DOT News Masthead

April 16, 2002                                                                                     

DOT 41-02     

Contact:  Chet Lunner                                                                         

Tel.:  (202) 366-4570



John Magaw, Under Secretary for Transportation Security, Comfortable After Angioplasty


WASHINGTON -- Under Secretary of Transportation for Security John W. Magaw was resting comfortably this morning at George Washington University Hospital after a successful angioplasty procedure.


Magaw, 66, who heads the new Transportation Security Administration, had been admitted for observation Monday afternoon after experiencing some discomfort.  Angioplasty is a procedure whereby a small balloon-like device is inserted in coronary arteries to restore blood flow reduced by plaque deposits.  The angioplasty was administered Tuesday morning, and Magaw was expected to be released later in the day.


Following a brief period of recuperation at his home, he is expected to return to work early next week.


Magaw is a former Director of the U.S. Secret Service and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and acting Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). He was appointed to his current position by President Bush and confirmed by the Senate on Jan. 28.




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