DOT News Masthead

DOT 23-02                                                                                         

Thursday, March 7, 2002

Contact:  Kim Riddle                                                 

Tel.:  (202) 366-4570


Statement of U.S. Secretary of Transportation Norman Y. Mineta Concerning Amtrak President George Warrington


Secretary of Transportation Norman Y. Mineta expressed regret over the announcement today that George D. Warrington is departing as president and chief executive officer of Amtrak and thanked him for his service to the Nation’s passenger railroad.


“The position of president of Amtrak has been one of the most challenging assignments in the transportation industry over the last several years,” Secretary Mineta said. “George has performed admirably.   I understand that George will accept a terrific new professional opportunity.  His colleagues at the Department of Transportation, including myself, wish him all the best.”


Secretary Mineta also expressed his confidence in the ability of the Amtrak Board of Directors and its new chairman, Mayor John Robert Smith of Meridian, MS, to lead  the Corporation as it enters the congressional debates over Amtrak’s reauthorization and the future of intercity rail passenger service.  He said:     “Now more than ever, intercity rail passenger service is important for the smooth functioning of our transportation system and I look forward to working with the Board and with the Congress over the coming months to articulate clearly the role of Amtrak and the Federal Government in support of rail passenger transportation.”




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