors in National Parks
Re-enactors and living historians enrich the experience of visitors to National Parks. Learn more about
their activities.

Sons of the American Revolution
The SAR is a historical and educational group dedicated to keeping alive the stories of patriotism, courage, and sacrifice of the men who achieved the independence of the American people.

Visit these sites for information about park visits, tours, lesson plans, curriculum materials, videos, resource packets, training, and travelling trunks.
LearnNPS/Teacher Zone
Teaching With Historic Places

University of Georgia Hargrett collection
See examples of rare maps from the Revolutionary War period.

U.S. Army Center of Military History
Explore the U.S. Army's Revolutionary War history sources.

Washington-Rochambeau Trail Initiative
Read about the proposed Washington-Rochambeau Trail, a potential National Historic Trail running from Providence, Rhode Island to Yorktown, Virginia.
Statement of Significance (PDF)
News Release from February 2002 (PDF); News Release from November 2001 (PDF)


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  Last Updated: Wednesday, 19-Mar-2003 16:43
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