New England Latest Research and Notices


Research and Reports



  • Discontinuance of mailing paper copies of the Boston Metropolitan Area Consumer Price Index (CPI) press release and the New England CPI Announcement
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  • As of April 1, 2008, subscribers will no longer receive paper copies of the Boston Metropolitan Area CPI press release and the New England CPI Announcement in the mail. Both the Boston Metropolitan Area CPI press release and the New England CPI Announcement will continue to be available through the Bureau's Web site.
  • A free email subscription service is available for the CPI announcement. Shortly after the CPI announcement is posted online each month, subscribers to this service receive an email message containing a link to the announcement. The subscription form with a list of available regional office CPI summaries (blue cards) is located at
  • The mailing of regional CPI announcements (summaries) and other regional publications is being discontinued as a result of unanticipated budget constraints faced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. See for details.