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Logo of PADF Protecting Human Rights
The Protecting Human Rights Project has 2 components. The Trafficking-in Persons component has the goal to establish lasting mechanisms for effective protection of vulnerable persons, raise awareness of trafficking and strengthen advocacy for credible legislative and legal action. The Human Rights component will educate public local groups and government agencies on the definition and threat of organized violence, support coordinated efforts to respond to such incidents and advocate for legal redress. Click here to read more

Logo of CHF

Cooperative Housing Foundation (CHF) International - Jobs, Opportunities, re-Building Structures (JOBS) advances stability by creating short, medium and long-term jobs and improving the productive and social infrastructure in key conflict-vulnerable areas including the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area, Cap-Haitian, Gonaïves, St. Marc, and Petit Goâve. Click here to read more
This contract aims to strengthen the capacities of Justices of the Peace, judges, prosecutors and investigative magistrates to improve case processing and protection of human rights. Click here to read more
Logo of Suny Support to Parliament
The Haitian Parliament Support Project (PAPH) aims to establish a transparent and effective parliament in Haiti.

Logo of ARD

Support to Local Government
The Transparent and Effective Governance Program aims to enhance elected local government bodies capacities to respond to citizen needs and provide public goods and services efficiently and transparently.
LFHH - La Fondation Héritage pour Haïti The current grant to LFHH will end in December 2007. Continuing support to this activity will be provided through a sub-grant under the Civil Society Advocacy (CSA) program implemented by PACT. Expected results include increased public awareness and support for anti-corruption reforms within the government. This activity supports civil society organizations’ as well as public institutions’ efforts to promote ethics, transparency and integrity.
Logo of SRA Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS)
The Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) project supports activities to reduce corruption and increase transparency in core government financial operations. Click here to read more
Logo of OAS Electoral Support
This program aims to facilitate the transformation of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) into a permanent independent body.
Logo of PACT Civil Society Advocacy
The Civil Society Advocacy (CSA) Project supports civic education, engaged citizenry, and more effective civil society advocacy.
Logo of NDI Civil Society Advocacy
The Civil Society Advocacy (CSA) Project supports civic education, engaged citizenry, and more effective civil society advocacy.
Logo of MSH
MSH - Management Sciences for Health
The Basic Health Services Project (BHSP) delivers basic health care services to approximately 50% of the Haitian population over a five-year period. Services include HIV and AIDS testing, treatment and care, tuberculosis detection and treatment, maternal and child health care, and family planning services.
Logo of Plan International PLAN International USA, Inc.
PLAN activities will be implemented through Youth Peer Educators (YPEs). The North East Regional Department is near the Dominican Republic border.
Logo of Worldconcern Basic Health Services Project
The USG will provide support to World Concern for the Association of Evangelical Relief and Development Organizations (AERDO);s HIV/AIDS Alliance (“the Alliance”) to: 1) Train community and religious leaders, volunteer health workers and teachers to clearly articulate traditional, community and faith-based values regarding prevention and 2) Establish preventative HIV education programs for children and youth. Trainings and prevention education programs based on abstinence and being faithful will raise awareness, reduce stigma, and empower beneficiaries to make good life choices. The emphasis areas are training (major: 60%), community mobilization (minor: 25%), linkage with other sectors (minor: 15%), information/education/communication (minor: 10%), quality assurance (minor: 10%) and strategic information (minor: 10%). The primary target populations are religious leaders, community leaders, other (volunteer) health care workers, teachers, children and youth, OVC, men and women, HIV-positive children (5-14 years), and out-of-school youth and restavek (domestic servant) children. .
Logo of World Vision The Abstinence and Risk Avoidance (ARK) Project is designed to strengthen prevention efforts through changes in behavior that will reduce the risk among youth of contracting HIV primarily through abstinence and mutual monogamy while creating supportive family and community environments.
Logo of CRS MYAP
Designed to operate for more than one year (three to five years in duration), the ultimate goal of the MYAP (Multi-Year Assistance Program) is to reduce food insecurity in vulnerable populations through addressing the three dimensions of food availability, food access and food utilization.
Logo of ACDI/VOCA Multi Year Assistance Program (MYAP)
Designed to operate for more than one year (three to five years in duration), the ultimate goal of the MYAP (Multi-Year Assistance Program) is to reduce food insecurity in vulnerable populations through addressing the three dimensions of food availability, food access and food utilization
Logo of World Vision MYAP
Designed to operate for more than one year (three to five years in duration), the ultimate goal of the MYAP (Multi-Year Assistance Program) is to reduce food insecurity in vulnerable populations through addressing the three dimensions of food availability, food access and food utilization.
Logo of ACE ACE/HED - American Council on Education/Higher Education
Through this program, USAID will increase the capacity of higher education institutions in Haiti to provide the human and institutional capacity needed for economic growth, good governance and social prosperity. Through partnerships between Haitian and U.S. universities that will strengthen Haitian university degree offerings and offer the opportunity for Haitian students to earn U.S. degrees, Haitian university students will be trained in fields of study needed in the Haitian economy; there will be improved quality of higher education in selected fields; Haitian universities may have increased opportunities to conduct research relevant to the development challenges of the country; and there will be improved capacity of Haitian universities to respond to development needs. The program will be funded for three years.
Logo of Department of the Treasury United States Department of the Treasury
This joint program with the US Department of the Treasury provides technical assistance to the Haitian Tax Authority (DGI) to standardize tax policy and improve revenue collection. The program aims to decrease corruption, increase revenue collection and taxpayer compliance.
Logo of Chemonics I-TRADE
The Investment, Trade and Association Development (I-Trade) project will provide training and technical assistance to GOH institutions and private stakeholders on trade and investment policy.
Logo of CBP The Capacity Building for Customs Reform (CBCR) Program is a USAID Participating Agency Program Agreement that provides training and short term technical assistance to developing country customs authorities, related government agencies, and their stakeholders. It will provide assistance to Haitian customs and other government entities that manage customs procedures as related to trade and national security, particularly as related to the implementation of the Haitian Hemispheric Opportunity through Partnership Encouragement Act of 2006 (the HOPE legislation). Training will be for customs officers and other stakeholders from the public and private sectors and it will improve Haiti’s compliance with international legislation. In addition, a strategy will be developed for long-term involvement of CBP in supporting Haiti’s Customs Agency, leading to increased security and improved revenue collection. The follow-up program will be a three-year program at $200,000 per year.
Logo of CCAA Under this cooperative agreement, technical assistance is provided on port security l assistance to the National Port Authority to bring Haiti’s ports into compliance with international Maritime Organization (IMO), International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS), and United States Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 (MTSA) standards.
Logo of Capital Bank
Through this program USAID is providing a $697,350 Development Credit Authority (DCA) guarantee to Capital Bank and Sogebank to originate up to $7 million in loans over six years for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in productive sectors to increase production, generate income, and create sustainable jobs in rural and urban areas.
Logo of DAI DAI - Development Alternatives, Inc.
The Developpement Economique pour un Environnement Durable (DEED) contract was awarded in 2008. The target populations for DEED are profit making enterprises and producer groups that can create the social and economic capital base needed to activate environmental and economic recovery on the hillsides. One key principle is that DEED should work only with communities that demonstrate a commitment to working toward self-sufficiency in restoring hillsides and improving livelihoods. Profit-making NRM enterprises partnering with producer groups can create the social capital base needed to activate environmental and economic recovery in the watershed.

