Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated


This form is submitted after a member has completed an Initial Assessment and is submitted on the same form as the assessment, Application for Voluntary Education Services, CGI-1561.

This request should be submitted if one of the following three events occurs:

  1. The student has earned an additional 12 hours of credit.
    • Three additional events (Class C school, advancement, etc.)
    • An additional 12 credit hours of traditional college courses
    • 12 credit hours of DANTES examinations
    (For example, if a member was advanced from PO3 to PO2, completed a college course and passed a DANTES Exam, an update would be warranted.)
  2. The student is ready to matriculate with a college.
  3. If it has been some time (i.e. two or three years) since the last update or initial assessment, the original degree plans may have changed.

Important documents to submit with an update:

  • Course completion certificates from sources other than the USCG or ACE evaluated courses not listed in Direct Access.
  • Copies of official college transcripts (front and back no online grade reports)
  • DD-214 for prior service training
  • Score Reports (Examples include DANTES, CLEP, Excelsior and Defense Language Institute)
  • Licenses or certificates (i.e. FAA A&P, PADI open water diver etc.)

Importance of completing this document:

  • Will ensure that the members record is current prior to requesting a transcript
  • Will ensure a members record is correct prior to developing a SOC student agreement

For further information on updates, call 405-954-1106.

Last Modified 9/8/2008