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FLC Awards Archive — 2002
Awards for Excellence in Technology Transfer

Department of Energy

Argonne National Laboratory

Autothermal Fuel Reforming Catalyst for Fuel Cells

The autothermal fuel reforming catalyst, produced by a team at Argonne National Laboratory, is the key component of a fuel processor that can efficiently convert methanol, ethanol, natural gas, gasoline, and diesel into hydrogen that can be fed to a fuel cell to produce electricity. The fuel processor produces high-quality hydrogen fuel within two minutes of startup at temperatures that are several hundreds of degrees centigrade below those required for processors based on a noncatalytic action. This will help to make fuel-cell powered automobiles practical.

ANL’s patented technology was transferred through a combination of Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) and license agreements with Süd-Chemie, Inc. and H2fuel, LLC. Both companies are in the process of making the technology available on the open market.

The autothermal fuel reforming catalyst will present a number of benefits. The technology will allow fuel-cell powered cars to run on conventional fuels rather than pure hydrogen—making them more attractive to consumers. Unlike most conventional catalysts, which are poisoned by sulfur, the ANL catalyst can tolerate the sulfur present in petroleum-derived fuels. The new technology could also help make fuel cells more attractive as power sources for homes, commercial buildings, and portable power applications in remote locations.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


Imagine architects and engineers having a robust simulation engine to accurately model all types of energy use within a building: heating, cooling, lighting, ventilation, and equipment. Imagine them testing, optimizing, and redesigning buildings while still on the drawing board to maximize energy efficiency—long before the first cement is ever poured. EnergyPlus, created by a team at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, is a next-generation energy software simulation program for building design that has the potential to America to save billions of dollars in energy costs. The program allows users to calculate the impacts of different heating, cooling, and ventilating systems, as well as of various types of lighting and windows. The “Plus” in EnergyPlus allows the calculation of indirect environmental effects associated with a building’s energy use—such as atmospheric pollutants produced at power plants supplying electricity to the building.

As part of the technology transfer effort, copyright licensing partnerships were established with several entities including the University of Illinois Urbana/Champaign, the Department of Energy, and the U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory. To bring EnergyPlus to the marketplace, a creative, scalable licensing scheme was implemented to address the needs of diverse groups of users. This included coming up with alternatives to licensing, such as no-cost downloads for internal use, nominal cost code downloads for collaborative developers, and commercialization licenses for private distributors.

Available for just over a year, EnergyPlus is being adopted by architects, designers, and builders more rapidly than anyone imagined, with thousands of user licenses issued. The San Francisco Federal Building—a new landmark—is currently being designed with EnergyPlus. This technology benefits both public and private sectors through reduced energy bills, reduced use of fossil fuels, and reduced pollution and greenhouse gases.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The Berkeley Lamp

Developed by a team at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, The Berkeley Lamp is a high performance, energy efficient table lamp designed to save energy in homes and offices, while greatly increasing lighting quality and visibility. The lamp uses two independently controllable and fully dimmable compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). One lamp’s light is directed downward, illuminating the table or desk. The other directs light up toward the ceiling, providing high-quality indirect lighting. An optical “septum” separates the two lamps, allowing three modes of lighting: downward, upward, or up and down together. At full power, the two-lamp fluorescent system matches the combined luminous output of a 300-watt halogen lamp and a 150-watt incandescent table lamp while using only a quarter of the energy.

The patented technology was transferred through licensing agreements with three California utilities—Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), Southern California Edison (SCE), and Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)—along with Light Corporation of Grand Haven, Michigan. To date 600 prototypes have been manufactured, and demonstration projects involving the lamp are underway with a number of companies and institutions including: Doubletree Hilton Hotel, Beverly Hills Hotel, U.S Coast Guard, U.S. Forest Services, Department of Energy Headquarters, City of Berkeley, California Energy Commission, and the University of California.

With its superior lighting, competitive price, and projected energy savings of over $1 billion, high levels of sales are projected for the Berkeley Lamp. By reducing dependence on fossil fuels this technology will benefit the U.S., and in turn the nation’s security.

