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Vectorized solver, by FFTs, for a block tridiagonal system that arises from
finite difference approximations on a staggered grid to two-dimensional
separable elliptic partial differential equations with constant coefficients
in one direction.
Classes  :  I2b4b . Solution of discretized elliptic equations
Type     : Fortran subroutine in CRAYFISHPAK library.
Access   : Proprietary. Many implementations available.
Precision: Double.
Note     : Vectorized
Usage    : CALL S2CFSS (LDIMF, F, SAVE, W)
Details  : Documentation
Sites    : (1) ARNO

Implementation of S2CFSS from CRAYFISHPAK on ARNO

ARNO:      Silicon Graphics Origin 2000, National Institute of Standards and
           Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD. Available to NIST staff.
Precision: Double.
Note     : Vectorized
Those logged in to arno.nist.gov or amur.nist.gov may access this module as
   Link         : Library coded in single precision, but converted to double
                  via the f90 -default64 option. Compile/link using f90
                  -default64 prog.f -L
   Documentation: more /usr/local/apps/crayfishpak/sngl/doc/s2cfss

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