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Policy on Proclamations

Proclamation Request Contact

Proclamation requests should be submitted to one of the following addresses:

Mailing Address
Office of Mayor Martin J. Chávez
P.O. Box 1293
Albuquerque, NM 87103


Proclamations are an excellent way of providing valuable education and information to the citizens of Albuquerque.

Proclamations are provided by Mayor Chávez’s Office of Constituent Services. The Mayor’s Office handles as many requests as possible.

At his discretion, Mayor Chávez issues proclamations for noteworthy citizens, and state or local events that deserve special recognition.


All proclamation requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The Mayor reserves the right to decline any request for a proclamation or to make exception to the following guidelines:

  • Proclamations recognize a day, week or month
  • Requests will be accepted no more than 6 months in advance. Proclamations won't be issued more than a month in advance of the event
  • A four-week notice is required for requests
  • Any draft language may be edited or rewritten at the discretion of the Mayor’s Office. Every request must have official approval before being issued

What to Include in Proclamation Request

  • All proclamation requests must be in writing; They can be submitted via mail or e-mail
  • Contact person's first and last name, address and telephone number
  • A brief summary or background information of the event or organization
  • The name and date(s) of the day, week, month, or event to be proclaimed
  • Proposed text for the proclamation, including four to six “Whereas” clauses
  • A date when the proclamation is needed

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