NNSA Kansas City Plant managed by Honeywell Federal Manufacturing and Technologies

Feature-Based™ Machining Advisor

All manufactured items—from the $2 billion space shuttle to the simplest ink pen—start with product drawings. These drawings are then broken into piece parts that can be manufactured. For more complex products, the process of translating design drawings into manufacturing parts demand precision and high tolerance specification. In addition, expensive materials and highly skilled labor are required. The Feature-Based™ Machining Advisor, developed by a team at the Kansas City Plant, is the manufacturing software of the future. It is composed of three foundational software libraries, integrated with a Windows®-based graphical user interface and runs on a PC desktop system. This package addresses critical problems by providing solid model-based tools to represent and to analyze tolerance information, and to automate both geometrical calculations and the process plan design for machining.

The team’s technology transfer partners in this effort were CADKEY Corporation of Marlborough, Massachusetts and STEP Tools of Troy, New York. These partnerships were successfully carried out through patent licensing agreements and cooperative research and development agreements (CRADAs).

Because the Feature-Based™ Machining Advisor was developed by engineers specifically for a manufacturing application, its reception by the industry has been strong and highly favorable. The use of this technology will ultimately result in improved quality, reduced fabrication, materials and labor costs, with commensurate increases in precision manufacturability.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

DRWiN™ Electronically Scanning Antenna

The Dynamically Reconfigurable Wireless Networks (DRWiN™) is the first commercially available electronically scanning antenna. With the ability to be reconfigured from a very broad 120° beam to a narrow 2° beam, this antenna can scan across the full service area, enabling dramatic increases in network capacity, reliability and noise discrimination. This technology, developed by a team at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), fills the need of wireless operators to provide higher quality and more reliable service to an increased subscriber base.

The transfer process for this technology involved NREL, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University (Eltech), and Paratek Microwave, Inc. The partnership with NREL as the coordinator utilized the design talents of Eltech, the materials and process capabilities at NREL and the materials and commercialization efforts at Paratek.

The DRWiN™ antenna provides a “last mile” solution as an alternative to fiber, cable and DSL. Because this technology is architecture independent, wireless services can be provided to rural and undeveloped regions that lack existing infrastructure.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Direct-to-Digital Holography

As the semiconductor industry continues to reduce the size of its components to maintain economic benefits and increased processing speed, the need to improve production yield rises. To improve yields by reducing deficits, inspection during the production process is essential. This means that inspection technology must be able to detect smaller defects faster to maintain high yield. Direct-to Digital Holography (DDH), invented by a team at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), is an innovative three-dimensional inspection technology that detects submicron-scale defects on complex or simple surfaces. This patented technology is able to detect submicron defects within surface features having aspect ratios greater than 10 to 1, a critical need for the next generation of defect-detection devices.

The team was able to move the DDH forward by entering into two cooperative research and development agreements (CRADAs), as well as an exclusive licensing agreement with nLine Corporation, based in Austin, Texas. Through the partnership, the first DDH prototype was developed, built and implemented in less than 11 months.

Ultimately the benefit of the DDH will be to U.S. manufacturers of semiconductor products for state-of-the-art computing and telecommunications devices. Because the semiconductor industry is worth over $150 billion annually to the U.S. economy, a technology like the DDH can save the industry millions of dollars annually in lost products, energy consumption and waste mitigation.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Molecular Beam Epitaxy for Semiconductor Wafer Development

Semiconductors have had an unprecedented impact on our lives, largely because the industry has steadily delivered exponential increases in performance without an increase in expenditures. That trend is now at risk. Finding and implementing a solution in the quest for cost-effective nanoscale semiconductors has been the mission of a team from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL).

The Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) system uses multiple atomic beams to grow well-defined, controlled layers of materials for studying film and interface properties. Advanced MBE technology has the potential to revolutionize the design and processing of semiconductors, through the creation of advanced materials with properties that can be tailored for specific applications.

