NOAA Climate Monitoring / Climate At A Glance / Legends / Help
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Explanation of Legend Terminology

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for Temperature Maps

Label Meaning
Record Coldest Coldest such period on record (a 114 yr period of record, 1895-2008)
Much Below Normal One of the 11 coolest such periods on record
Below Normal One of the 38 coolest such periods on record
Near Normal An average temperature that was not one of the 38 warmest or 38 coolest on record
Above Normal One of the 38 warmest such periods on record
Much Above Normal One of the 11 warmest such periods on record
Record Warmest Warmest such period on record

for Precipitation Maps

Label Meaning
Record Driest Driest such period on record (a 114 yr period of record, 1895-2008)
Much Below Normal One of the 11 driest such periods on record
Below Normal One of the 38 driest such periods on record
Near Normal Month (season) that was not one of the 38 wettest or 38 driest on record
Above Normal One of the 38 wettest such periods on record
Much Above Normal One of the 11 wettest such periods on record
Record Wettest Wettest such period on record
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NOAA Climate Monitoring / Climate At A Glance / Legend Explanation / / Help