Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

ESO Bulletins: FY-08 #19

Non-Resident Training (NRT) Department

Administration of Obsolete NAVRUL & SARFND EOCT

ESOs are hereby directed to IMMEDIATELY STOP in the administration of the NAVRUL EOCT, course code 0469-4, test numbers 63, 64, 65 as it became obsolete on 2 FEB 2008. More than 22 exams have been administered by more than 15 Full Time and Collateral Duty ESOs. This obsolete date has been announced through the Course Information Sheet since Nov 2007.

ESOs are hereby directed to IMMEDIATELY STOP in the administration of the SARFND EOCT, course code 0431-3, test numbers 51, 52 and 53, as it became obsolete on 1 JAN 2008. This was announced in ALCOAST 443/07 and has been listed on the Course Information Sheet since Sep 2007. There have been 13 members, 6 OS3’s who have been disadvantaged because they were administered an obsolete EOCT, which unfortunately caused them to be ineligible for the May 2008 SWE.

ANY ESO who has administered one of these two exams between their obsolete date and 29 Feb 2008 (Today), and has a SCAN Sheet that has not been mailed, must Immediately FEDEX them to CG Institute, to arrive NLT Wed, 5 March 2008. A special rerun of these exams, to score and transmit to Direct Access, will be conducted by the Institute at the end of next week.

CG-132, CG Institute and PSC are working on a fair and equitable solution to the members disadvantaged due to the failure of the ESO community to validate their inventories and check the Course Information Sheets prior to administering exams. Members who were administered one of these obsolete exams will be credited for a Test of Record (whether they passed or failed); which means the date they took this exam starts their 21 day retest ability. Each Member will be notified by Memo and PSC will rerun SWE Eligibility for those affected if they passed the EOCTS listed above. ESOS who administered these exams after the obsolete date can expect their command, respective MLC Compliance Team and MLC ESO Program Manager to receive notification of this error.

EVERY ESO should be validating their inventories on a MONTHLY basis; the Non-Library Unit inventories announce EOCTS that will become obsolete at least 2 months, but usually 4-6 months in advance. Library Unit Inventories do not list obsolete exams. CG Institute records indicate at least 130 Library Unit ESOS have NEVER conducted a monthly inventory; and 63 ESOs have not completed an inventory in the last 60 days. It is imperative that the Library Unit ESO validate their Inventory against the Course Information Sheet, posted on the CG Institute Website, prior to administering an EOCT, because it lists the obsolete EOCTS and upcoming obsolete EOCTS as we know or learn of a change.

You as the ESO are responsible and accountable to complete these tasks as part of your duties and responsibilities. Your inattention to detail has disadvantaged the enlisted community as you are impacting members’ advancement and competency eligibility. This inattention to duty has disadvantaged the BM Strikers and OS3 advancement eligibility, the BM and Operations communities to qualify as Coxswains and many enlisted ratings and officers from being eligible or reaching their performance qualifications for SAR Controller competencies, and thereby impact the Operational Commanders in completing their Mission Responsibilities.

In addition, it is fair to state that the CG Institute shares, on a minor level, in the responsibility as the programs in place have allowed partial processing of the exam (online answer sheet). That said the EOCT administration is a manual process whereby the ESO must validate inventories and active / obsolete exams prior to administration. CG Institute is working on possible programming controls that will help the ESO to be more responsible, and help manage the Institute and PSC workload from having to correct these mistakes and especially to ensure CG members are not disadvantaged in their advancement eligibility factors and performance qualifications.

Please help us help you and the Workforce by reviewing your internal unit procedures to ensure you are following the set guidelines and requirements to validate your inventory and check the Course Information Sheet before you administer exams.

Commanding Officer
CG Institute
(405) 954-7232

Last Modified 9/8/2008