The Accelerated Microenterprise Advancement Project support Haiti 's Microfinance and Small and Medium Enterprises ( Haiti MSMEs ). The project is helping Haitian microfinance institutions (MFIs) offer diversified products and assisting the Government of Haiti in establishing an appropriate enabling environment to encourage and facilitate the sustainable evolution of the microenterprise sector. The activities are focused on access to financial opportunities for productive sector enterprises through financial and technical support for start-up, expansion, new product development, and other forms of capacity building to retail MFIs.
Logo of EDC The IDEJEN (in Creole: Inisyativ pou Devlopman Jen) project works with community-based youth-servce organizations to, deliver basic education and job skills training to out-of-school youth, ages 15-24, who never attended school or who dropped out before grade four. The program also assists these youths in finding employment or creating businesses.Click here to read more
Logo of Chemonics Chemonics
The Famine Early Warning System Network (FEWSNET) provides technical assistance to the National Coordination for Food Security agency (CNSA). FEWSNET representative is placed directly within CNSA, and is engaged in assisting with the functional design of the CNSA and the National Food Security Observatory. The representative also assists in building the capacity of the GOH and other stakeholders (e.g. PL 480 cooperating sponsors) in early warning systems design and implementation, early warning monitoring, and strategic information collection, analysis, and dissemination.
CFET - Centre de Formation et d'Encadrement Technique This contract provides technical advisors to the Government of Haiti to help modernize the Haitian state and improve its capacity to deliver basic services to its citizens. Click here to read more
Logo of UNOPS This grant supports the rehabilitation of 3 small hydro electric plants located in Haiti's rural areas.
Logo of Greenberg Quilan Rosner Research
The purpose of these statistically significant polls is to assess the trends of many socio-economic and political data; to gather information on specific events or programs that receive USAID or U.S. Government assistance (such as national and local elections); to provide a better understanding of whether USAID is reaching its target populations and target geographic areas; to facilitate USAID’s understanding of local perceptions and knowledge of U.S. Government assistance in Haiti; and to help USAID track program performance indicators.
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Last updated date : 6/4/2008
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