PITAC - Report to the President
February 24, 1999
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President's Information Technology Advisory Committee
Report to the President

Information Technology Research:
Investing in Our Future


Letter of Transmittal
Members of the Advisory Committee
Executive Summary

Rationale for Government Support
of Long Term, Fundamental Research
Findings and Recommendation
Priorities for Research
The Government's Essential Role

1.  Information Technology:  Transforming our Society
1.1  Transforming the Way We Communicate
1.2  Transforming the Way We Deal With Information
1.3  Transforming the Way We Learn
1.4  Transforming the Practice of Health Care
1.5  Transforming the Nature of Commerce
1.6  Transforming the Nature of Work
1.7  Transforming How We Design and Build Things
1.8  Transforming How We Conduct Research
1.9  Transforming Our Understanding of the Environment
1.10  Transforming Government

2.  Setting Federal Research Priorities:  Findings and Recommendations
2.1  Findings
2.2  Recommendations for Research

3.  Technical Research Priorities
3.1  Software Research
spacer3.1.1  Findingsspacer
spacer3.1.2  Recommendations
3.2  Scalable Information Infrastructure
spacer3.2.1  Findings
spacer3.2.2  Recommendations
3.3  High-End Computing
spacer3.3.1  Findings
spacer3.3.2  Recommendations

4.  Socioeconomic Research and Policy Priorities
4.1  Findings
4.2  Recommendations

5.  Creating an Effective Management Structure for
      Federal Information Technology R&D
5.1  Agency Roles

Can the Proposed Increases
be Invested Effectively?
5.2  Policy and Coordination of
       Information Technology R&D
5.3  Support and Implementation
5.4  Annual Review
5.5  Funding


PITAC Acknowledgements
The following members of the community were especially helpful in working with PITAC as panel members or advisors after the interim report was released in August, 1998.

Victor Basili
Jack Dongarra
Jeff Johnson
Ed Lazowska
Reagan Moore
Craig Partridge
Dan Reed
George Spix
Rick Stevens
Mary Vernon
William Wulf
George Campbell
Donna Hoffman
Brewster Kahle
C. Dianne Martin
Donald Norman
Dave Patterson
Michael Skibo
Tom Sterling
Michael S. Teitelbaum
Alexander Wong

PITAC would like to thank the following people for their contribution in writing white papers for PITAC's consideration for the interim report.

Kathie Blankenship
Michael L. Brodie
Rob Kling
Daniel R. Masys
Scott O. Bradner
Michael Hawley
Clifford Lynch

PITAC would also like to acknowledge the contributions of the following people from the National Coordination Office for Computing, Information and Communications, without whom we would not have been able to produce this report:

Kay Howell
Yolanda L. Comedy
Sally Howe
Robert I. Winner

PITAC would also like to thank the numerous federal employees that gave advice during the writing of this report, in particular, Henry Kelly, Tom Kalil, and Lori Perine.
And, finally we are grateful to the entire staff at the National Coordination Office. Our meetings went smoothly because of their careful preparation.

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