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  Deep Ocean Seismicity from Hydroacoustic Monitoring
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  Gorda Ridge Seismic Event 2001: Event Details


Gorda Ridge segment mapDETAILS:


Volcanic seismicity was detected by the NOAA/PMEL T-phase Monitoring System beginning at about 0050GMT on JD 094, 2001 (Tuesday April 3, 1750 PST). The system makes use of signals collected by the U.S. Navy's SOund SUrveillance System (SOSUS) in the northeast Pacific. The activity is located on the central Gorda Ridge near 42.15'N; 127.05W (or 42 9'N; 127 3'W). This location is on the Jackson segment just below the North Gorda segment, which was the site of the February 1996 eruption. The activity is closely analogous to that earlier event, being located near the summit of the "narrowgate" on the south side.

(click image for full-size)

The nature of the activity is consistent with other examples of volcanic seismicity detected hydroacoustically and documented by field observations. These events are characterized by low-magnitude earthquakes emergent from background ocean ambient noise without a large "mainshock" to initiate the sequence. This is then followed by days to weeks of rapidly repeating (up to 100 events/ hour) small earthquakes and a nearly continuous band of volcanic tremor in the range of 2-30 Hz. The event is relatively loud, being heard on multiple SOSUS arrays even without the benefit of beamforming.
  spectrogram of event
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Spectrogram of the onset of activity

historgram of earthquakes
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Histogram of seismic activity. Each bar represents the number of events detected in one hour


earthquake location mapEARTHQUAKE LOCATIONS

Earthquake epicenters inferred from hydroacoustic analysis show the volcanic seismicity emanating from the central Gorda Ridge near 42.15'N; 127.05W (or 42 9'N; 127 3'W). Comparison with multibeam bathymetry from the area indicates the site to be within the central axial valley of the second segment from the north (Jackson segment). The activity began just below the segment high ("narrow gate") and appears to be migrating to the south, while activity continues in the narrow gate area. This is very similar to the behavior of the North Gorda eruption in 1996.

Events vs. latitude

Earthquake locations derived from hydroacoustic monitoring


Address inquiries to:

Robert Dziak - Seismologist - robert.p.dziak@noaa.gov


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