The technology transfer partner of the PNNL team was Motorola Labs. A full range of mechanisms was used to accomplish the transfer, including a user facility agreement, procurement of the system, and a cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA). As a result of the partnership, Motorola now has an enhanced MBE instrument system and the scientific and technical knowledge to gain maximum benefit from the technology. This system is giving the company a competitive edge by enabling its researchers to solve critical problems in the development of nanoscale components for advanced electronic products and services for industry, consumers, and national defense.

Ultra-Barrier Coatings for Flat-Panel Displays

A team of researchers from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) has developed a polymer multilayer deposition process and ultra-barrier coatings for flat-panel electronic displays. The coatings allow improvements in materials and manufacturing processes that will help lead to lighter, brighter, more energy efficient displays. This technology has the potential to be used in a number of applications such as cell phones, smart cards, electronic books, pagers, and laptop computers.

The primary partner in the commercialization of the PNNL technology is Vitex Systems, Inc. This company, once a subsidiary of Battelle, was formed specifically to commercialize advanced packaging systems using vacuum polymer technology for the electronics market. While involved with a technology transfer partnership with PNNL, Vitex also formed strategic alliances with companies in the manufacturing industry who were producing display components. In 2001, Mitsubishi joined Vitex as an equity partner, acting as a strategic investor that brought financial, sales, and marketing expertise to the venture.

Presently, the technology from PNNL is known commercially as Flexble Glass™ substrates and Barix™ encapsulation technology, which is being tested by manufacturers around the world for use in electronic equipment. In addition, the technology can enable flexible displays to be used in car and aircraft instrument panels, large wall displays or billboards, and even in fabrics.

Radio Frequency Identification Tags for Tracking and Inventory

Radio frequency identification (RFID), developed by a team at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) are small, inexpensive tags that can identify, locate, and even determine the condition of any item to which they are attached. The tag is programmed with information that can be read by a hand-held reader, or interrogator, and sent to a computer. This technology can be used to locate, secure and deactivate equipment; locate injured soldiers and send information to medical units; inventory and track weapons, tools and clothing; monitor nuclear reactors and material; and monitor emissions from vehicles. The tags developed by PNNL work well within highly metallic environments such as ships and airplanes.

The technology was brought to the marketplace via a company spun off by PNNL, Wave Id, to manufacture, market and distribute the tags. Because of the extensive marketing research work done by the team, Wave ID was able to successfully raise venture capital and form business relationships. Within a year, Wave ID merged with Alien Technology, a company with a patented technology that dramatically reduces the cost of manufacturing electronic products.

Current global security concerns will likely increase the demand for products such as the RFID system. The ability to track and deactivate items such as military equipment and weapons may become extremely important in the war against terrorism. This technology, with its ability to be easily attached to anything that needs to be monitored or located—such as airplanes or ships—will prove to be a vital element of providing protection against terrorist acts.

Sandia National Laboratories

Mongrow/Thermogrow/ADVISOR Systems for Thin-Film Processing

A team at Sandia National Laboratories has developed optical diagnostic tools and data collection/analysis software that dramatically improve the fabrication of devices for networking, telecommunications, solar energy conversion, sensors, and solid-state light sources. The methods and instruments used in the technology started out as tools for fundamental research designed to examine the basic chemistry and physics of film disposition. However, these tools were clearly valuable as routine in situ monitors of thin film growth during actual device fabrication. The team took it upon themselves to accelerate their research to a commercial product in order to benefit the nation’s semiconductor industry.

Sandia was able to transfer this technology through licensing agreements with Thermo Oriel, an optical tool manufacturer; and Emcore Corporation, a manufacturer of tools and processes used to fabricate compound semiconductor wafers and devices. Emcore is also the holder of a joint patent of the technology along with Sandia.

This technology has led to an easy-to-use commercial instrument for measuring growth rates, temperature and thickness uniformity of thin film growth rates. In addition, calibrations that typically take days to complete may now be performed in just two hours.



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