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  Gorda Ridge Seismic Event 2001: Updates  


UPDATE (5/29 1000PDT): Report from the USCG Healy cruise-No significant thermal anomalies from hydrothermal plumes were in the area. Several dredges were collected to recover rocks from the seafloor, but they were all clearly old. The entire segment was resurveyed with multibeam sonar to compare with bathymetry collected before the earthquake swarm. In summary, Healy also found no evidence for eruption of lava onto the seafloor.

UPDATE (5/22 1000PDT): The response effort did not find any evidence that an eruption occured at Jackson segment during this seismic event. The earthquake swarm clearly indicated that magma was moving during this event, but apparently it never made it up to the seafloor to erupt.

UPDATE (4/24 0900PDT): USCG Ship Healy will conduct CTDs and dredges on site (~4/26) as part of Healy's maiden science shakedown cruise. Chief Scientist Peter Michaels will send results when available.

UPDATE (4/19 1155PDT): Map showing the CTD and camera tow locations now posted on the Response Effort site.

UPDATE (4/14 0830PDT): New Horizon reports that after 24 casts, no plume had been detected and that a bottom camera run will be attempted next. Without a refined position based on the plume location, the camera work will be largely reconnaissance. The ship is scheduled to return to Eureka Monday morning.

UPDATE (4/13 0930PDT): New Horizon continues exploring for megaplumes at Gorda Ridge using vertical hydrographic casts with no plumes detected after eighteen profiles. Seismicity remains at a very low level. Coninuation of the effort is being discussed.

UPDATE (4/12 0930PDT): New Horizon continues exploring for megaplumes at Gorda Ridge using vertical hydrographic casts. A broken altimeter prevents using tow-yos. No plumes have been identified after seven casts. Seismicity remains at a very low level. Hydrographic effort will move to the southern portion of the area of activity.

UPDATE (4/11 1630PDT): New Horizon continues exploring for megaplumes at Gorda Ridge. The initial vertical hydrographic cast was "undiagnostic". Seismicity has decreased to a very low level, perhaps indicating that it is now below the detection threshold of the T-phase Monitoring System. Vertical casts will continue through the night. Ship will report at 0830 with the night's results, which will be posted immediately.

UPDATE (4/11 1030PDT): New Horizon arrived onsite at Gorda Ridge at 3am PDT. The initial vertical hydrographic cast showed no sign of a plume. Seismicity continues at a reduced level. Seas are calm (~5ft) and winds moderate (~15kts). A second vertcal cast is underway.

UPDATE (4/10 1630PDT): New Horizon is enroute to Gorda Ridge. Seismicity continues. Epicenter files have been updated, with 548 earthquakes located and over 3,500 detected.

UPDATE (4/10 0930PDT): New Horizon is currently departing Eureka,CA after a full night of preparation. Seas are reported as calm. ETA at the target site is midnight. Seismicity continues with over 3,000 events detected in six days.John Nabelek at Oregon State University has posted earthquake moment tensor solutions for the larger earthquakes detected by land arrays.

UPDATE (4/9 1630PDT): New Horizon arrived in Eureka, CA at 1430PDT and began loading scientific equipment. All member of the scientific field party are on site and setting up their instruments. High winds and rough seas may delay departure to ensure that equipment has been properly secured. Seismicity continues at a moderate level. Epicenter maps and earthquake listings have been updated.

UPDATE (4/9 0830PDT): Seismic activity continued over the weekend at a moderate rate. Nearly 2,500 earthquakes have been detected to date. The New Horizon is expected in to Eureka, CA after 1500 PDT on Monday April 9. The scientific party is in transit to Eureka to meet the ship.

UPDATE (4/7 1400PDT): Seismic activity continues at 10-20 events per hour. New Horizon being slowed by north winds and strong currents and may be delayed arriving in Eureka.

UPDATE (4/6 1130PDT): Seismic activity continues at a moderate rate.Nearly 2,000 earthquakes have been detected in 2.5 days. Response cruise planning continues

UPDATE (4/6 0800PDT): Activity continues at a reduced rate. Response cruise planning continues.

UPDATE (4/5 1030PDT): Response planning continues. The Scripps RV New Horizon may be available in San Diego.

UPDATE (4/5 0830PDT): Activity continued overnight. Several of the larger earthquakes have been picked up by the Pacific Northwest seismic networks. A detailed look at the event is under construction and will be posted by late today. Response planning continues.

UPDATE (4/4-1430PDT): Seismic activity has slowed in the last few hours. SOSUS-derived earthquake source locations show indications of lateral migration to the south, typical of dike injections. A current earthquake location file is provided.

Northwest land seismic arrays have successfully detected at least ten of the events from this sequence. More information to follow.

Gorda Event Home | Event Description | Response


Address inquiries to:

Robert Dziak - Seismologist - robert.p.dziak@noaa.gov
Jim Cowen - Field Response - jcowen@soest.hawaii.edu
Bob Embley - Field Response - robert.w.embley@noaa.gov


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